
In general, stress, trauma, fears, insecurities, feelings of inadequacy, health problems, marital issues, etc may all be reasons for having nightmares:
Childhood and Family - Present nightmares can be rooted in past neglect and trauma from childhood. From lack of love, neglect, alcoholism, to severe abuse can be the most destructive influence on a person's life. Nightmares may be a sign of such inner turmoil.
Life - The way our life is going and the larger society as a whole can contribute to nightmares. Our perception of the world, heath, natural disasters, finances, crime and our inability to control such events may sometimes lead to nightmares.
Relationships - Our intimate relationships and our daily interactions with people can also be a source of nightmares. Marital difficulties or pregnancy are other possible causes. We may be paranoid about how we think others perceive us or fear that others do not understand and see who we really are. Isolation and unhappiness may appear in nightmares as abandonment and loneliness.
Stress - The way we handle and deal with stress can trigger nightmares. Nightmares are a normal response to unacceptable levels of fear and stress. People diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder frequently have nightmares about their traumatic event, like war, rape, death of a loved one, car accident, plane crash, terrorism, etc.
Work - Stress, job security (or there lack of), change in jobs, co-workers, unresolved work problems, or general dissatisfaction with what we do can manifest into a nightmare. The nightmare may reflect feelings of frustration and an inability to control our work-related issues. People in high-stress level or high-risk jobs often report of having nightmares. Nightmares of this nature may appear as you being attacked, chased, or being out of control.
Having nightmares are normal, but a high frequency of nightmares can be a sign of being overwhelmed and excessive stress which should be dealt with. Nightmares can be an important resource for self-knowledge and emotional discovery. They convey an important message and help clear up the conflict in our life.
why do i keep having bad dreams of my husband killing people or dying?
its really starting to bother me. weve been together for a year now, and its happened 4 times....
To see your husband in your dream signifies your relationship with him and the unconscious feelings you have towards him.
If you are a seeing him killing, you may be reflecting on changes going on around you that you don't particularly like. Witnessing murder in your dreams, foretells much sorrow arising from the misdeeds of others. To see someone as a killer in your dream, suggests that an essential aspect of your emotions have been cut off. You feel that you are losing your identity and your individuality. Alternatively, this dream may represent purification and the healing process. You are standing up for yourself and putting a dramatic end to something.
To dream that you witness a murder also indicates deep-seated anger towards the killer. Consider how the victim represents aspects of yourself that you want to destroy or eliminate. Note also that dreams of murder occur frequently during periods of depression.
To see someone dying in your dream signifies that your feelings for that person are dead or that a significant change/loss is occurring in your relationship with that person.
If you have reappearing dreams, check out my post Reoccurring Dreams
My bf is not sure if he was dreaming or not but he said he had just woken up and he couldn't move his body even as he tried and that he tried to scream and he couldn't he was hearing voices of a man moaning in pain and talking and like if someone was pulling him he also says if this has anything to do with it cause he has in his room the cross that was in his grandpa's coffinn...any ideas of what is it??
Alex Vargas, when your bf dreams that he is paralyzed, it may reflect the current state of his body while he is dreaming. During the REM state of sleep we really are immobile and paralyzed. However symbolically, dreaming that we are paralyzed may mean we are feeling helpless or pinned down in some aspect or circumstances of our waking life. We may feel unable to deal with a situation or that we can't do or change anything. Alternatively, we may feel emotionally paralyzed because we may have difficulties in expressing ourselves. Symbolically, your boyfriend's paralysis may be rooted in his anger and frustration.
To hear voices in pain, denotes disappointments and unfavourable situations.It also means that the dreamer needs to listen more carefully and pay attention to his inner needs.
So, dreams about being paralyzed are very common and I don't think grandpa's cross has anything with your boyfriend's nightmares.
Re Nightmares
It sometimes helps if you ask your nightmare to return as a dream with the message, that the nightmare probably contains, made less dramatically.
Paralysis dreams can simply denote physical exhaustion.
Why does my girlfriend keep having dreams of being raped? It's seriously bothering me emotionally....
Dreaming about being raped is a nightmare that inflicts fear and anxiety upon recall. Since rape is a brutal and deeply personal violation, it suggests that the dreamer may be feeling robbed of options and negated as a human being.
Dream suggests that your girlfriend is feeling violated in some way. Something or someone is jeopardizing her self-esteem and emotional well-being. She feels that someone or something is being forced upon her. This dream can also mean she is overcome by events, by other people dominating her, or by her own internal unwanted emotions. Rape in the dream can also show fear of sex, either thorough past rape, or from guilt about or fear of sex.
In order to understand this dream, she may need to think about the areas of her life that causes her great anxiety and fear. If she is superstitious, she should take precautions, protect herself emotionally and physically and does not engage in careless behaviours.
Dreams of rape are also common for those who were actually raped in their waking life. The traumatic nature of this experience may cause to have a dream like this from time to time.
i have a dream where in a big feet is chasing me and the feet got a sword and words which i cannot understand..what does that mean?
The FOOT in your dreams is foundation upon which your life is built. The foot can symbolise beliefs, upon which your actions are built; your basic feelings, upon which your love rests, and so on. Also your direction, the way you are going.
Being chased in a dream usually denotes that you are feeling something you fear more intensely and are trying to avoid confronting it. More specific, in your dream you are running from your own being and this is not usually a good policy, as you can never get away from yourself.
Daggers, knives, and swords represent significant feelings of anger toward yourself and others.Freud thought that all such objects were phallic symbols.
Please Help Me Interprate this Dream I just had!?
I just had the most detialed dream:
i was sitting in a classroom @ my college and a female stranger is next to me. we are alone but it seemed to be normal. I applied lip gloss and while smearing it moving my lips the lower right corner of my mouth/lip feeling like it was twisting and wrinkled. I could taste blood and it started hurting so i asked the girl if it looked ok.
She gave me a mirror and I looked to see a huge hole under the corner of my lip. I freaked at first then I had a flash back and told her it must be my lip ring. That I played with it 2 much and it over stretched. (I have never had a lip ring) (Recently I have been emotionally attached to 2 boys who hurt me, one has 2 lip rings the other has 1). The girl gave me a cream told me it would close the wound but once it healed I shouldn't try to put it in anymore; that it wasn't worth the effort to get infect again or I could get a bigger scar.
Is this dream telling me to stop seeing those boys?
it's just weird cause when I though about it before heading to class, after I woke up from a nap, I was like that had to be about matt (2 lip rings) and adam(1 lip ring). They both upset me this weekend, and I have recently kissed them both...
who is the girl though?
could I be taking this the wrong way?
What do you think?
i had a dream where three people were murdered, yeah kind of creepy. I saw how they were killed but don't know who the people are. Very bloody dream please help as i am very freaked out and i didn't see any scary movie or anything the night before. btw the killings occured near my home just everything was the same just no city and in a weird country like surrounding
Seeing MURDERS in your dream suggests you are realising that some part of yourself, or your feelings, are no longer expressing fully. In fact you may have killed that part of you by denying it, repressing, or freezing it from normal life. The 'death' may even have been caused by a painful experience. But even so, it still means you have made a decision - perhaps unconscious - to shut out that part of your life. If you are a witness to a killing in dream you may be reflecting on changes going on around you that you don't particularly like.
Blood in your dream may symbolize your strengths and weaknesses and your physical and mental health. If you are currently experiencing a very difficult time in your life, you may have dreams with bloody and frightening images. Don't worry, you may be venting your fears! Some believe that when you see blood in your dream, the distressing situation in your life which is at the root of the dream has come to an end, and the worst is over.
Old dream interpretation books say that if you see beautiful LIPS in your dreams, expect happy events to occur, but if you see ugly or deformed lips, look out for trouble! Blood in your dream may symbolize your strengths and weaknesses and your physical and mental health. If you are currently experiencing a very difficult time in your life, you may have dreams with bloody and frightening images. Don't worry, you may be venting your fears! Some believe that when you see blood in your dream, the distressing situation in your life which is at the root of the dream has come to an end, and the worst is over.
Mirror in dreams is a symbol of vanity and superficiality. You may be concerned about your image and the way you present yourself to the world.
The interpretation of seeing and interacting with a stranger, or strangers, in your dream depends on the details of your dream. Some cultures believe that the strangers in your dreams are spirits from another dimension. These spirits may be teaching you lessons or giving you specific messages.
when I was 16 I had a recuring dream of my own death. At first I woke up freaked out but couldn't remember why, then one day when I did remember the dream it was extremely vivid I remember every detail and realized at that moment that it was the same dream I had been having for 2 weeks. Since that time I dont remember dreaming untill recently I started having very vidid dreams again.(that was 15 years of not remembering any dreams)
recently I dreamed that my x husband had a very young son, and that his older married son was living with me and my new husband, in the dream my step-son's wife and child where not there at all, any to the point of the dream, in my dream my step son murdered my x-husbands 5 year old son and his friend and for some reason told me where the boys where, in the dream the police found the two little boys in the bottom of my freezer wrapped in plastic and duck tape. I was the one who went to the police and turned him in. Ironicly my x-husband can not father any more children, and neither can his current girl friend who was also in the dream trying to comfort my x-husand ...
just last night I dreamed that a man attacked me in my home and was stabbing me, when my 12 year old daughter hit the man in the head with an iron skillet, in the dream it seemed very important that my daughter and I had argued about a problem with the electric in the house (as my x-husband owns the house and is responsible for repairs and my daughter was upset that the electric had a short in it and was making this odd noise.. the entire dream even when the man was stabbing me I could hear this noise being made by the electrical circuts. the other odd thing is that I was scared but not suprised by the intruder, it was like I exspected him to come there and hurt me.. and I found it very important to keep telling my daughter what a good job she did hitting the man in the head to make him stop stabbing me. I kept telling her how proud I was of her?
I keep having weird dreams like this?
Lattrel, your dreams are very bizarre and my experience with dreams is telling me that you are someone who is under a lot of psychological pressures. Maybe something is happening in your life right now that makes you feel very anxious and misbalanced.
Here are dream interpretations you were asking for:
If you are the dead person in your dream, it could mean that you would like to leave all of your worries and struggles behind and begin anew. Also to dream of your own death, indicates a transitional phase in your life. You are becoming more enlightened or spiritual. Alternatively, you are trying desperately to escape the demands of your daily life.
Regarding your second dream, an important thing to keep in mind about the characters you come in contact with or the characters you become in your dream is to first consider how they represent aspect of your own self. Characters in your dreams also represent unfinished communication with those persons in your waking life.
To dream that you are being attacked by someone, signifies questions on your character and the need for you to defend yourself. You are feeling stressed, vulnerable and helpless. You may also be faced with difficult changed in your waking life. To see a pan in your dream, symbolizes your attitudes and stance on a particular situation. It may also represent criticism and anger. it suggests that you need to start accepting the consequences of your actions. You may have found yourself in an inescapable situation.
I had this really weird dream the other night and in my dream my professor was sitting on my bed! He was talking to me, I was on the bed but it was about class matters, but then it turned into a conversation about my personal problems. I'm really freaked out and that's all I can remember!
The meaning of your dream depends on your own experiences with TEACHERS in your waking life. The dream could be addressing your issues with authority and approval. Also, you may feel that you have a need for guidance and new learning. Also dream could signify that you may be feeling inadequate or lack self confidence. Conversation with professor in your dream is your unconscious reminder that there is a need for new learning and that you may have not learned an important lesson.
but what about the bed? That's not anything sexual is it?
No, nothing sexual. The bed could symbolize the bridge between the conscious and the unconscious. The quality and the cleanliness of the bed in your dream may say something about the way you feel about yourself and your relationships.
I had this weird dream... My bf and I werent together...instead of being with him I was with his brother...I was at their house. I was laying next to his brother and he was holding me. However I kept looking at my bf and he saw me. We were both upset. I wanted to be with him and he wanted to be with me.
i had a dream a man was kissing me in a furious way and put his hands on my lower back and i began to feel vibrations. the vibration began to go up and down the middle of my back very unconfortably. I realized i was dreaming and needed to wake up to make it stop, when i finally did wake i could still feel the tingling sensation on my back.
Anonymous, the interpretation of your dream could be found in my post Cheating in Dreams
If you are kissed by a stranger, then your dream is one of self-discovery. You need to get more acquainted with some aspect of yourself.
I've been having the same dream every so often that a big black hairy spider is trying to attack me. No matter where I go in my house I cant get away from it. I just dont know what it means and why its always the same dream.
SPIDER in dream sometimes symbolises a mother’s power, as in the way we are caught in the web of her desires and emotions. It also decodes our inability to become independent of the mother.
The spider can also depict any emotions you don't want to 'handle', want to avoid, or feeling trapped by someone. Very old dream interpretations say that the spider is an omen of good luck! The spider in your dream may be calling for an integration of your personality leading to greater self-awareness and resulting in feelings of completeness.
My post Reoccurring Dreams might give you some answers too.
I dreamt that i was at my friends house and that the ceiling had started to leak a mixture of things from the bathroom (ill let you figure that out!). we went to investigate and she started to tear up the bathroom sink toilet etc. when she found out what had leaked, we went down stairs and she started to trash the contents of the kitchen sink.
the atmosphere was very dark and dingy, it was almost a nightmare.
ps. my mates house is NOT dirty in real life. I didnt feel threatened.
Wow, what a dream...CEILING in your dream represents the attitudes or beliefs you use to protect your identity, the height or range of your imagination or your mental limit or boundary.
Dreams containing feces may be odd but they are not uncommon. Feces represent those things that you no longer need, things that are currently garbage or waste and need to be discarded. This dream may represent healthy psychological progress. It may indicate that you are cleansing yourself of unnecessary and possibly hurtful attitudes, ideas, and emotions. Feces could represent a contaminated area of your life(in your case it might be your friendship with some unresolved issues) , mind, or spirit. Look at the details and consider if the image of feces is in regard to something that you have been trying to clean or if it brings up stress provoking thoughts, confusion, and difficult and unresolved areas of your life. Also the toilet bowl in dream signifies the part of you that deals with your wastes- the emotions you need to discharge.
Told me to post on your site so here goes..
This dream sickened me, what does it mean?
i like a girl at the moment and well i like her that much that i get i love sick weirdly enough.. were not even together and i havent asked her out, shes just in my head all the time.
i keep dreaming about her. and one dream popped up where me her and a lot of others were standing about in a field and i won a prize and was dead happy, i went over and kissed her once on the nose and once on the cheek then she kissed me back. Other similar dreams like this popped up.
Its my fault i havent asked her out yet but the sickening dream i had today was different to others.. infact it was like a preminition..
i dreamed the guy i sit next to at school suddenly is single and wants the same girl i want to date, the girl i like has been single for long time and when i found out his interest i announced mine too and we ended up fighting over it.. this made me sick for some reason and i dont know why..
it seems today (same day) the guy has broken up with his current gf, is this freaky or what?
Jayw, sorry to disappoint you but I don't think your dream has a deeper meaning. In fact, your dream is compensatory in nature which means what you're lacking in waking life, you get it in your dreams.
I also do not think your last dream was a prediction - it was just a coincidence that things happened as you saw them in your dream. In fact, your unconscious assumed something like that might happen.
If I were you, I would ask her for a date. You have nothing to lose if you try. Be more self-confident and everything will be fine.
ok, this dream wasn't really scary, but unsettling....I had a dream that I was in a locker room with thousands of lockers and I couldn't remember which one my stuff was in...after what seemed like hours...I found the locker and woke up. What does this mean?
Savana46, your dream is telling you there are some problems, often of a logical nature, that can be unlocked, if you have the key. Being lost in a locker room links with feelings of confusion, lack of direction or conflict, of not understanding what is involved in the present situation you are in. Dream also can show emotions or physical tensions you use to keep others from 'getting at you', or to prevent your own urges or fears from being experienced or expressed; desire to keep something safe or protected - such as ones honor or emotions; feeling trapped. It could also represent sexual tension. Locks in your dreams may represent those things that are currently inaccessible to you.
You have really good insight with your research.
Me and my boyfriend have been together for 7 months now. It is kinda of a long distance relationship since he is a freshman at college and im still in high school. We are together when he comes back home over the weekend and during the breaks. One night I dream that i was on the phone with him, then he puts me on hold, and i hear that he is having sex with another girl..umm all of the sudden im there and i see everything! He was in some kinda park or something, if that helps. A night after that I dreamt that we are on the phone and that he wants to tell me something but the line goes dead and then i wake up! 2 days after that dream happend, he calls and tell me that i need to look outside my window! And there he is with flowers in his hand... after he told me he wasnt coming home that weekend! Could the dream be meaning of things to come? Also last night, I dreamt that we are lying somewhere (bed?) and he tells me "dont worry i would never cheat on you" and i woke up! I know he wouldnt cheat on me but there is always an IF factor! So could my first dream and this one mean that he could be cheating or something else?? Please help im in need!!
Thank you
Anonymous, understanding this dream may assist you in understanding your relationship and the level of attachment to your partner. Your dream about your partner cheating on you uncovers some fears of being betrayed or your trust abused in some way. It also signifies your anxiety about not being attractive or lovable enough and suspicion that infidelity might happen - lack of trust in your boyfriend.
In your dreams the telephone could be a symbol with which you are expressing a desire to communicate with yourself and with your boyfriend. Your unconscious and/or intuition may be trying to give you messages that you have been unwilling to listen to.
Also check out my post Dreams about Cheating.
I have these nightmares every couple of days! Its me lying down in the bed, sleeping on my right side and the walls of my room are moving away from me and the ceiling looks far away from me! Im left alone in this space and I hear loud noises like someone is yelling and when i wake up i always have headaches! What does this mean?
Thank you
I am new to this site but have been bothered by two dreams that I have had and hope someone has some insight in their meanings for me.
A little history I am a First Nations (Native American) in the NWT of Canada. Many of my ancestors and elders where very spiritual and my mother regularly speaks with spirits. I was living in Southern California when I felt a strong urge to get back to the NWT. I sold my business, packed up my stuff and moved back. Once I settled in I started seeing or sensing the presence of the elders. Okay on to my dreams:
1) I am in a ancient temple or castle (kind of reminds me of the temple of Zeus or the Parthenon) that is strange because it is open to the outdoors. and very beautiful. There are no furnishings just empty rooms. I enter one of the rooms and there are several people sitting in a circle on the floor. They are waiting for me.
I recognize these people but I don't (if that makes sense) they all remind me of religious or spiritual icons like buddah, the dahli Lama, Ginish, Ghandi, Akaitco, etc. but they don't look like what I thought they looked like. I just know they are these types of people.
Anyway I enter the room and we all know that we are all there to solve something. No one says what that is we just all know that's why we are there. First, they tell me that I have to pass a test.
They all gather around me and start lifting me up towards a fast turning ceiling fan. I start to panic and struggle as my face gets closer to the blades. Then a feeling of peace comes over me. I relax and let what happens. At that exact moment, an iridescent dragonfly appears in the center of the spinning fan. I know it as a dragonfly but it looks rather strange and is glowing a soft greenish color.
Once I see the dragonfly they lower me back to the floor. I know that I had passed the test. The dream ends there.
2) the second dream is a shorter one. It consists of me feeling incredibly peaceful and being driven around in the back of a black car. We are driving over lush green hills on a mountain road. I don't seem concerned with wear we are going or where we came from I am just enjoying the ride and the tranquility. I have no idea who is driving the car and don't really seem concerned.
I hope someone can offer some insight or let me know what you think.
Will H.
It was said that posting a comment can get me a dream interpretation. This is a recurring nightmare from my childhood. First had it when I was 8-9, and last had it when I was 20. Long gaps between, but always the same.
It is nearly totally black, but I know I'm not blind because of a faint barely recognized sort of shifting red/yellow light, somewhere in the darkness. The light was the sort that suggested a reflected fire.
I can hear such a terrible noise! Screaming and shouting and steel against steel, heavy hammer-like clanging and dragging chains.
Although I cannot see I feel a sensation of a GREAT metal thing, like a mandrel or axel, spinning and spinning, then I am spinning and spinning against my will. I would wake up suddenly in a sweat, laying very still for a long time.
When I was smaller this dream would frighten me awfully. I have not had the dream for some time now, but the last few times I have I was an adult and although disturbing, much of the fear has been replaced with a curious confusion.
Humorously enough, I now am a blacksmith/farrier XD
Anonymous, your BEDROOM in dream represents your sexual life; to dream of being asleep, is to be unaware of something. It is literally saying there is something you are asleep to, something you are not aware of.
The walls in your dreams represent barriers, some difficulties you are keeping in yourself. It is either something which bars your progress or expression, or is used as a protection from things outside yourself, or from things getting at you. The walls that are moving away from you show you attempting to avoid decision or action. In many dreams a wall also suggests social barriers, the attitudes and feelings people express to keep others at a distance, to keep a separation between those of different social, religious or economic class. The ceiling also decodes the attitudes or beliefs you use to protect your identity or the height or range of your imagination or your mental limit or boundary.
To hear yelling in dream represents repressed anger that need to be expressed. That is why you have headaches upon awakening, your anger toward yourself or toward someone else is so strong that causes you physical manifestation – the pain.
Will H, a castle or temple in a dream may be symbolic of the "cavern of the heart." It represents the home of the human spirit (yours) and the natural self. Dreams with castles in them may come from deeper levels of the unconscious, or the collective unconscious. They may represent spiritual transcendence and the mysterious and intangible force that seems to quietly, but firmly, direct your life. A castle in a dream may also represent the wonders of your self, your amazing mind and qualities. The palace is also the storehouse of your culture and past, the treasure house of your family, social and racial inheritance. You may have a castle dream when you have realized a desire or accomplished a goal.
The people-strangers in your dream represent different parts of yourself and are extensions and projections of your own personality. Also a group of people can depict how you meet the pressure of social norms and public opinion. Rooms in your dream signify the discovery of new talents or possibilities in yourself.
The feeling of panic in your dream suggests lack of control and confusion. To see a dragonfly in your dream, symbolizes changes. It may also indicate that something in our life may not appear as it seems.
If I summarize, your dream uncovers an attempt to deal with difficult questions or problems which life poses. It also uncovers some fear of inadequacy or of being tested, comparing yourself with others, or with the opinion of others. Dream also is a reflection of your doubts concerning capability in life, marriage, or parenthood and stress in connection with a competitive job or situation
Car in dream No 2 represents your ability to move around or your power to direct your life and make choices. Anything that transports you, like a truck, a train or a car, is an image of your ability to get somewhere in life, to motivate yourself and other people. When someone else is driving, you might be passive in relationship or maybe you are being influenced by their opinions or emotions.
In both of your dreams you see color green. It commonly symbolizes the fertility of Nature, therefore in your dream it may indicate personal growth, some new development in your personality. Also, the beautiful scenery signify your feeling and a sense of heaven; clear view of our situation; achievement; something you have made an effort to attain; expanded awareness
Skinfaxi, it is disturbing dream indeed. It uncovers a great fear of being hurt or destroyed. It signifies fear of entering into experiences you do not understand and are not fully aware of, usually past experiences that are felt but not verbalized or made conscious yet. Your dream is a manifestation of entering into unconscious contents and most likely RELIVING the EXPERIENCE of BIRTH.
Thanks for submitting this dream, I was thrilled to learn another great example of how early experiences come out through dreams.
I was watching a kind of parade going down a street but it was a very unusual parade. At one point, a number of large wild cats came marching in precise synchronity. I thought they seemed very unreal, sureal. I didn't realize these wild cats existed (in the dream this was happening in the wilderness of upper Michigan; I usually live in lower Michigan but currently am studying medicine in the Caribbean). I thought to myself that these wild cats were a natural part of the environment and many did not realize they existed. But that they would come out in the open when necessary. They seemed quite fierce and unemotional yet not deliberately viscious. At one point, my friendly border collie went up to them in a friendly manner. I thought that was a mistake and that he may be harmed by the cats.
ok so my 6 year old son had a dream that he and i were married and that we were having sex and had a baby together. Not sure what this means those but dreams can be very powerfull
Anonymous, I do not believe the 6-year old is capable of having a dream with sexual connotation. His dream could have 2 explanations: first, it might be just a reflection of something he has seen or something he has heard. Second, in his little, inexperienced mind, being married and having a baby is a culmination of love, thus telling you what he dreamt about is just his way to express his love toward you.
BUT, if he is able to give more details about actual sex scenes in his dream, I suggest you to take your son to the counselor who will be more qualified to give you important answers about where and why his dream came from.
Who knows something about interpreting dreams?
I need help, I dreamed that I was having major surgery for a cracked rib and that my best childhood friend was the doctor that was going to perform the surgery on me. I even remember her telling me it was going to be 97 stitched long.....Not sure what that means...any help?
Hello again,
In my dream already posted about the "cats" marching in the parade, I feel I need to add something after rereading it. These "cats" are actually more like tigers or mountain lions, or some other kind of larger cat like animal, not one that I have ever seen. And when they were marching, it was on 2 legs, the way people would march. Thank you for any help with interpretation.
veryone close to me are having bad dreams about mom dreamed of my death by dad dreamed of my new house in ruins becoz there is nobody to live close friend dreamed that i had a head injury in a car accident.what does all this mean?meanwhile i dreamed of having mud in my mouth as i climbed up a steep staircase to meet a very close friend, who acted as if he was ignoring me as he was wth some other i came down the steps searching for water to wash my mouth and found him following me down the steps.
is it ok if i copied some of ur dream interptretations for future reference?
Greanwitch, it’s nice to hear from you again.
A group of cats in your dream might represent a group of women and they are relating to the different moods or feelings.
The group of animals is often to do with our relationship with groups of people, social relationships. So the group of hostile cats depicts your own urges or feelings in this area that you feel uncertain about controlling or directing. The group of tiger-lion-like cats can therefore represent: a group of an angry women; or ones mother/a woman as a protector or destroyer; or anger and unkindness; or the power and authority of ones animal strength; or anxiety or fear. It can also represent aspects of sexuality, depending upon how it is presented in the dream. As a symbol of sex it would most likely include elements of uncertainty - will I be attacked or overwhelmed - power and instinctive responses.
I think, but that’s just my opinion, your dream represents the power of your physical strength, of your temper, of your emotions or sexuality; or your love that has become anger through jealousy or pain; or your leadership in social part of your life.
Your dog in dream represents friendship and the parts of yourself you usually keep out of sight but which may express spontaneously. Also, it might be that there is a conflict of some positive and negative (I would rather say hostile) emotions in you. Maybe there is some particular situation that makes the lion-tiger part of your personality more powerful than nice and friendly canine-type of your self.
thank you, once again Spirita. Your message rings through as mostly true for me on a first reading. As is true for all of this, this dream, as many or most dreams, is a message from my unconsicous...the part of me that I am not consciously aware. Therefore, I will need time to consider the inpretation of an objective interpreter such as you in order to more fully appreciate the meaning. I recall that I had this experience with your other interpretation and found it to feel more true for me as I let time lapse in order to more correctly consider the meaning.
Thank so much! Your excellent interpretations are priceless!
Anonymous, having a surgery in dream uncovers that difficult but healing changes are happening in yourself. It shows some emotions, memories and passions you are storing within you, literally in your chest – where the ribs are. You may hide precious and loving feelings too, locked up, or shut away inside you.
Yashi, the mouth in your dream represents the quality of the things you say, literally what comes out of your mouth in words. Dreaming about mouth full of mud could suggest that you regret having said certain things, and need to hold your tongue. Also, the mud could be simply the retarding aspect of your hesitations and fears. It also means that your feelings are influenced by outer circumstances, worries, material problems, or values. Water usually denotes your flowing feelings so when you are looking for water it signifies that you are searching for your capability to respond to those hesitations and fears: but to be more specific, dream is telling you that you are trying to clear some emotions or attitudes not properly expressed.
Negative dreams your family have about you show them that they are feeling very anxious about you or something regarding you. Such dreams usually links with strong and difficult emotions that they feel and do not know how to find a way through.
I had a dream a few nights ago that I was shot by a man in my neck. I watched him fire the gun, i heard the fire, and I saw my neck afterwards. I touched the bullet wound and freaked out, thats when I woke up. WTF is that all about?
Hello Spirita,
I've never had this happen so i wanted to share it with you, so you might give me some insight. Well just about 15 minutes ago i woke up from a nightmare. I was in a park which i know of, i witnessed someone killing somebody so got in my car and drove away, i know this person or thing, is chasing me of course, as im driving away i take this one turn past a red light really fast and hit a yellow hummer head on, im in alittle blue civic and i tell the family in the yellow hummer that we need to leave now. They lead me to their house, (this house has been in my dreams before, and the last time i was in this house i was hiding from somthing as well) i hide in the younger girls room, she looks to be 13 or so, im 21 so im not too much older, im kind of amazed that the parents of hers' hid first, and so quickly, well i tell the girl to hide under the bed and to scream if she comes in contact with the killer (if the killer spots her) i go into her closet after picking up a base ball bat, and when i go in the closet i awake. And i suppose the weirdest part was when i awoke i wasnt relieved, or frightened, the first thing that popped in my head was i need to get back in there and save the girl. Am i a dork? haha anyways whats your thought on this?
Ps:im ussually pretty good at awakening my self in my dreams and controlling them, but i dont do it all the time and i didnt really do it this time, though i believe a part of me is in control but im not taking advantage i stay mortal and in fear through the dream.
JessNelson, your dream uncovers some emotional hurt you received. It could also uncover a great fears or worries about death; it could also means there is a destruction of a part of yourself which is demanding energies in an aggressive way. Your dream is telling you should consider your current difficulties, hostile feelings or serious arguments, which you may have within yourself or with others.
lastnight i had a awful dream that i was staying with some friends that studied ghost & evil sprits &such well all of a sudden i had the "the devil" & someother very bad demon spirt that was with the devil&the devil was following me around trying 2 harm me & i have a 8 month old daughter & in my dream the devil was trying to play with my mind and he would move my daughter to dangerous places in the home, well then the devil was following me around everywhere makin me cry & tellin me who is god. what has he done for u & the devil would follow me 2 the grocery store & i remember standing @ the meat department of the store & fallin down crying askin 4 them 2 go away & the whole time i was saying this the devil was laughin & naming off every bad thing ive ever done n my life & saying how sorry i was & i was worthless he was trying 2 break me down the Why did i dream this awful dream?
Anonymous, the DEVIL in dreams does not generally represent something outside of you. It usually symbolizes the most negative and least developed part of your self. It may be that part of you that is ignorant and destructive. You can determine the meaning and message in your dream by looking at all of the details carefully. All dreams are good dreams in that they bring unconscious materials to the conscious mind. Only then can you begin to effectively cope with the more unpleasant sides of your personality. However, your dream points to something negative and disturbing in your personality, daily life, or environment. Carl Jung called such dark figures "the shadow" and said that they represent the negative ego personality and qualities which are painful and regrettable. You may have dark thoughts or have engaged in negative actions and now are experiencing guilt, fear, and anxiety. Dream interpretations based on folklore say that seeing the Satan in your dreams may be a warning about poor health, and if the dream persists, you should get a physical checkup.
I had a awful dream that started off fairly fishy!! I was with old friends that i have not seen in a while, and for some reason I was in Germany.. On my way back to the Us I was at a friends home not a familiar house to me in my dream!! But i remeber walking down the front steps to leave and I had two lil children holding each hand.. they were not my children As crossing the street I heard a car and I looked back and something told me to run I let go of the childrens hands and I ran onto the sidewalk away from them and the car slowed down and shots were fired!! I remeber the burning from a bullett that struck me in the left arm near the elbow, and then i felt burning in my chest when another bullet struck my left side.. I remember falling on the concrete next to a whit car...I heard voices i clearly remember a voice said shes hit in the heart!! I also remember tasting the blood and me feeling as though that was the end.. I prayed before my eyes closed fully... and I woke up shaky.. and very distraught!! Any meanings?? It happened 2 nights ago, and it keeps popping up in my head!! Its very scary!! And I feel almost worried!! I have no idea WHY i would dream something so terrifying!!
Anonymous, dreaming about being ABROAD, in a country other than your home, in general is a way of expressing particular change, or a different feeling or life situation than you are presently in. Having visited different friend’s houses (familiar or unfamiliar in dream) means you judge their character by the condition of the house. Sick children in your dream sually refer to youthful memories, or attitudes that still live on in you. It seems some of those memories are unpleasant and hurtful.
The car in your dream illustrates the lack of ambitions, attitudes and care that drive you in life. Crossing the street in your dream uncovers the need to choose a direction. It also represents a turning point in life or it may correspond to a sense of indecision, a fear of not doing the right thing. Being shot in dream uncovers some hurt received and fears or worries about death. Bleeding in dreams most often relates to emotional or psychological hurt and loss of energy. Tasting a blood also uncovers feelings of guilt about something.
Although your dream is scary, your death in dream holds in the promise of change or regeneration-rebirth is some way.
i had a nightmare that my family cat and another fat white cat were eating another cat alive..then my mom laughed at me for freaking out about it and she began mocking the dying cat. then i started screaming and the fat white cat pounced on my back at tore up my backbone. that woke me up and i could feel the tingling in my backbone.
Anonymous, your dream about the CAT uncovers your fear of the female in oneself or fear of females in general. Dream could also signify difficulty in meeting feelings and intuition. Also it could mean a sense of danger, stealth, ferocity, cunning and ability to survive.
I had three dreams in a row centered around the devil. Because these dreams were a while ago, i dont remember which came first. In one of them, impretty sure this one came first, i was running from him through an unworldy space, and i was terrified and then he possessed me, but after praying i was saved. I know this may indicate that i have strong faith, but i do not, however, my parents do. IThe other ones i had took place in a much more visible, realistic place. they were dark as oppose to the other one, which was light. one of them the devil was in the form of a black dog and i knew it was the devil, but my sister didnt. i tried to save her, but the dog bit a huge chunk out of her leg. i cant remember if the next part was in this dream or a seperate one. the next part is i saw a man with long black straggley hair walking away from me. He had a long orange coat on with orange spike like things. He looked back at me and i new he was the devil.
I had a drram once that my sister was a vampire. My mom had no idea. i wanted to go to bed, but i wanted to sleep in my moms bed because i was terrified. she, however, was ingnoring me, sitting at the kitchen table. Then i went up to my room and found my old cat dead under my bed. in real life my cat disapeared one day, i cant remember if this dream took pleace before my cat disappeared or after. the dream was in black and white. What does this all mean?
Anonymous, your dream about VAMPIRE uncovers some fear that is draining your energy, ambition, resolution. Dream also signifies a negative relationship that you are not dealing with well, and so feel is challenging your energy or sense of well-being. Your dream also could mean you have feelings about not being independent, but psychologically linked with your mother.
Anonymous, your dream about DEVIL points to something negative and disturbing in your personality, daily life, or environment. You may have dark thoughts or have engaged in negative actions and now are experiencing guilt, fear, and anxiety. Dream may uncover the angers or urges strong enough to control you, so you represent them as an external force pushing you to some sort of evil. In each of us there is also the potential for creativity or destruction.
i keep have dreams of this girl i like. one time i had a dream of her 3 times in a week. its like i had a dream of her today then two days later i have another one. then next day i had another and two days later on i had another one. i never met her before but talked to her online i guess i like her cause her personality
we kinda have this online/phone love thing going on lol.. and i was wondering what does that means? .. one of the dream was about her calling my phone and cried i forgot what she said. second dream i remember knocking at her door and she open,she let me in and we were making out lol. third dream me my friend her sister and her went to get a hotel, she was mad at her sister so she ran to the room and i chase after her and hold her and hugged her. she tried to push me away then she updated her xanga saying she love me then i woke up..i was wondering what does this all means?
Anonymous, your dreams about girl you like occur naturally from your daytime experiences. Your unconscious mind incorporates these topics into dreams because it wants to consider them further in the form of symbolic drama.
It seems you’re thinking a lot about her and that’s why she appears in your dreams frequently. No other meanings.
Last night I had a disturbing dream about a indian and soldier from the civil war times. The indian lived in the woods behind my back door. Everytime I would go outside the indian would brutally murder a soldier right in front of me. I would have to run so he didn't kill me. The whole back yard was stained with blood and it was a very long detailed dream. Does this have any type of meaning to it?
Please Help Me:
I had the worst dream last night: The dream was very vivid and it was about me having good magic powers and these two girls wanted to take my powers from me (they had bad magic powers) but the way to do that was they had to kill my pet cat Romsy (who is my cat in real life and he was very vivid in my dream too). I had found Romsy 3 times in my dream with a black plastic hanger through his belly and I would pulled the hanger out and there would be a round wound dripping with blood the second time the second wound got worse and the third time the third wound was even bigger and worser it seemed as though my cat couldn't breath by the third wound. So each time I pulled the plastic hanger out of Romsy. When I pulled the third hanger out I saw the two girls trying to get into my house through a door and they had a huge knife. I ran over to the door to hold it shut and they broke the glass in the door with the knife and all at the same time they are laughing and I am screaming help. I literally screamed help in my sleep and then my bf of 4yrs woked me up and then I didn't remember any more dreams but my bf said I was having nightmares all night long and talking in my sleep saying crazy things that he punched me and that I was argueing with him in my sleep!!! Can you please help me understand this dream and why am I talking in my sleep and verbally attacking my bf of 4yrs? It is really creeping me out. Thank you
A few days ago I had a dream that my mother was talking to me and she said something I didn't agree with so I rolled my eyes. She grabbed a knife and was going to stab me! My step-dad stopped her and then I grabbed the knife and was going to stab her. Then I woke up. I am really upset about things that she is doing to the family lately, does that have anything to do with my dream?
i had a very vivid dream the other night about my dead dog, in my dream she kept appearing to me, letting me pet her and play with just as if she were alive, only i knew she was dead, and was very distraught over the fact that i knew she was gone, and that i wanted her to be alive, she kept disappearing and reappearing..whats up with this crazy dream
Lindsey, your dream suggests some sort of conflict. You may be scuttling with urges within yourself, or decisions. There can be a drive due to personal growth, to face old hurts, but you are shying away from pain, and thus the conflict. Your dream also uncovers some inner conflicts and feeling threatened regarding relationship with a male.
Jackee5285, it seems you are very anxious, uneasy, restless and fearful and that’s why you are dreaming bizarre dreams. Your dream is just reflection of some issues you are having in waking life, and as I said before, a reflection of some deep anxiety regarding not just one, but few things. In your dream your conscious attempts to direct or control the unconscious, underlying, or even spiritual forces of your being and creates such odd and weird images.
ok i had a very weird dream a while ago but noone could help me on it.
i was at school but not MY school but it kind of felt like it. a lot of people were in a room with me and i had to choose to kill them with something like a fire gun and stay alive or let the other side that wasnt ME but looked like me kill them all including me. mainly there were people i disliked in there but also some people i get along with ok and some didnt even go to school because they were adults. well, i chose to not kill them and i died along with them but i didnt even feel it and they just sat there like it was nothing and they couldnt feel it and somehow i was able to rewind what i had just done and make the choise again. the second time, i chose to kill them all because i thought it would feel good. when they all were on fire, i walked out of the school feeling so powerful. as i was walkin out, i saw people that in my mind were related to the people i killed an they just looked at me crying their eyes out scared and upset. i didnt care though, i felt so powerful and happy until i got off of the school grounds an got to the road. it was nightime so the moon was bright and i just fell to my knees all of the sudden crying and feeling terrible for what i did. i looked up at the bright moon and sky right in the middle of the road begging for jesus to forgive me and if im not forgiven then take my life because i dont deserve to live.
after this dream, it has opened my eyes a lot more and i remember every last detail lik it has happened a million times before. plz help me understand this.
Jay00buck, your dad DOG appears in your dreams because you miss her. If you have loved dogs and been loved by them, then your dream portray this love or caring given or received.
Anonymous, your dream about your MOTHER stabbing you uncovers great aggressiveness, desire to hurt or wound someone, or use cutting remarks. Your dream also represents your own fear of being hurt or dominated, either by your own emotions or those of someone else. It may have its origin in external threat or fear of it. Such dream may be a form of preparation, a practicing, to ready you to defend yourself or find an escape from the threat or an appropriate response to it. Your dream is definitely a reflection of your worries and anxieties regarding your mother’s behavior you do not approve.
Anonymous, your dream about KILLING people uncovers very deep anxiety as well as hopeless and helpless feelings within you. Also when you are killing someone in your dream, you are probably expressing hostile and destructive feelings toward others as well as guilt for having such a negative emotions.
Crying in the dream state generally has the same meaning as crying in daily life. It is a release of negative emotion, frustration, or fear. Overall your dream uncovers a need for you to eliminate something of self or repressed anger.
I've been having some strange dreams over the past two weeks... and they're all involving death in some way.
I've had dreams about my cousin and grandfather dying (they both actually died this past summer), another dream where it was that cousin who really died but I was calling her by another name, another dream where another cousin (who is a sister to the one who passed away this summer) died the night before her wedding and we still celebrated the wedding with her there- open casket at the back of the church and then finally a dream where I was at my grandfather's funeral and my Dad (who passed away in 1996 of cancer) showed up and said the reason he had left was because he felt we didn't need him in our lives and I couldn't stop crying in that dream.
Obviously there is more to these dreams and I remember them clear as day but I'm confused as to why all these dreams involving death? I can't seem to get a quiet nights sleep. Any help?
hello spirita,
Ive dreamt that I was at my highschool and I was sitting were I usualy sit with friends. And this blue jet fighter suddenly appeared in the sky and started firing missles.
what can this mean . thank you
Anonymous, dreaming of someone who is DEAD, a relative or loved one is quite common. After all, the person may have played a big part in your life, as for instance a father. Therefore the influence of their existence is still very much a live in you.
As an example of this, you will probably be able to realize that some of your traits, some of the ways that you think or respond to things, have arisen because of the way you related to the person you dreamt about. So in many cases the dead person indicates the feelings you have about, the traits you still have alive in you from them. When someone close to you dies you go through a period of change from relating to them as an external reality, to meeting and accepting them as alive in your memories and inner life.
Some dreams of dead people are expressive of attempts to deal with feelings, guilt or anger in connection with the person who died or your own feelings about death.
When you dream about the casket means that thoughts and feelings about death are in the background of your mind, and dreaming of a coffin suggests you may be exploring how you relate to death. Same as when you dream about the funeral. This can reflect concerns about death, perhaps because someone close has died and confronted you with death. Death is an important aspect of our existence, and drams use such a dream to explore the subject, and find greater wholeness and healing. As long as you can not accept death as an inevitable part of life, it will continue to appear in your dreams.
Anonymous, your dream about MISSILES signifies inner conflict. You are facing confrontations in your waking life. The dream may be trying to tell you that you are being too aggressive or that you need to express your aggression more directly. You are also feeling ambivalent - not sure how to feel or how to react. The missiles in your dream represent an eruption of emotion. You are probably feeling extremely anxious about something - perhaps imagined fears or attacks on you. The attack may also depict a threat from new ideas or threatening opinions, or something that 'descend out of the blue'.
I just woke up from a dream i never want to dream again hehe. I think me and my boyfriend got married and we were in his apartment (which is weird since he lives in a house, but in the dream i had a feeling that it was his apartment). We were sitting and talking about something and all of the sudden my ex-best friend shows up! They go together in the room and have sex while im over here FINE WITH IT! Im in the another room talking online with someone and i hear everything thats going on in there. A couple of minutes later i go in there and tell them to keep it down!!! UMMMM??? YEAHH UMMM IM CONFUSEDDDDD!! The bed in the room did look familir though. It looked like a bed that i slept on while I was visiting my grandparents in Europe. Im intrested to see what all of this mean hehe..
Thank you
Anonymous, many dreams come from the private unconscious and are a reflection on thoughts, fears, desires, issues or are a response to stressful or anxiety provoking situations. In the dream state the individual confronts his fears and from there may begin to deal with the situation on a conscious level. Dreams about CHEATING are connected to feelings of inadequacy or dissatisfaction. It could be telling you something about the relationship that you have with yourself by giving you clues about the nature of your unconscious.
Lately I've been having this recurring nightmare where I'm in this huge mansion with my 'friends' but I've never even met them before. My dream self considers them to be my best friends though. Anyway, I go to my room, and I'm so happy because I got this room. It's the darkest room in the house. I can remember everything about it, even the feel of the walls. There are these 4 mirrors hanging from the ceiling on the 4 corners of the bed. I walk around and turn them all and adjust them, but as I get to the last one at the top right corner of the bed, I turn it and theres a pale ghost white face of a woman in it. I turn the mirror and her eyes open and they are blood red. Slowly she smiles revealing fangs and she reaches her hand out of the mirror and she has these long claw-like things. I back away and run to the door but the handle sinks into it before I get there, and it's too thick to bust down. There are no windows or anything, so I back into a corner as she comes out of the mirror and starts coming towards me. She's wearing this old tattered dress, but it's like transparent like her, like she's a ghost almost. The lights flicker out so it's pitch black except for her approaching red eyes. Usually it cuts off there. But lately she's been getting closer and closer before I get woken up. You know how in dreams you never actually KNOW it's a dream until you wake up? No matter how rediculous it may seem. Well I knew I was dreaming, I don't know how but I knew it, and I knew I would be waking up anytime now. Well she kept getting closer and as she was about 3 feet away, I tried to wake myself up she said in this raspy voice that still chills me to the bone, "You're not escaping me this time, Nobodies there to wake you up, you're all alone and no one is going to save you." It's Saturday so I didn't have school and my mom didn't wake me up (My alarm hasn't been able to get me up when I have this dream). This time, she kept getting closer. Finally though, I woke up because I was apparently thrashing in my sleep so much that I fell out of bed and hit my head on my bedside table causing it to bleed a little. I got up and went to the bathroom to get a band-aid and I saw a note on the counter from my parents saying they were gone to my aunt's house and would be back later. She knew. The thing in my nightmare knew they weren't there. She knew they wouldn't be home to come and wake me up. And it couldn't have been my subconcious acting on something they told me, because it was a last minute little trip. They told me when they got home since I asked if they had told me the day before that they were going. So she knew. I'm terrified to go back to sleep now. It's been almost 24 hours since I've slept any. I believe that saying if you die in your dreams then you die in real life. So now I don't know what to do. I just know she's waiting for me to fall asleep...and I'm scared that she might be able to get me this time. What do I do? Or what does this mean?
Sapphira1212, it is not true what you said about dying in dream, I heard people are talking about that happening but I do not believe that’s true. People are dying in their sleep due to sickness and illness not due to bad dreams, please keep that in mind. Regarding the ghost lady, I would rather say more likely the ghost is representing a part of you that is unclear and that you do not understand. Demonic type of ghost images may represent your negative tendencies, unpleasant parts of personality or your "shadow." Old superstition based dream interpretations say if you were very frightened by the ghost in your dream, then others will try to impose their will on you and you must be watchful and cautious in order to stand up to it.
Last week, (or 2 weeks ago) I kept getting these terrible dreams of being attacked by an orca whale and narrowly escaping being eatan by one! I don't have any fears of fish or whales... but these are freakin scary! Do you think this has a meaning?
Aurora Borealis, for most people, dreaming about whales is a pleasant experience. But, if you dream the ocean waters were turbulent, and the whale in your dream was unpredictable or on the attack, you should consider the emotional environment in your every day life. Under such unpleasant dream circumstances, these large animals may represent overwhelming emotional or psychological issue and problem.
my boyfriend and i are fighting about something and last night,i'm dreaming of him that he was having a sex to his ex girlfriend,and he said he dont love me anymore.when i woke up in the morning he dont give me a call or even a message, i was thingking if my dream is true, i was confusing because others said dream is true or a sign?
Anonymous, your dream about your boyfriend CHEATING, uncovers your anxiety about not being attractive or lovable enough. It also portrays your suspicion and lack of trust.
If you ask me, I don’t think your dream was a sign. Every couple has ups and downs in their relationship, that’s normal and there is no reason not to discuss and resolve painful or unpleasant issues between two of you. Your dream was just a result of your fear of being abandoned if you speak your mind freely.
Hi Spirita,
I'm hoping you can help. I've been having really weird dreams/ nightmares for the past number of months and I'm just wondering if you can help interpret this one.
Last night I had a dream that I was in a bedroom with a cousin of mine (who passed away this summer) and we were just talking about nothing in particular and she was playing a game of cards rather intently. It's hard to explain but in the dream I knew that she was going to die this Friday (it was Monday) but I didn't want to tell her in case she didn't know. She turned to me and told me that she had gone to a psychic and had her tarot cards read and the cards told her she was going to die on Friday. I got really upset because I couldn't believe the person told her that but she was okay about it and just kept playing cards. She said her only problem was that people were not going to know how she led her life. I told her that if she wanted she could confess to me everything she has done and that way she'll have a clear conscience. She agreed to it but kept playing cards for awhile and since she wasn't talking I got really sleepy and began to doze off. Then I was with a friend who was close to her as well and telling him what had happened and he commented that he wondered if she was a Watcher now and said something else about it being trouble...
Any ideas on what this means? I've been having many dreams about this person over the last number of months.
Can't Sleep, your dream is interesting experience. It seems you’re able to foresee fate and unexpected or unplanned events in life.
Generally, this dream about dead cousin could also portray your skill at social life and coping with what life 'deals' you. Sometimes this type of dreams is associated with the devil or bad luck.
my son had a couple of dreams about spiders in his bed why would he dream something like that it has happened a few times.
Jessica, as children develop psychologically, their dreams follow a pattern of growth in subject matter and sophistication. During children's first few years of life, they believe that dreams occur in the same world as their wakeful reality. Dreams are short, literal, and elementary (usually with only one image). As the child matures psychologically, the dreams become more complex, with more characters and a distinct scheme. Children frequently dream about animals, family members, and other children. They grow into their normal "nightmare phase" around the age of 6. Throughout childhood, their dreams often depict their persona being victimized.
I've had a recurring dream over the years, although it has become much less frequent. I think it comes under the heading of "night terror". It typically goes like this:
It's nighttime. I'm in a large, deserted building, such as a warehouse. It's dark or dimly lit inside. I suddenly experience a sense of dread or terror from some unseen threat. I begin running, then I wake up breathing hard & with my heart racing.
Anonymous, the WAREHOUSE in your dream represents your memories, past experience, aspects of yourself put in storage, such as ambition. Senses of terror you’re experiencing in your dream portray inability to face or cope with emotions, fears, ideas or urges and memories. It is important to find where you felt that sort of terror in the past. This releases its hold on you. This is not easy, because many memories have never been verbalized. One of the wonderful things about dreams if you work with them, is that they gradually show you how to deal with the parts of your nature that need to grow or to be healed. They show how to meet the parts of yourself that need release, or to be understood or healed. If it takes courage to meet these buried or painful parts of yourself, then your dreams will gradually take you on a journey that helps you to unfold your resources of courage. You will be enabled to face your fears, and in fact gain power and instruction from them.
The pictures you use on your blog are awesome! You must be an artist. They fit perfectly and are so unique. Great site.
Thank you very much Raya :)
I was taking a nap today and had a dream that my bf and I were driving somewhere. We JUST missed getting hit by a semi that was going out of control, and ended up in the other lane, and then crashed in the trees. He turned around and said he was going to help them out. There turned out to be another semi that had already crashed just down the road. The two were pretty much identical. After we got there to help, I dont remember him being in the dream anymore. Both of the people in the dream ended up having heart attacks, and were in severe conditions. There was a lot of blood and things in the dream, and a lot of people there to help. When we first got there, there were people carrying the injured truck drivers to safety. It was pretty scary, and I would classify it as a nightmare because I woke up afraid. My bf and I got into a pretty long arguement last night, and I fell asleep crying, I was wondering if this ties in, or what the interpretation for this dream might be.
me and my boyfriend have been together for almost a year. I keep dreaming that he is going to give me a ring for our 1 year anniversary. I dreamt that twice. In one of the dreams i saw a complete describtion of a ring (a huge diamond on the top lol) what is all this suposed to mean??
thank you very much!
Anonymous, the RING may be symbolic of your commitments and promises. The ring can be seen from a larger point of view as a circle, which is a symbol of completion and wholeness. Dreaming about diamonds may have several different meanings. It could represent love and money, as well as universal truths and spiritual consciousness. The diamond is an object of desire and symbolizes those things that are most valuable to you. Your dream is telling you how valuable your relationship is
I have had the same dream 4 times in my life, and it scares me so badly that now at 26 I dread the time I ever have it again. My paternal and maternal grandmothers are in rocking chairs facing different directions, and between them is a small round glass table with a single white rose. I am ALWAYS a little girl in this dream, and I want to give the flower to them, so I walk over and pick it up. As soon as I do, a large hand comes from behind me and begins to squeeze my fingers until the thorns in the rose bring blood from my skin. I start to cry, and when I turn around, my mother's stepfather is behind me, and he looks so dark and evil. This makes so much sense now that I'm an adult, because I found out after my grandmother died that he had abused her for years. My family has cut off all ties with him, but I had this dream again a year ago and it put me into a bout of anxiety that I'm just now getting over. I have a feeling there might be repressed memories, but everytime I've gone to a professional to be hypnotized or regressed, I stop and 'wake up' as soon as any talk about my mother's stepfather begins. Is there any way I can break through this and actually face him in my dream? I always wake up when I see his face. Thanks so much for any advice you can give me.
Anonymous, this is a very disturbing dream indeed. I believe you were very scared. You were right saying this nightmare was a form of anxiety dream and I think it was definitely triggered by past traumas you have experienced in your childhood and deeply repressed. Although frightening this dream may carry a specific message and bring up long-buried issues.
To my personal opinion you are not ready to confront the abuser in your dream. Keep in mind that talking about a nightmare strengthens the image and increase the level of your anxiety. This makes the memory scarier, and the dream is more likely to recur. If you remain calm, and encourage yourself to think about something more pleasant, you help the memory of the dream to fade away (just like most of our dreams do…). When the images of your dream fade enough (you will recognize this moment by feeling less anxious) you will be ready to confront the person in your dream. Check out my post “How to incubate your dream” it might help.
Good luck
While in the past I've had nightmares about everything from being trapped, raped, falling, and my mother shooting herself in the head in front of me, lately they've only been about zombies. Now that I'm older, most of my nightmares are about zombies, and I will have multiple zombie dreams a night.
In my dreams I'm always trying to hide or get to a new spot to avoid them, and the zombies themselves have different characteristics in each dream. Also, there is almost always a random person that I don't know helping me out, or hiding with me (usually female). The dream ends with me being completely surrounded and my death or "infection" is inevitable. However, I never actually get bitten (I make myself wake up before that point), and I never run into any zombies of people I knew while they were still alive.
I have a diagnosed panic disorder, and I hate zombies and have an irrational fear about them, but my life is peaceful right now, and nothing really seems out of place.
Anonymous, a threatening zombie always represents your subconscious fears. Dreaming that a zombie is after you can also mean you feel or fear that someone is threatening you in real life—emotionally, mentally, or physically—or it could just be that you're having a toxic or anxiety dream. Please check out my posts "Determining Your Dream Type" and "Anxiety Dreams".
i had this horrible dream yesterday of my brother hurting my sister. He was screaming like he was possessed by something evil. my sister was bleeding by her mouth and she looked like she was going in and out of consciousness. i was holdin her in my arms. there were other people in the dream but they didnt say anything. except my mom i think, but she was screaming stop it..
when i woke up my boyfriend was like did you have a nightmare because you were screaming No, and stop it. i just wanted to know. why could he hear me screaming? and what does the dream even mean?
I had a dream (or rather, nightmare) that my only friend ignored me and seemed like she hated me, then I got a message saying she had comited suicide. i can see how this happens as she was telling me she was considering it, but I woke up shaking in tears and 10 minutes later I started throwing up. can dreams cause this, or is it just a coincidenc/
Hi, any help would really be appreciated.
I am a female of 20yrs old and I have had these recurring zombie dreams for probably about a year now.
the location of where I am changes, sometimes I am in the house where I am living now and sometimes I am in locations I do not recognise. I am either on my own or with other people (who I usually do not know).
The zombies are horrifying and chase me to try to kill me. However, in my dream last night, they killed other people before they tried to kill me.
I always run away or try to hide by locking myself in a room. Occasionally, I have been locked in a room and am trying to escape the building without them noticing. When I do run away, I usually feel helpless. I have only ever tried to kill them once or twice.
I have always woken up before being caught.
i really hope you can help. Thank you :) x
Dear Spirita,
I do not understand why I've been getting frequent nightmares. I'ts been a year when this first got started. This is how I see it. I can feel my soul going away... and then its trapped... inside my body... I can see total darkness... almost like the darkness has hands and is holding my soul keeping it from returning to my body. I can feel myself fighting to go back to my body... but my body feels numb. I can hear my conscious saying wake up! you are having a nightmare! WAKE UP! Sometimes I hear a demonic voice saying Don't wake up. YOU'LL NEVER WAKE UP... and slowly but surely my eyes would begin to open [ a small tiny bit] and then, with force, I "return" and I wake up startled.
There are times when my neck or head twitches when I fight to come back to the real world.
Please help me!
Sincerely, Patty.
I have had nightmares every since I was a little girl, I had horrible things happen when I was young, but so much good is in my life and I have dealt with my past, and it never really comes up. So why won't they go away. Every night mare is so violent, in them someone close to me is being brutally murdered, sometimes by this evil presence I get in every dream, them as they are dying and starting to pass I see my face inplace of theres. Or in I will be trapped. I have had dreams where I am trapped under dead bodies. There seems to be no end.
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