Meaning of Blood in Dreams

When you see bleeding in your dream most often it relates to emotional or psychological hurt and loss of energy. Emotional hurt could mean hurtful remarks, for instance being told we are not loved - these can drain our motivation to live and may be depicted as blood. To dream that you are bleeding or losing blood, signifies that you are suffering from exhaustion or that you are feeling emotionally drained. It may also denote bitter confrontations between you and your friends. Your past actions has come back to haunt you.
For women there is obviously a strong link between bleeding and menstruation. Women often dream of blood or of someone bleeding shortly before or during their periods and when they are pregnant. Therefore in women's dreams involving blood, the blood may depict whatever feelings, pleasure, difficulties are associated with menstruation for the dreamer. Then it can suggest fertility, and can be a painful cleansing and difficult period of releasing the old. The old dies away and leaves space for the new to grow.
Interesting blog. Aren't dreams though 'personal' and therefore it's up to us as individuals to interpret them?
Best wishes,
I agree Mike, but if you want to be able to interpret your dreams yourself, the first step to do so is to obtain the basic knowledge about dream symbol's meaning.
I had a dream about a former pschotherapist of mine. It was sexual and we are both female. I just moved out on my own and I am having problems in my relationship with my fiance. My fiance and I don't live together. I am not attracted to women that is why this threw me off because I was so passionate towards her in this dream. It left me feeling strange when I woke up and I still feel a little overwhelmed by it. I am not questioning my sexuality I just want to know what this could mean..... One more thing the colors were very vivid and the smells very strong.
I just had a dream about an ex from 5 years ago (in high school). We dated for two motnhs, and although I didn't like him much, when he cheated on me, I felt betrayed and hurt. It has effected me in recent relationships. In the dream he was in a restaurant, and said he wanted to talk to me. He put on a halloween mask and was running on tables. My family was with me and they left the restaurant (just two cousins I havent talked to in a while). When he came out, he said "What do you want to know?" "let's talk..." and I said I rather walk than ride his bike, so as soon as we started to walk, I woke up, not getting the explanation I had been wondering for 5 years or so. It was night time and he was still wearing the mask. I dont know if I have ever gotten over it.
To dream that you are homosexual (but you are not in your waking life), represents a union with aspects of yourself. It is symbolic of self-love, self-acceptance, and compassion. If, in your dream, you are not comfortable with homosexuality, then it suggests some fears/anxieties about femininity. You may be experiencing some insecurity in your relations with the opposite sex.
To dream that you are having sex with your therapist may signal your need for emotional and spiritual healing.
Since you’ve mentioned that you are having some problems in relationship with your fiancé, your dream was just a reflection of anxieties and your current mood.
Danielle, your dream points to something negative and disturbing in your personality, daily life, or environment. Carl Jung called such dark figures "the shadow" and said that they represent the negative ego personality and qualities which are painful and regrettable. You may have dark thoughts or have engaged in negative actions and now are experiencing guilt, fear, and anxiety. This type of dream usually symbolizes the most negative and least developed part of you. It may be that part of you that is ignorant and destructive.
Dreaming about human sacrifice can sometimes show some sort of decision, or point of change, where a sacrifice is made in order to grow. It can therefore represent being able to let go of something.
Most monsters in dreams are graphic expression of the effects of past traumas. In general the monster depicts your personal fear, dread, failure, or weakness in the face of outer circumstances or inner urges. It may also symbolize your attitudes, hates, fears that have become monstrous, and turned against you.
Anonymous, when you dream about your ex-boyfriend it means that you have some carried feeling with you from the relationship, and your dreams about your ex will try to work out some way of feeling at ease within yourself about the break. This is especially so if difficult or painful emotions were involved.
His mask in your dream is just reassurance: he was hiding himself, hiding his real face. It also might reveal a secondary personality, or characteristics that have not been visible during your relationship.
Your dream seems like reflection of your broken hart. My personal opinion is that it was not your fault and do not blame yourself, he is not worth it. Be happy and cherish the moment you get free from someone who does not deserve you.
I had an extremely vivid dream a few years ago,it felt like a vision.
But what made it even more significant was that someone i talked to online mentioned they had a vivid dream and then described almost what i had saw! Id never told them or anyone ese for that matter,about my dream. In the dream i was standing in a field,suddenly the sky went red,the grass rotted away and the rainbow in the distance turned black,a voice from nowhere said "the rainbow is the shadow of the sun" suddenly the city way on the horizon crumbled into ruin and the rainbow took the form of a silhouette of an angel. It still spooks me today as it felt like i was shown this rather than dreaming it.
in my dream, i was walking into the AP bio classroom talking and laughing with my best guy friend, "eric", who has a girlfriend, but i've secretly adored him for forever. other people were already in there but i wasn't really paying attention to them. i don't remember what we were talking about, but all the sudden eric leaned in, almost drunkenly, trying to kiss me. i stopped him, though.
"what about kat?" i asked.
he shrugged like he should have been angry but didn't really care. "she had a fling. so now i am, too."
i remember thinking in that instand that all i was ever destined to be was a fling with eric. it hurt for a second before my dream self realized that he hadn't cared at all, and was obviously breaking up with her.
then, still dreaming, i shot a look to my right, as if i knew someone would be there. i pushed eric away and left him standing there looking on as i walked over to "ryan", a guy at our school who stabbed someone, but comes off as nice. we were obviously together in my dream. like, OBVIOUSLY. i think i might have been sitting on him.
the thing is, i don't remember being happy. i don't remember looking away from eric, either.
"this is what we could have had," i remember thinking. "but now you're just too late, however mugh i wish that i could change that."
and i remember wanting tommy and hearing him tell me that ryan wasn't safe, that dave didn't deserve me. even knowing that he was right, though, i stayed. i didn't want to be the rebound girl or the fling, and i didn't trust eric to want more than taht if i came so easily. i wanted him to fight for me. but i'll never know if he did, because then my dream ended.
Anonymous, even though your dream looks like romantic novel and uncovers your romantic nature, I don’t think it has deeper and significant meaning.
Thanks for sharing your dream experience with me.
Anonymous, the FIELD in your dream represents your feelings of relaxation, or your natural feelings. Fields also suggest freedom from social pressure, and the feeling you have about yourself when away from other people, with one's own natural inclinations. A field can also represent an area of activity, or an aspect of your life given to a particular thing. Rotted grass was a message - you feel all the above mentioned is in danger due some unresolved issues.
Sky in your dream represents your mind and the unexpected things that can come from it. It also implies moods by its brightness or dull quality. Things in the sky that are threatening or strange decode the things on your mind that distress you or stimulate anxiety.
Colors in your dream usually show shades of feeling, or attitudes of mind. It shows intensity or importance. It is almost like underling or highlighting things to attract your attention. This is especially so when RED appears in your dreams. Then the intensity is doubly underlined. When you see red in your dreams there are very important feelings being dealt with. Red in many dreams links the strong feelings, even to the degree of horror. So there are probably issues worth exploring when red appears in your dream. It may sometimes be used as a warning, or a way of saying 'stop' or 'no'.
Seeing a ruins in dream represent an old and now useless way of life you led in the past or a particular personality structure that has now broken down or feelings you have abut some aspect of your life.
RAINBOW in dream is a promise of good things, an agreement, a harmony between yourself and your wholeness. When rainbow turns black, you feel the unknown, and feelings of evil being present, absence of knowledge, or ability to see or understand.
ANGELS in dream represent goodness, protection, and the heavenly realm. As a dream symbol angel may attempt to focus your attention on his own divine qualities and the supportive and loving aspects of life. Angels are mystical and spiritual symbols; traditionally they have been the messengers of God. The interpretation of your dream angel depends on your own views.
I had a dream last night that terrified me even after I woke up. In my dream, everything was very realistic and normal. The difference was that every time i turned around, I would find some ordinary object bursting into flames. I remember this happening many times in the dream, but the only object I can now remember was a box of cereal. My parents were standing nearby in the kitchen but didn't seem to care although flames were shooting out of the top. I remember fighting the fire, but i couldn't put it out.
Morag Duvessa, I like your dream very much, it's absolutely surreal and very positive.
When you see color purple in your dream it is usually the color of royalty, high rank, or dignity. It is a strong color that can not be ignored. Purple has spiritual connotations. It represents spiritual and personal transformation. Purple could also represent higher consciousness and spiritual protection. A version of purple is also the color of the crown Chakra.
Seeing pyramids in dreams is ancient and very powerful symbol. It represents the coming together of the world of man with that of God; the material with the spiritual. The purpose of the pyramids was to bury the dead and to assist them into reaching eternity. In this way, the pyramids were holy places and their architecture and mysticism continues to amaze. In order to understand its symbolism; consider your current accomplishments and breakthroughs. If you accomplished a personal goal and feel a sense of wholeness, this dream symbol may be an affirmation of those feelings. The pyramid could also represent larger goals and deepest strivings. Whether they represent fulfilled or incomplete goals, a pyramid seems to be a very positive dream symbol.
Floating through the air has the same symbolism as flying. Floating usually represents your current feelings of peacefulness and general freedom. Carl Jung's idea was that in a flying dream we are expressing our desire to break free of restrictions and limitations. We have a desire to be free and above all difficulties! Alfred Adler thought that this dream was a type of a superiority dream in which we reveal the desire to dominate and be above others. Focusing on the libido, Freud thought that flying was another way to express sexual desires.
The sky in your dream can show what an immense potential you have.
Once again, your dream experience was wonderful; very good omen
Houses in dreams generally represent the dreamer (dreamer = house). The kitchen is the heart of the house. For most families, the kitchen is a place of warmth and nourishment (emotional as well as physical).
Flame could represents danger, anger, passion, pain or fear. Since the fire in your dream destroys , your unconscious mind may be warning you and at the same time encouraging you to alter those things in your life that may be hurtful and dangerous.
Dreams about falling most often illustrate some dark feelings that has arisen in your life from such things as uncertainty or loss of a relationship or death of a love one. What happens in the dream illustrates you drop in confidence, or your feelings of falling from power, grace, love.
ELEVATOR in dreams represents the ups and downs of life, mood shifts or our emotional highs and lows. Going up and down in the elevator may symbolize going from one state of consciousness to another. If you are descending, you are experiencing some negativity and helplessness.To dream that you are in falling elevator symbolizes that your emotions have gotten out of control.
When you see heaven in dream this might suggest you find life difficult, and this is a compensatory dream. It might also be an intuition about life after death; a retreat from life; a meeting with your religious concepts; touching your own sense of harmony or integration; being away from the pain or unhappiness.
he was trying 2 kiss me ... then when he was like 1 inch away from kissing me my b/f put a sword between my friends lips & mine and he gave him the "grrr touch her & u die" look.
also i wasn' trying 2 kiss my friend back he had me pinned down practically and then when my b/f came in i jumped up and ran behind him
Anonymous, your dream expresses feelings not so much of aggression, but of struggle for what is right for you; a fight for your 'space', a fight against urges in yourself, or influence from other people.
Morag Duvessa, the house in some dreams like your with odd interior may be representing issues concerning a particular dilemma in your life.
The maze (labyrinth) in the house could represent your current mental outlook. Simply speaking, are you often confused and unsure of which way to go? If you are facing many hard decisions this dream is a good indicator that you need to step back and look at the entire picture.
Doors are passageways and in our dreams that is their symbolism. Many doors may represent your current choices.
Walls in dreams represent obstacles but since everything is white, obstacles are not impossible to overcome.
Generally, color white in dreams represents purity, transformation, cleanliness, dignity.
Weird Dream... Interpretations?
I dreampt last night that I was at the playground of my elementary school on the tower standing on the edge of the slide when I saw a girl I was friends with walking by with her baby.
(In real life, I had been friends with this girl for about a 8 months and saw her spiral down from casual partying to hard core crank addiction. that was 5 years ago, and I still look at her Myspace page and her now husbands page. They recently had a baby. And I only assume their lives are back on track.)
Anyways, in the dream, she was walking by with her baby I didnt see me so I yelled Hi and she looked up and me. I could tell she wasnt sure if she should talk to me,or if we were still friends. I went down the slide to meet her, walked up to her and said something to the effect of I know that things went bad between us way back when but I want you to know I have no hard feelings about what happened. She looked kind of happy to hear it and we started talking.
Her husband then came up and I hugged him immediately telling him the same thing. He also looked relieved to hear it. We sat in the sand at the playground at talked. They took me that they were worried about their baby and said they compared the baby to an asian transexual singer they saw on tv. We talked some more and suddenly I realized that we had fallen asleep in the sandbox. I was waking up and the sandbox was now indoors and supposed to be a part of my house. I went to the front door to discover it had been left open. I looked up and saw hundred of bats flying over me. I became scared and ran upstairs trying to shoo the bats out. I ran back downstairs to tell my old friends and then me and mike (the guy friend) went into the bathroom and started pulling out our teeth. I pulled two huge round bulbs out of my gums -they looked like flower bulbs with roots and all. I realized I had also pulled out my two fang teeth. I looked in the mirror and the gapping holes in my mouth which were now gushing blood.
I wasnt worried about my teeth in fact I seem relived the bulbs were gone. I just looked at myself in the mirror and watched the gaping holes in my mouth gush blood.
Emily, this dream may be related to discrete or covert behaviors. Your unconscious mind may be relating feelings to you in regard to behaviors which you or someone else prefers to keep a secret. Look and see if you are losing or abusing power and control in any area of your life.
Looking in the mirror means a self examination you may come across, or see, parts of your nature that are the worst side or the best side of yourself. These are the things you do not usually see about yourself. The mirror might only reflect your negative worries about yourself, or how you think you appear to others.
Hello! Great site!
I had a dream that i was saving kittens. There were two of them, they were orange Abysinian kittens. They were in a hole of some kind and I rescued them.
What is the meaning of saving kittens, or animals?
Anonymous, your dream uncovers your feelings about caring for someone or something vulnerable - parental urges, perhaps protectiveness. If you are saving kittens it signifies the sense of security, energy and wealth.
i had a dream that i kissed a friend of mine, i came from behind him, and kissed him on the cheek. we've never gone further than just hugs. i like him, & we have this history of being on and off all the time, especially just rescently. ...what does this mean?
Constant dreams of my ex boyfriend.
#1. He came over w/ a friend, with his daughters, and hung out for a bit..would not look at me...then he left and left his daughters there..and I was like are you gonna back and get them...he would not answer me...
#2 He came to my house and we were sitting on the stairs and he would not look at me, again
#3 He came to my house and laid in my bed with me and then he got up and kissed my friend and he went and laid down with her, then she left and I was like can get 5 minutes of your time, he just looked at me...and I was like I have not asked anything of you and you have gotten off pretty easy I think 5 minutes won't hurt...then I left my bedroom and he stayed in there
just ONE of the dreams last week...
we were at an old friend of mine's house ..he was living in her old house..and we were all hanging out and his new girlfriend was there...but then I got word that Madison (his youngest) died in a car wreck and that my sister just suddenly died. Any help? Please! =)
I have dreams about him nightly. Small, big, significant, insignifact.
I dreamt the other night that he was helping me find an item that my dad needed.
The break up was rough, but these dreams have to go beyond my subconscious trying to ramble through it?
In my dream I was sleeping on a floor and woke up to see some candy bars next to me. They were a bit larger than your normal Hershey bar, and in green wrappers (I think foil ones but they could have been paper). I walked out with them to another room, where I saw a friend of mine looking at some strange music website on a computer. I put the candy bars on the bed in the room and we talked about the webpage she was looking at. Later, having forgotten about my candy bars, I started looking for them. After a few moments of becoming increasingly frustrated, my friend reminded me of where the candy bars were. The dream about ends there.
I keep having a reoccuring dream about being raped. It's probably the third or fourth time in the last month. I remember more from last night's dream than most. I was in a hotel and walked out of my room in my pajamas. A guy made a rude comment about my breasts, then started to rape me. I tried to push him off and kick him, but he was too strong. I had heels on (with my pajamas...), and took one off and started beating him. It paralyzed him. I continued until he was as thin as a sheet of paper. I folded him up (and for some reason had his birth certificate and folded it up). I took both downstairs to a girl working at the front desk. I told her (along with a small group of other young women) the story in tears. I remember talking about going to the police...then this dream ended.
Anonymous, a hugging and kissing are very pleasant dream symbols. They suggest love and tenderness. They are also symbolic of comfort and protection. Look at all of the details in your dream and look for the positive meaning. The only time that this dream symbol has negative connotations is if you were to hug or be hugged by a very negative person or something that you consider "evil." Otherwise, it is a sweet and comforting dream symbol.
Bloody Bird Wing , brains in your dream represent thoughts, and intellectual faculty. It also decodes your potential and perhaps creative ideas. Most monsters in dreams are the graphic expression of the effects of past traumas. They may represent negative forces inside of yourself and in your life. Most of the monsters are representing your own negative characteristics and tendencies. The monster in your dreams could be your fear, bad temper, negativity, or anything else that is hurtful and needs to be changed. The way that you deal with the monster in your dream is generally symbolic of the way you are dealing with the corresponding negativity in your daily life. Dreaming about the school is your unconscious reminder that there is a need for new learning and that you may have not learned an important lesson. Also it may represent the general feelings you have about learning: the attitudes, responses and strategies you learned at school - such as interrelationships, class structure, competitiveness, authority, mortification, group preferences, habits of behavior or feeling reactions developed during those years.
Your LUGGAGE in dream represent things, like habits, attitudes, likes and dislikes, longings, that you carry about with you, perhaps without realizing you are doing so. It can also relate to memories, things from the past you are still holding on to. It might also, of course, relate to feelings about getting away, going somewhere, leaving.
I had a dream last night. There was a stroke standing on the top of a tower. In the hands of the stroke were two blankets one was pink and the other was blue. The stork begain to look down as if it was about fly down to deliverance. What could that mean?
Leigh, when you dream about your ex-boyfriend, it always means that you still have some feelings about him. As long as there are some unresolved issues between two of you, he will continues to appear in your dreams. It also seams that you have not overcame the feelings of emptiness and worthlessness, the same feelings you had when you broke up. That is why you frequently dream that he has not acknowledged you, looked at you or answer any of your questions.
Anonymous, to dream of being asleep, is to be unaware of something. The floor in dreams represents basic attitudes and confidence but it appears without much importance in many dreams.
The CANDY in your dream may relate to something you want desperately or hunger for in a childlike or dependent way. Your frustration to find a candy in dream signifies frustration to find enjoyable things in life, or pleasant things in self or others.
Jewels, dreaming about being RAPED is a nightmare that inflicts fear and anxiety upon recall. Since rape is a brutal and deeply personal violation, it suggests that you may be feeling robbed of options and negated as a human being.
Dream suggests that you are feeling violated in some way. Something or someone is jeopardizing your self-esteem and emotional well-being. You feel that someone or something is being forced upon you. This dream can also mean you are overcome by events, by other people dominating you, or by your own internal unwanted emotions. Rape in the dream can also show fear of sex, either thorough past rape, or from guilt about or fear of sex.
In order to understand this dream, you may need to think about the areas of your life that causes you great anxiety and fear. If you are superstitious, you should take precautions, protect yourself emotionally and physically and do not engage in careless behaviours.
Kate, your dream might uncover some worries you are experiencing in a past months. Chest cave in your dream points to a connection with your physical chest. But most often it shows what emotions, what memories and passions you are storing within you, literally in your chest. You may hide precious and loving feelings too, locked up, or shut away inside you.
Also in your dreams the heart stands for worries you may have about your health. It might not be that you have heart problems, but simply that because of down feelings your 'heart' is not in what you are doing, so there is no zest for life.
Blue light decodes depression; negative thoughts or intuition.
Anonymous, the STORK in your dream represents the soul; symbol of birth or babyhood, and perhaps parenthood or the beauty of the wider awareness of the unconscious. Tower in your dream uncovers your way of standing above events and getting a wider view of them. Blanket is an attitude you are hiding under/behind; an attitude or experience you are wrapped in. In this case the color of the blanket would give a clue to what the feeling or attitude. Pink usually symbolizes health and good feelings. It is a traditionally a feminine color, and some feel that it connotes love. Blue symbolizes spirituality, optimism, positive thoughts, and communication.
Positive and optimistic dream
Thank you so much for your insight.
What is the meaning of loosing a tooth in a dream?
A couple of days ago I dreamt my mother's head was floating in the air. I yelled to her, asking what happened to her body. She told me she decided to get rid of it. I went to her head, grabbed it and went to look for her body, but I couldn't find it, though I woke up before I had much time to look.
My mother is not deceased and is virtually incapable of decapitating herself because of how she is disabled.
What does a floating head mean, and why was it my mother's?
Loosing a teeth in dream often uncovers a sense of loss, or the ageing process as it relates to maturity, so worries about getting older and one's changing image.
There was a place I found behind the walls of a room in this one house and a counch was blocking the entrance. There people were working without pay in a place bulit like a small market. I asked a couple of people to help plan an escape after a few days there except they turned out to be spies and then drugged me and I fell unconscious. When I awoke I played dumb and pretended not to remember a thing. I then escaped alone to tell people of this human trafficking.
Anonymous, to dream of your mother usually signifies the feelings or pains you still feel in connection with her. Mother can represent all we want in a caring and loving relationship, or perhaps all we didn't get.
Any part of the body you dream about has two possible associations. One is a link with the actual body organ or part, and the other is its psychological meaning. Usually it refers to the psyche rather than the body. The condition you see the mother’s body in often represents what you fear or feel about her or other maybe unconsciously. For instance you may be frightened of illness, so dream of a sick body.
Your dream suggests that you are terrified of losing control. In a decapitation there is a dramatic and violent separation of the head from the body. Under normal circumstances the mind controls and directs the body. This dream suggests that you may be under the control of your bodily drives and may be separated from rational thoughts and feelings. Disassociation may be occurring in regard to some behavior or issue in life. However, this dream may have other meanings. This includes excessive concern about punishment and indicates that there may be severe pressure and anxiety in your life.
Oh. Well, I can see how some of that could be true.
ive had a strange dream tonight. it started out with a friend and we both had suicidal tendencies in the dream because we were depressed. i dunno how, but for some reason we were put into the mental hospital. and we were there and to me it seemed like he was the only thing that could support me through this. the truth is i love him in real life too as well as in the dream. so somehow we ended up in a room with water and steam together. we talked for a while and then he gave me this perfume in a purple glass container. i put the perfume on and so did he. i hugged him and he hugged me back but without any feelings. after that scene he started to get emotionally cold and unstable. we then walked for a while in this foresst and i could hear sad piano music playing in the background. i told him i loved him and i dont remember the rest because i woke up probably. what does this all mean?
Morag Duvessa, it’s nice to hear from you again. At a first look this dream seems to be all unenthusiastic and weird. One would think that it connotes self dislike or deep depression. However, there is a lighter and much more positive interpretation of this dream. It could suggest that you are making progress and are becoming a more "integrated" person. Suicide may be symbolic of you "killing" of one aspect of your self. Possibly an aspect of self that is hurtful. You may be getting rid of an unnecessary and useless part of self, and you may be starting a new and a better way of doing things. Either way, you may be experiencing minor stress, anxiety, and doubt, so lighten up and try to have more positive thoughts during the day.
The elevator may simply represent the "ups and downs" of life. If you are ascending, then you may perceive your current situation as optimistic and moving upward. If you are going down, you may be experiencing some negativity and helplessness.
Anonymous, if you ESCAPED in the dream, then you know of some way to emerge from the restrictions of fears, attitudes, ignorance or beliefs that have been holding you in some way. There is a negative aspect of this however, as sometimes we get away from something to run from difficulties or avoid growing.
The person or group you are escaped from represents something, probably within yourself, that you are in conflict with. Such dreams show you parts of yourself you struggle with. Jung called this the Shadow, the aspects of yourself you are upset of, or repress for one reason or another. Enemies in dreams usually refer to some aspect of this. Though it may simply portray something you are struggling with, a relationship for instance, or feelings about work.
I had this dream where I was going on a road trip with a lot of my older sister's friends. When we couldn't decide where to go we drove down a long dirt road in an over-crowded truck, took a right turn and came to an abandoned building. When we entered it we found that there was an eternal staircase that lead to hell. I took the elevator down, along with my sister but when we reached the bottom, we only found a stuffed cat. Parts of the building were falling off and turning into paper.
Aeeris, your dream is telling that you are in some need of healing. The healing may be physical, psychological, emotional or spiritual. By paying attention to this dream you may be able to identify the source of your pain, and where and how the healing needs to take place. Superstition based dream interpretations suggest that if you are the patient, you may be currently overwhelmed by life and should ask others for help. Since your pain in dream is emotional in nature, question the painful feelings and attempt to identify their source. The dream state is usually a safe way to experience negative feelings with which you may not want to deal.
Hearing music in your dreams has positive connotations. Music is healing to the soul, and as you are listening to it in your dream, you may be connected to the wonderful, creative spirit or flow of life suggesting a degree of inner harmony and emotional expression.
I think your dream was also reflection of your love and affection for your friend. So you might try to reanalyze your real feelings for him- friendship or love?
Nice site!
I dreamt that I was having a stroke, but I was actually talking to my husband like I had a stroke. He thought I was awake and it freaked him out. After that I don't remember anything. Any ideas?
Morag Duvessa, it is possible to dream every night and it is possible to have series of short dreams instead of only one. Everything is possible with dreams.....:)
Anonymous, going on a trip in dream is representative of your journey through life. Your dream could represent your current movement toward goals or passage through life. Difficult traveling conditions such as a long dirt road in an over-crowded truck may be symbolic of the difficulties that you experience in your daily journey through life.
To deal with the staircase in your dream you have to develop several major abilities, such as steady balance, confidence, and control of fear of falling, strength of purpose. Therefore, stairs represent many feelings in connection with achievement, failure, climbing and falling. Elevator in your dream means the ups and downs of life, mood shifts or movement of attention. Stuffed cat in your dream represent spitefulness; desire to hurt; hidden aggression; clinging, or 'getting ones claws in someone'. Sometimes the paper in dream is used when referring to a project or essay, so might link with college, exams or work.
Shelly, your dream is telling you should pay attention to your health. At times our unconscious gives us warnings before we are consciously aware of any symptoms. Emotional health can also be included in such dreams, so take care of your relationships and express your feelings in positive ways.
Thanks Spirita,
I do battle weight issues (ever since a severe foot injury 6 years ago) and there is loads of stress. I have strange dreams every night. I'm not sure if it's the medication or just me. One that really bothered me was I got into a fight with this girl who looked at me wrong and cut her. I'm not a violent person and this bothered me.
I enjoy your blog btw.
Shelly, I'm glad you like my blog, thanks. Fight in dreams usually symbolizes anger and confusion that comes about in times of change. If nothing is changing in your life, it may be a clue that a change is needed or that you want to change internally. Fighting with strangers usually represents an internal struggle. Occasionally a fight can express feelings not so much of aggression, but of struggle for what is right for you; a fight for your 'space', a fight against urges in yourself, or influence from other people.
Boy, You nailed that one on the head! My husband and I are trying to break free from the influence of my parents. LOOONG story, but this shows that there is something behind our dreams.
I keep having dreams that my boyfriend is cheating, I was away for 2 months and came home and things are different now, I guess because I am doubting his faithfulness and because 2 of my bras are missing, and theres a towel that isn't ours here. I think condoms are missing but I could be wrong, and he has numerous calls on his cell to his coworkers who were over one night (that i know of) and he gets "insulted" when I say I think he cheated or hint at it and then tries to turn it around on me saying maybe I what could these cheating dreams mean?
Anonymous, your dream about your boyfriend CHEATING on you uncovers your anxiety about not being attractive or lovable enough. It is also a reflection of your suspicion.
Every person has a choice to choose whom she/he wants to be with. In my belief, if you respect yourself enough, you probably wouldn’t let others make a fool of you. Sometimes suspicion (and a lot of other visible evidences) is enough to prove us right.
I had a dream that me and this other guy (who likes me or states that he loves me in reality) got into a fight and he said that he had enough and he cant take it anymore. later after awhile i found out he died and someone told me his heart exploded. I started crying so bad and my friend was laughing and she was like so if he died so i got soo mad and grabbed like a box i am not sure wat it was and i ran off. and i cant remember anyhting else but i woke up crying.
but than a night after that i dreamt of the same guy but he was at my house and we were praying together and after i kissed his head and then he hugged me and started kissing me i felt safe and really good in the dream
help me please i am so lost...and so curious to know what this dream means. Thank you
I think the fight between friends theory is quite possible. I woke up from a dream where I was picking my left ear with one of my pinkies, I don't remember which one, and blood began to trickle down that pinky. But I often have discomfort in that ear. But earlier, several hours before I had gone to sleep, I had chosen not to further an argument with someone. I'm argumentative by nature, but I didn't want to appear insensitive in this case, although my feelings are that the other person is irrational and in some ways unethical. Biting my tongue on the matter is not easy.
Hi, i sometimes i have these dreams that i am having some kind of sexual relationship with a woman. It is not that we get down and dirty but it is enough for me to achieve an orgasm. It ususally involves a lot of rubbing. Sometimes i wake up feeling all steamy and moist. i do not understand why. My ex and i broke up about 6 months ago and i haven't been with anyone since but i have really been craving the touch of a man since my ex and i were always together.
I am not into women but i do not understand why it is happening to me.
Anonymous, SEXUAL dreams don't always have sexual meaning. They are at times about power, control, identity and other non-sexual issues of life. They are simply the extension of your thoughts and feelings in the form that is the most familiar and meaningful to you. If a heterosexual person is having a homosexual dream, it may have a variety of connotations. The interpretation of this dream, as with all others, is very personal and generalizations are difficult to make. This dream may be about loving yourself, especially if the other individual in your dream is a stranger. Sexual dreams are wish-fulfilling, compensatory, or non-sexual, but rather are about issues mentioned above.
HEATHER, argue in your dream could refer to something you are feeling in conflict about and have different but conflicting feelings on. Your dream also indicates inner turmoil. Some aspect of you is in conflict with another aspect of yourself. Perhaps an unresolved or unacknowledged part is fighting for its right to be heard. It may also parallel a fight or struggle that you are going through in your waking life.
Dreaming about someone that you care about died may express your fear about losing them. It also signifies your nurturance and strong family values. Crying in your dream means the release of sorrow, grief, misery, that has been held back, knowingly or unknowingly, during the day. Or it may be an intuitive knowledge of another leaving us.
In dream about kissing, if you are kissing the object of your affection, the dream could be a form of wish fulfillment.
Anonymous, your dream about picking your left EAR with one of your pinkies uncovers exceptional receptiveness to your feelings and intuition.
Thanks. Seriously i never thought dreams could have that much of a connection with real!
Thank you once again:)
I had a dream involving blood last week. Unfortunately, I dreamt of dark blood (bad luck). You are right here: "Your past actions has come back to haunt you", which explains my last-minuteness when it comes to deadlines. I have a deadline next week too. (Obviously, I haven't learnt from my mistakes.)
I had a dream long time ago. I was at a pool with my friends and family then when I went to the pool it started to become red and that's when I noticed that I had wounds all over my body.
Anonymous, the POOL in your dream represents the inner world of your mind and imagination. Pool particularly links with looking into yourself and becoming aware of what you are feeling. Dreaming about your body generally suggests that you are dreaming about your personal identity. The condition you see your body in often represents what you fear or feel about yourself, maybe unconsciously. Wounds all over you body signify your fear of being hurt or some actual hurt received, perhaps from the past. Your wounded body is also a graphic illustration of your hidden worries and your pains. Generally speaking, your dream uncovers your need to be healed in some way.
Color red in many dreams links with strong feelings, even to the degree of horror. So there are probably issues worth exploring when red appears in your dream.
my son has dreams & wakes up screaming he has a bloddy nose but he does not why would he have repeated dreams like that?
Jessica, as children develop psychologically, their dreams follow a pattern of growth in subject matter and sophistication. During children's first few years of life, they believe that dreams occur in the same world as their wakeful reality. Dreams are short, literal, and elementary (usually with only one image). As the child matures psychologically, the dreams become more complex, with more characters and a distinct scheme. Children frequently dream about animals, family members, and other children. They grow into their normal "nightmare phase" around the age of 6. Throughout childhood, their dreams often depict their persona being victimized.
I had a dream that I was lying on a stone table (possibly on the grounds of a pyramid) with an Aztec type Indian with war paint on his face standing over me; -Human sacrifice. While lying there helpless, I observed this Indian tear a bird apart above me and then he began to tear into my body. It was violent, bloody and then I woke up. Please help me interpret.
Herb, your dream signifies surrendering or giving up of some part of yourself; or sacrificing the wishes of others for your own purposes. It can sometimes show some sort of decision, or point of change, where a sacrifice is made in order to grow. It can therefore represent being able to let go of something. Violent dreams are relatively common and may be a reflection of the confusion and conflict that you are experiencing in daily life. Dreams with violent themes suggest that the dreamer has unconscious negative emotions such as fear, anxiety, and anger. If you are not dealing with these feeling consciously, your dreams are compensating and bringing into awareness the need for honest reflection and emotional balance in daily life. One of the wonderful things about dreams if you work with them, is that they gradually show you how to deal with the parts of your nature that need to grow or to be healed.
I was at my new boyfriends house and fell asleep in his arms, some of this is dream and some of it might not be but really not sure. I dreamt I awoke and went in to the bathroom (not his so definately dream here), there was a huge mirror on the wall and at glancing over my naked body in the mirror I noticed I was covered in scratches. My arms, legs, belly, and back looked as if I had been mauled by a cat or caught in a thorn bush. Later he pulled me closer to him and asked if I was alright. I responded by asking him to just tell me I wasn't crazy (this would be the part I'm not sure about). I was asking about all the scratches on my body but I don't know if I dreamed this part or if it was real. Anyway he kissed me andd assured me I wasn't crazy. The whole thing was so vivid I actually woke up the next morning looking for these scratches and really feeling crazy when they weren't there. Any thoughts on what it might mean?
Salemstar, basically looking in the mirror in the dream, represents a looking at yourself, a self examination. That is, in self examination you may come across, or see, parts of your nature that are the worst side of you. These are the things you do not usually see about yourself. But the mirror might only reflect your negative worries about yourself, or how you think you appear to others.
Because your body potently depicts the image you have of yourself, any changes, distortions or collapse of the body image in your dreams suggests similar effects in your personality or the way you feel about yourself. The condition you see your body in often represents what you fear or feel about yourself, maybe unconsciously. For instance you may be frightened of illness, so dream of a sick body. If you are afraid of being hurt (emotionally or physically) you may dream of scratches.
Ok this one is kind of long.
I start out in a huge building with lots of people, two-stories with an escalator but I am in the main foyer with high ceilings. there is a main walkway and on the left there is a bunch of video games. I play one and win money, a bunch of coins that come out of the machine. All of the sudden this guy Bryan appears and wants my money that I won. (I went to school with him and had a crush on him in middle school, then we were friends and partyed in high school and after ) So after I told him that he couldn't have my money he started screaming that he wished that he wouldn't have saved my life in middle school and immediately I had a flash back to middle school where I was walking in to school with my little brother and The person to the left of me got shot. Bryan had jumped on the shooter which prevented me from being the one who was shot. (this never happened) Then I was back in the large room and there is chaos everywhere. People were running and it was war of the worlds (like the movie) The walkway turned into a street and one of the machines was almost on top of me. So I ducked down into the curb and covered myself with a couch cushion. I felt that if they couldn't see me then they wouldn't get me. I tried to get the person who was running behind me to come hide with me too, but they didn't listen and were snatched up by the machines. Eventually I got into this house to hide. It turned out to be in a desolate village with dirt streets and there were people in the town and I knew that they were evil. So I stayed in this house and I couldn't turn the lights on or anything cause I didn't want anyone to know I was there, the house was a little ways out of the town. I was boiling water on a propane stove and dumping it into milk jugs. The water was bitter so I had to boil it and save it up. I was also preparing because I had been to this house in my dreams before and usually lightning strikes, but this time it didn't. At first a lady from the town found out I was there but she was kind. Then one day a guy saw me and got the town rallyed to come get me. All of the sudden I had a little girl that was bald like a baby but could talk and walk like a 3 year old. She was my responsibility and I thought or knew that she was shirley temple ( I did face recognition on the internet with my daughter's pic and it came up as shirley temple and my daughter is almost 2, so it might have been my daughter, but I didn't feel that she was in my dream) So the towns people wanted to sacrifice this girl and I had to protect her. All of the sudden there was a massive dead deer almost the size of a house and all of the towns people and I were riping the flesh off of the deer and eating it. It was like cooked chicken meat. Everyone was fighting over it cause it was war of the worlds/end of the world and everyone was hungry and thirsty. They were still trying to get the girl and in the midst of all this everyone was covered in blood. There was about 5 other children that looked like the girl and since everyone( a couple hundred people,) including me, was covered in blood some how she got away.(picture hundreds of people dripping in blood doing summersalts and climbing over each other to get to the meat) SO we got back out at the abandoned house since everyone was so distracted by the deer and the girl disappeared and my mom showed up in a car. She told me to get in and we started driving on paved highways, but they were all cracked and broken because of earthqukes, So it took us hours to go a short distance. We had to go on overpasses and I saw a sign for Hwy A (which happens to be near my house) We finally get to where we are going and there are a lot of people all sitting at round tables arranged in a big circle, it's like a wedding reception. My cousins are there and some other family members any we occupy two of the tables. When I walk up my cousin askes me if I was mud wrestling and I say no I was blood wrestling ( I am still covered with blood) and then I wake up.
Sorry it's so long, but this is how I dream most of the time. I dream everynight and my dreams are very vivid and colorful. They are often end of the world dreams. I just started keeping a dream journal. The thing about this dream that I can't figure out is the deer blood. So let me know what you think! Thanks!
spirita, can you please explain this? thanks! a while back i kept having this dream over and over. i was always at the same spot on campus with the same people when i get a call from a friend telling me to come quickly to the nurse's office because my best friend got hurt badly. i run all the way there and push through the crowd to find him on the floor bleeding from the back of his head. that's when i wake up everytime! then it just stopped recurring. yesterday i had another dream about him. i was sitting on this bench and there were 2 girls sitting across from me i dont know them and they didnt exactly look human. he was standing at a distance with his ex-girlfriend (who he is trying to get back with but she does'nt love him) her back is to me facing him and i can see his face as she talks and he listens with the saddest look on his face then he looks in my direction and a tear rolls down my face. then one of the girls sitting across from me asks the other why is she crying? and the other points in his direction and says she felt his heart breaking in hers. then they both look at me sympathetically. then i woke up actually crying, feeling extremely depressed. what does it all mean?
Dahlia, in our dreams we experience a variety of emotions. Crying in the dream state generally has the same meaning as crying in daily life. It is a release of negative emotion, frustration, or fear. Due to repression or denial, sometimes people are unable to express their feelings. In the dream state some of our defense mechanisms may relax and an emotional release occurs.
Your dream is simply the release of sorrow, grief, misery, that has been held back, knowingly or unknowingly, during the day.
hmmm ... i guess that makes sense because although his situation saddens me i wouldn't cry infront of him so as not to make matters worse! wow thanks! well i hate to be a bother but what about the other dream that kept recurring where he gets hurt? what's that all about?
This post was helpful for me....
I had a dream where i was in the car with my friends from childhood and my parents were in the front seat and we were laughing and my friend looks over and points to my shirt and says oh my god your bleeding and i start searching to find out where and its from my ears and its these two long streams of blood coming out of my ears and when i look in the mirror my eyes start to bleed to.
When i ask them to take me to a hospital they say they are going to and continue on their happy carride and i wake up.
ive never had a dream like this before and it was clear as day and it scared the living hell out of me.
if you could help me understand it i would feel very greatful
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