Chase Dreams

The attacker who is chasing us in our dream may also represent a part of ourselves. Our own feelings of anger, jealousy, fear, and possibly love, can assume the appearance of threatening figure. We may be projecting these feelings onto the unknown chaser.
To dream that we are chasing someone means that we are attempting to overcome a difficult goal or task. We may also be expressing some aggressive feelings toward others.
I want to ask what is the interpretation of my dream where in i was being chase by a feet with a blade. I have been dreaming about this over and over for the past nights.
The FOOT in your dreams is foundation upon which your life is built. The foot can symbolise beliefs, upon which your actions are built; your basic feelings, upon which your love rests, and so on. Also your direction, the way you are going.
Being chased in a dream usually denotes that you are feeling something you fear more intensely and are trying to avoid confronting it. More specific, in your dream you are running from your own being and this is not usually a good policy, as you can never get away from yourself.
Daggers, knives, and swords represent significant feelings of anger toward yourself and others.Freud thought that all such objects were phallic symbols.
Carolyn, thanks for sharing your dream experience with me. Your dream is absolutely typical chase dream and as you see in my post, being chased in a dream usually denotes that you are feeling something you fear more intensely and are trying to avoid confronting it. Your dream is telling you that you are trying to escape from some emotion, some fear, worries, etc. When you are running to escape rape this can mean you are overcome by events, by other people dominating your, or by your own internal unwanted emotions. Rape in the dream can also show fear of sex.
If I were you I would consider chase dream as a promise of change or regeneration-rebirth is some way.
When I was young I had a dream my Grandpa was chasing me and trying to kill me. First he was chasing me in a car and then by foot. I have always seen my grandpa about once a year. He is kind of cold, but he is not mean. He just always seems like an uncomfortable person. What does this dream mean?
Anonymous, your dream about GRANDFATHER either is reflection of the feelings you have about him in waking life, or represent the characteristics in your nature that have arisen from this relationship. Your grandfather could also represent an authority figure, as well as your introverted aggression, dominance by fear of other people’s authority or feelings of not being loved enough.
I had this dream years and years ago but I can still remember the main part of it. And to tell the truth every time I think of it I get on the verge of crying or being scared.
I cant remember a lot of the dream but I remember some of bear with me.
I dont know the town I was in but it was really dark outside and there are people everywhere. Most of the houses are two stories and most of the people I know. Through out the whole dream I am being chased by a person dressed in all black. I can remember running though one of the houses yelling for help and I vaguly(right spelling?) remember asking someone for help and they kind of just stood either they couldnt see me/understand me/ or even didnt know what I was talking about. I then remember running down the street. And while doing this people are everyone in the street, walking out of their house, and generally just standing around. I can't remember if any ever talked to me and offered to help but I want to say they did while I was in the street...but cant say for sure.
I dont want to say this was a nightmare as it didnt scare me when I woke up. I didnt even really remember it untill I found this site. Before then I think I could only remember it time to time.
Anonymous, being chased in a dream usually denotes that you are feeling something you fear more intensely and are trying to avoid confronting it. Your dream might be showing you what you do not acknowledge as causing anxiety. The person in black represents the unknown, what you are unconscious of, feelings of evil being present, absence of knowledge, or inability to see or understand. People in your dream signify the connection between your relationships or feelings about the social environment you live in; it also means you have a feeling of being unlooked and need to be acknowledged and accepted.
I just woke up. Had a running away dream again. I was meeting my boyfriend at my grandma’s house and my father saw us and got angry and took me away but when my boyfriend went to get me my father put some kind of magic spell or something on him so he cannot move. He will only be able to move when the house keeper reads something or I don’t know, if she does something. And she did but my father went back to the house to ‘get rid’ of my boyfriend and got really angry when he didn’t find him there. My boyfriend went out to find me and we are both running and running because my father is looking for us. I went to the market to talk to some of my friends who can help me. My boyfriend kept running away from my father and at the same time to find me.
Weird dream!! My father in the dream is not my real father but an actor. Same with my boyfriend and all other people are stranger to me but in my dream they are my friends. Really weird…Woke up scared and tired again…
Anonymous, this dream portrays your fear of being judged by other people, especially your father or other authority figures. It could also mean you feel somehow uncertain about the choices you have made and the choices you still make regarding your boyfriend and your relationship.
I've had three dreams where I'm being chased. Always by a man, and he tries to murder me. But, someone always tries to help me from being killed by that man. First it was my mom who tried to help me, then my father and my friend helped me in my last dream. And the person trying to kill me is always different, like, in the first dream he was a young guy with a "partner" and they were chasing me. And it was close to my house. In my second dream it was one of my male neighbors trying to kill me with some weird device and I tried to get away so he chased me. In my third dream it was some older guy who had a problem in his leg and he killed two friends of mine before he started to chase and murder me.
I've had another dream, too, where a talking cat tried to kill me? =|
I seem to have a lot a dreams where I get killed.
I've even had another dream where I died in this sort of beaufitul, magical looking place; and the last person I talked to was my father. Ten years later I was reincarnated as a bird and had the job of making people happy, even though my family didn't want to see me anymore because it made them sad that I wasn't really me. And my boyfriend didn't believe it and he found another girl and didn't want to see me either. But since my job was to make other people happy, my "boss" who reincarnated me and also could take the form of a bird said my first job was to make my boyfriend happy. Then I woke up. .
Hi..I am having this kind a dream since very young, like chased by someone and most important thing I have noticed is I cant run very fastly. I am struggling hard to run fast but I felt as If like a slow motion and the one who is chasing me can run real fast. I cant see actually who is chasing me but the whole dream is I am running....just running and have a fear kind a feeling to just get out of this person and run real quick to the destination. This same kind of dream but the places all the time change like sometimes I will b in mountains running...sometimes in the sea and sometimes on the land. i have also dreams like death of many of my relative and that dreams also got repeated...i got really scared by those dreams. Also strange thing that sometimes when I was very young i used to walk in my dreamsnot so far but like moving from one room to the next room. i dont know why. I felt that sometimes I sleep without dreams very good in the daytime but at night why such dreams are coming...what is the reason. Is there any way that I can solve it.
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