Dreaming About Death

Death dreams usually have positive symbolism. If you are the dead person in your dream, it could imply that you would like to leave all of your worries and struggles behind and begin a new chapter in your life. Dreaming about death of someone that you care about may express your fear about losing them. Dreaming that one of your parents died may express fear of loss, but it also may be an unconscious valve through which you release anger and other negative feelings. In some cultures dreaming about death and dying is a very good omen that represents longevity and prosperity.
At times we dream about deceased relatives or friends simply because we miss them. These dreams may be disturbing but most likely are a form of wish-fulfillment or are based on memory through which we relive old experiences. Some people believe that in dreams they meet up with the deceased on the inner planes and engage in "real" interactions with them. It is normal to miss and long for the people that we loved and that have left the physical body. Therefore, it is not surprising that they will pop up in our dreams from time to time.
I dreamt once that i was waiting at a tran station. All of the sudden a sketchy man shot me. For the rest of my dream iwas dead. It was a comforting dream in that once i died in it i understood what happens after death. from what i remember i think in my dream when you die you go and live on the next level of life, but there are many levels, but I may be wrong. I think people could see me, but they didnt know i was dead. I felt incredibley anxious because i wanted to save my family, i guess from sin. What does this dream mean?
Anonymous, DEATH is an everyday part of life so dreams often use it to illustrate leaving something behind, such as childhood or a relationship. Also parts of ones feelings sometimes die. Death is also something we sometimes create into frightening specters. It is something we all face. So some dreams, in which we actually die, are a means of experimenting with meeting death. If we do not do this, if we are frightened of death and have not worked out a relationship with it, then we will not live fully and daringly. But in our dream life, death usually holds in it the promise of change or regeneration-rebirth is some way.
what if you have no dreams at all i just see black thats it then i wake up.please tell me something about that .
Anonymous, everyone dreams, so do you. You just don’t remember your dream experiences. A dream is recalled most easily if we awaken during it or immediately after it ends. If more than a few minutes lapse at the end of a dream, we risk oneirolysis (the forgetting of the dream) - but if we awaken too soon before the dream stops, we might miss an important part of it.
About a 1.5 years ago, I had a dream of the devil trying to choke me by placing in me a headlock. But the strange thing is that I was standing behind me watching it happen and had felt it at the same time. This had happened two nights in a row. I yelled at myself to wake up on both occasions and I did. As soon as I woke up, I turned and looked over above my head in the corner of the room and saw a white face with blacked out eyes, nose and mouth. It dissapeared after about 5 seconds.
I seeked guidance from God and have joined a church for a little over a year now.
2 nights ago, as I was falling asleep, this same dark, black figure of a man tried to choke me again. His hands were around the back of my neck trying to choke me. I'm so scared and so lost. I woke up scared. I rebuked the devil and prayed to God until I finally fell asleep.
My life has dramatically changed since the first dream. I'm no where near what I used to be. So why is he coming back for me? Please advise.
Last night I had a dream, which seemed so real, Some parts of it are a little fuzzy now, since it is 6 in the afternoon, but I do remember being in an airplane, and it beginning to freefall, and for a good long time it seemed..I knew there was no stopping it and that It was going to crash and I was going to die, I began praying and asking God for my forgiveness for all the sins I have committed, I prayed hard, and I was scared, not knowing what would happen when it finally hit the ground, but just waiting for it, I was scared it was going to hurt as well but I remember thinking it will end so fast and I wont feel a thing, I also remember being so curious about the afterlife and what was going to happen after it crashed and I died, now this is where it gets fuzzy, I know after it crashed the dream went on, but I can't remember all that happened, but I think I was in heaven or something of that nature, with other people around me. What does this dream mean? It really scared me while I was in it and freefalling.
My boyfriend told me a few days ago about hes dream... i been thinking about it a lot, im scared that it may come true but i also think that it means something that he has to learn to let go of hes pass.... he had a dream about death when he was young i cant remeber what year he said he was, i think 12 or 13, he said he had a dream that when he turns 18 i think, he is going to die... he said he seen hes tomb stone... at the age of 18 he said that he had the same dream but he said he was 25 and now he is 25, he also said that he saw the month of hes death september... what dose this mean?
My friend just died the past Saturday evening. This morning, I had a dream about him. We were all in 6th period, thinking he had past, when he walks in, we all surround him and hug him. I walk over, give him a hug, cried and said, "I thought you were gone. I thought I lost a good friend." and he smiles and goes, "Noo." What does this mean?
Carol, sorry for you loss. Your dream portrays a great sorrow and it’s obvious you miss your friend a lot. Since you are currently experiencing sadness this dream may be an attempt to compensate and to comfort you.
A personal belief system plays a large role when obtaining a satisfying interpretation for dreams in which the dead talk to the living. A dead person in a dream may relate to past relationships with that particular person but occasionally it may represent contact with those who are dead.
I dreamt that a reporter announce that my crush died but when I heard that news, I did not react.. Emotionless..
What does it mean?
I had a dream last night that there is a dead body of an unknown person in an unknow car right in front of my home(outside by home and the home main door is closed). I am with my mom and my grandmom and we all are discussing whose dead body it is and it is unknow to all three of us. What does this mean?
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