Telepathic Dreams

Hobbes (Bill Watterson's comic characters Calvin and Hobbes)
Telepathic dreams are dreams that carry a message from one person to another. We tend to have this type of dream with someone we are very close to. This type of communication has no barriers, through space and time. This is unspoken knowledge, to connect ones thoughts to another's in dreams. It is the special communication that is shared on a regular basis between soul mates. Conscious or unconscious, thoughts are a projection of energy. We may send our own or receive others' intentional or unintentional thoughts as mental visions in dreams.
Some people have the very same dream as the person next to them in the bed. Others have had a twin dream with exactly the same details as a friend or relative miles away. Is it possible to be thinking of someone strongly and cause them to dream of you? I believe it is.
I once had sth like a telepathetic dream. I never dream of my boyfriend, and neither does he. However, a night we dreamed of each other being together. We had the same dream and we were miles away, on summer vacations. Do you think it's really telepathetic?
Firefly, yes, I think it was a telepathic dream
I keep having dreams of a guy that I use to like in High School. It was one of those teenage crushes that lasted at the most a month. That was 6 or so years ago and for the past 8 months I have had dreams about Marrying this guy. I dont talk to him and havent seen him since I was 15, and I havent thought about him, even after the first 4 months of the dreams, I just ignored them, but now its been 8 months and I keep having dreams about us getting married and having kids. But when I did like him in HS, I never once thought about marrying him, Its just so weird! WHat the heck does this mean?
Fancy, marriage in dreams is a symbol of commitment and, depending on the details of your dream; you may be currently dealing with this issue. The commitment could be to your work, to yourself or to your partner. Mostly, a marriage in your dream represents the coming together all various parts of yourself (feminine and masculine, or spiritual and rational). It could represent a greater level of awareness where by the dreamer's conscious and unconscious elements are becoming more familiar and are embracing one another. The marriage dream is affirmation and encouragement to grow in self-awareness and to transform yourself. On a more practical level, if you are not married but would like to be, this dream could also be a form of wish-fulfillment.
I had a dream thata guy I actually have a crush on was having sex with me. In real life he indicated to me that he wanted to have sex with me. Do you think he dreams that same dream about me?
Evette, I’d rather say you two have a mutual attraction and desires. Your sexual dream could be a wishful dream but I’m not sure if he had the same dream about you as well. You'll need to aks him
i am having dreams of a man i feel in love with alomost 3 years ago we where soul mates as it seems he married and came back after 6 months we parted again knowing it was the right thing to do he has contacted me a few times we are very much in love with each other but we both are married we have now had no contact for two weeks and i am dreaming of him allot talking to him as if we are together and very happy is the dreams a higher power telling us we should be together im heart broken and confused what do my dreams mean
Anonymous,it is very common for people to dream about ex-partners. Individuals that have been an important part of our lives continue to take up a part of our mind and heart. It is impossible to very dramatically shut the person out of thoughts and feelings. Just because the relationship ends does not mean that all is finished. You will continue to dream about your ex boyfriend until you "let go" of him on a very important level, or until you learned your lessons from that relationship. Either way, dreaming about your ex-romance does not predict future involvement. It may be wish-fulfillment, reliving memories, or working out old issues.
I keep having dreams of a guy that I have a crush on in Elementary and until now I do have a crush on him even we don't have any communication. I dreamt about him more than 10 times and last year I'm having dreams about him for 7 consecutive days. And my dreams are different. In my dreams, sometimes he's following me, sometimes he's rejecting me, Sometimes his face is not his face in real life.
Can you please tell me why I'm dreaming like this?
I need help with my dream.I split up with boyfriend a couple of years ago and now bot of us are married to diffrent people and I have baby too. We had not met each other from since our split up.We happen to look at each other from a distance at each other in the market place.
From then I have been dreaming abt him and yesterday was really hard. I dreamt that I attened his wedding and was helpinghim out in his wedding though I was in pain that he was getting wed to a diffrent person I had not shown it out.I potraed that i was happy. but i could see it in his eyes that he was also not happy and he also sensed my pain. But we both had to let go of things nad he got married.
Hrs after I am awake I am feelign the pain in my heart plz let me kow wht is happeing to me. Coz my dream is still hurting and I am feelign bad that I am being rong to my husband who is a most wonderful person on earth.
Puppy, it is very common for people to dream about ex-partners. Individuals that have been an important part of our lives continue to take up a part of our mind and heart. It is impossible to very dramatically shut the person out of thoughts and feelings. Just because the relationship ends does not mean that all is finished. You will continue to dream about your ex boyfriend until you "let go" of him on a very important level, or until you learned your lessons from that relationship. Either way, dreaming about your ex-romance does not predict future involvement. It may be wish-fulfillment, reliving memories, or working out old issues.
I absolutely agree with this. I often dream of things happening in my ex's life and that of his family. I get information of babies, conceptions and even when they change tool companies. I once dreamt my ex bought a blue RX8 and he had just test drove one. I dreamt his sister in law was pregnant and then again a week before she conceived the soon to be addition to the family in October. Last week I dreamt his dad a well known craftsman tool user was returning snap on tools. He recently decided to start using Snap on. He also said to me I'll see ya next time...I guess it's a comfort for me to know they still care even if they don't know they contact me in their dreams.
Dear Spirita
i had a big crush on a guy I met few months ago, but he lives in another country. We are still in contact, but when he was here, we always felt the strong chemistry and attraction between us. Lately I didnt know how he feels about me so I started to cool down. Then the dreams started: every weekend I dream of him:
1st dream: we travel together but in a car... There he was driving, and we were going somewhere.. Strong accent on "us" in the dream, I felt like we were an item. We knew where we were going..It felt so comfortable and pleasant being together, like we really are great support of one another, like we really understand each other..
2nd dream: we were in a train, he was sitting across of me, seducing me, looking at me as if it is just the two us us traveling.. Then I notice around us are three babies, sitting around us, right next to us.. They are looking at us, mostly at me, so happy and smiling with joy.. I look at them and we start to giggle, so happy, I felt in the dream as if they were our children... This joyful childrens' laughter was the nicest sound to us. There was some kind of connection, like a happy family..
3rd dream: we were making love.. It was the nicest feeling ever.
I dont know if this can be telepathic... As I started to lose faith in "us" before I started dreaming this - i'd like to think it is.. Maybe he is thinking of me too...
My dream-life is amazing.. :) i dont wanna wake up :) thank you dear xxx
Do you know how to send a telepathic dream to someone
yesterday at night i sat down in my room at night ,awake of course, and blanked my mind of everything i got so relaxed that i started to see kind of a blur moving around until i closed my eyes and visualized it in full colour, it was kind of a bird or swan of many colours, in comparison it looked as if it was a hologram, just not so vivid, i somehow communicated with it and accepted it, thats when the weird stuff started to happen, i could see my room perfectly normal, just that i felt in my face, head, hair hands and practically everywhere as if grains of sand where being thrown at me by the wind, there was kind of a rhythm, i could hear my stuff geting hit by those particles, i heard a voice when it when away, but i didnt know what it said, but i felt tired and sleepy after, i do not know if i was conscious or not, but it was beautiful, yet kind of scary, any help please?
well my ex and i broke up, and every night since then, for nearly 2 weeks, i've been having dreams about it. every night, each dream connects to the other. it is kind of like a huge drama, but me being awake is the commercial. my last dream i had, was he told me how he was an idiot for thinking he could get over me in a week, and that he left because everyone else was convincing him bad things about me. it's not like each dream is a different dream, they all have been connecting. what could that mean?
ya is there a way to like, idk, talk with someone and do something to make a telepathic bond and then have telepathic dreams, or do you have to let it happen?
what about dreams of where you are talking to loved ones who are dead? She is there in your home just sitting talking with you about your day. It seems to happen when i am feeling really down and worried about things this person is my Mother we were very close.
I have had dreams too of my boy friend that are silly ones. I was the mother of his child the boy was about 2 yrs old he had come for a visit with us (he lives in Canada) and he was not sure how to deal with the child it, made me laugh. For either of us to produce a child it is impossible as i am post menopause and he has been cliped. lol so neither of us is able to have kids. He is not that good around kids as he is seldom around them.
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