Healing Dreams

We can actually receive a diagnosis through a dream. Hippocrates and Aristotle said that dreams can reveal our illnesses. Medical information can come to us in dreams even before we exhibit symptoms, because the body and mind are aware of disturbances which might be too subtle to be detected by a medical exam or our wakeful awareness.
Dreams can help us avoid potential health problems and help us to heal when we are ill. When we ignore aspects of our functioning, our dreams will redress the balance by giving 'symbolic' expression to these aspects, while at the same time attempting to give healing for the 'conditions' which cause us to ignore these aspects in the first place.
If the messages and healing in dreams are constantly ignored or blocked we may develop a physical problem in an area affected by the imbalance. This allows us to predict from dreams the physical problems a person will develop far in advance of any physical symptoms. More importantly, our dreams show us what has caused us to be the way we are. With this knowledge we can address the cause rather than the symptoms of an illness.
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