Recurring Dreams

Recurring dreams are quite common and are often triggered by a certain life situation or a problem that keeps coming back again and again. These dreams may reappear daily, once a week, or once a month, but whatever the frequency, there is little variation in the dream content itself. It usually points to a personal weakness, fear, or our inability to cope with something in life - past or present.
The repetitive patterns in dream can reveal some of the most valuable information on us. It may point to a conflict, situation or matter in our waking life that remains unresolved or unsettled. Or some urgent underlying message in our unconscious is demanding to be understood.
Following are some tips in overcoming recurring dreams.
1. In understanding our recurring dream, we must be willing to accept some sort of change or undergo a transformation.
2. We must be willing to look within ourselves and confront whatever we may find no matter how difficult it might be.
3. We must be able to look at the dream from an objective point of view and try to get pass the emotional and reactive elements of the dream and get down to the symbolic images.
4. Be patient and learn to accept ourselves truly and fully.
Often times, once we discover what our recurring dream is trying to tell us, these dreams will change or altogether disappear.
Ceiling Dreams, to o dream that you are trying to run but cannot make your feet move as fast as you want them to signify lack of self-esteem and self-confidence. You may feel somewhat unable to change a current situation which may manifest itself in your dream in a form of paralysis. It may also mean you are feeling helpless or pinned down in some aspect or circumstances of your waking life. You may feel unable to deal with a situation or that you can't do or change anything.
It may also reflect your actual state of REM paralysis while in the dream state. Dreams of being paralyzed are not only common, but reflect the state that you body is in when you are dreaming. The phenomenon is referred to as sleep paralysis, REM paralysis, or sleep immobility.
This reoccuring I gay?
I keep having wet dreams about Pete Wentz, I won't go into detail, what does this mean? It's freaking me out, is this normal? I'm 17.
Is it telling me something?
Anonymous, to dream that you are homosexual (but you are not in your waking life), represents a union with aspects of yourself. It is symbolic of self-love, self-acceptance, and compassion. If, in your dream, you are not comfortable with homosexuality, then it suggests some fears/anxieties about your masculinity. You may be experiencing some insecurity in your relations with the opposite sex.
When boys enter puberty a lot of hormonal changes occur. These changes will result in many episodes of spontaneous erections during sleep, during the day and wet dreams. If these episodes do occur there is no need to worry or feel guilty because they are part of normal sexual development.
this is not the first time i have had a dream like this well more like a nightmare.......i keep haveing dreams that my husband is cheating on me and is going to leave me, But the last two nights they have woken me up. I wake up from each dream crying because i love my husband very much and try to make him happy, and i dont want him to leave me, I know its strange. I have never cheated on him so its not guilt, and as far as i know he has never cheated on me, can someone please tell me what this means I am going out of my mind, I love my husband and sleep......whats goin on in my head???? I have talked to my husband well cryed to him he will hug me and tell me its ok and that it was only a dream not to get so upset cause he "aint going nowhere".
Babyrose, as you can see in my post Dreams about Cheating, to dream that your husband is cheating on you may indicate that you have fears concerning abandonment due to a lack of attention or communication. An effort to communicate this honestly to your husband should reassure this need for trust. Also, you should pay attention to your own lack of self-esteem or view of an opinion of someone’s standards. This may indicate your need to for self improvement and self analysis about how you feel and think about yourself.
So, again, try to relax and trust your husband. Your dreams are telling you that you might have some unresolved issues regarding yourself, not your husband.
ive been having these sex dreams about my ex. basically its just me and him having all types of sex-anal, missionary, oral etc etc. and they are very vivid and i wake up hot. what does this really mean? our relationship was full of trouble (he was non commital basically).
A sexual dream may be about physical pleasure, but it may also be about power, control, manipulation, virility, and effectiveness. It may be a form of wish fulfillment or a memory, or compensation for a lack in daily life. In most cases, it is not a prediction of things to come in the near future.
To see your boyfriend (or ex) in your dream, represents your waking relationship with him and how you feel about him. If your dreams of him involve a lot of touching and sexual contact it signifies how much you miss his presence and have him being nearby.
Tsmith, if you are afraid of being pregnant, you may dream of it often. At times, women learn about their pregnancy in their dreams. Your mind knows about everything that is going on in your body even if you are not consciously aware of it. However, don't panic! You could also be pregnant with ideas! Old dream interpretation books say that a dream about pregnancy is a good omen for women, and an improvement in her intimate relationship is forthcoming. If you are not pregnant, this dream could symbolize new beginnings (i.e. giving birth to new ideas, new ways of living, or a new stage in life). Superstition-based dream interpretations say that giving birth in a dream is a sign of good luck,
Also is significant that at times of great change and renewal, a baby may appear in a dreams and represent your potential and a new beginning. Some of the meaning of the dream may be obtained by considering what the baby looked like and was doing. Generally, babies represent innocence and are symbols of the purest form of a human whose possibilities are endless.
Over the last 3 days I have had the basic same dream twice. I wake up early in the morning and fall back asleep and have it. In the first dream I am running later for the subway and run to get it only to see my dad (who passed away just this week 2 years ago) also try and catch the subway and I wait for him but the subway leaves before we get on...then the subway stops and we get in...but I leave a suitbag of clothes outside as the train pulls away. The next dream I am late to catch a subway again...the subway is leaving but it stops and I get in and I meet a friend who happens to be in the same car (I don't often speak with this friend)...once again I tell him that I left a suitbag of clothes with another friend and I hope he makes it home so that he can give it to me!
What is going on...this is almost give you another thought I am thinking about getting engaged vey soon and I know my g/f parents are not happy and think we are rushing etc.
Anonymous, the subway is under the ground and represents the unconscious parts of self. All of us interact on conscious and unconscious levels. We have intuitive feelings and unspoken understanding that direct our lives as much as the obvious and fully conscious things. Consider the subway ride in your dream and try to understand what it is conveying to you about your more subtle navigation through ongoing life experiences. Also, going on a train ride may be symbolic of your life's journey. The train could also be symbolic of your need to move on and to do things in an orderly and sequential manner. Sigmund Freud said that the train is usually a phallic symbol and that a train going through a tunnel represents intercourse. Freud also said that there are other possibilities to this symbol. For example if you missed the train in your dream, you may be fearful of missing important opportunities.
Clothes are not symbolic of our private self, but rather of our public self. To see a bag in your dream represents the responsibilities that you carry. If the bag is full of clothes, then it indicates that you are carrying a lot of burden. It also symbolizes that you are full with worries and problems; you have to find a way on unloading some of this load.
To see your father in your dream, symbolizes authority and protection. It suggests that you need to be more self-reliant. To see and talk with your dead father in your dreams represents your way of coping with the loss. You may want that last opportunity to say your final good-byes to them.
Thank you spirita...just curious do you think the dream could be telling me to slow down or perhaps I am scared her parents won't accept me? Can dreams sometimes be truth in terms of what the future holds for me? I love this girl and want to do this but these burdens are killing me :(
Thanks so much!
Anonymous, just take some time to think about everything and do not rush. Marriage is a wonderful thing but it demands a lot of responsibilities and commitment. As I said before, first try to analyze the situation and how you feel regarding it and when you look at all of the aspects, then you'll be able to choose the right decision.
All the best
Hello spirita..
I was wondering if you could help me figure some things out.
I've been having recurring dreams about a man that I don't think I've met in real life before. I can't even see his face clearly in my dreams but there's always a same feeling when he's there.
I was wondering if he's somebody I'm going to meet or just someone that my subconcious have created.
Dizzy, most dreams about strangers are not prophetic but are psychological or spiritual in nature.
The interpretation of seeing and interacting with a stranger depends on the details of your dream and on your personal belief system. Some Eastern cultures believe that the strangers in your dreams are spirits from another dimension. These spirits may be teaching you lessons or giving you specific messages.
The more modern approach to interpreting a dream with strangers in it is that they represent different sides or unfamiliar aspects of our personality. The best way to tell is to "check inside" of your self and simply try to understand the message of this dream. Whether the message is coming from your unconscious or from a different reality might be irrelevant. The lessons gained through a dream are far more important then where they came from.
Conclusion is: first, when you interpret dream about stranger, keep in mind that seeing a stranger in dream signifies a part of yourself that is repressed and hidden. Second, try to remember other relevant dream symbols and try to define the feelings you were experiencing while dreaming: love, joy, fear, sadness etc. Then you will be more able to understand what your dream with a stranger was telling you.
If you have any further questions, don’t hesitate to ask I’ll be more then happy to find an answer for you.
Hey Spirita,
thanks for your answer!
i've been having this recurring dream for a while and this is what it is;
My ex, his brother and i are in a small room trying to fix something(i never see what it is we're fixing but its always the same thing) and my ex's brother turns to him and says "are you going to tell her yet?" then his brother just kindof fades away slowly and disappears..then its just my ex(willie) and i staring into eachother's eyes for a while, then he says "you were right, i do love you" and i smile at him then he grabs my waiste and pulls me towards him and right after i put my arms around his neck, we disappear, we just like vanish, and then the room goes dark and thats when i wake up.
can you please help me? i need to find out what this dream means, i am going crazy!
Mandi, to be loved in dream is way to feel accepted and have a sense of belonging. The dream may be wish-fulfilling or compensatory in nature. It may be spiritual or practical, but always deals with a significant part of our psyche or our daily lives.
To dream of love of being in love, suggests intense feelings carried over from a waking relationship. It implies happiness and contentment with what you have and where you are in life. On the other hand, you may not be getting enough love in your daily life.
I have had several dreams about this one guy. I am only a little attracted to him and I know it would never work out between us, we are too different. However in my dreams I am usually dating him, and he ends up carrying me around or driving me around on his motorcycle. Either way he is always taking me somewhere. What does this mean??
Anonymous, one of the simplest meanings a man in your dream has is that he portrays your relationship, your feelings about, or responses to, a relationship with a man in general.The man in your dreams in nearly always an aspect of your own feelings, hopes and fears.
The man in dreams might represent your relationship with a particular man, or males in general. In this sense the man portrays the power of your own womanhood, indicating whether you can meet male energy with your full female energy. Also your dream may show what feelings or fears you are facing about that man.
To ride a motorcycle in your dream, symbolizes your desire for freedom and need for adventure. You may be trying to escape from some situation or some other responsibility in your waking life. A motorcycle is also symbolic of raw sexuality.
I have a professor here at college that I was absolutely terrified of since the beginning of the year. As strange as it may sound, I have always had a sort of "sixth sense," but rarely has it been so strong as with this man. I can often times read people by simply looking into their eyes. Curious to find out more about my professor, to understand him so thatt I might not fear him, I looked into his eyes. They are incredibly blue and frightfully deep. I can't get the image of those eyes out of my mind. I think that was when I started having dreams about him. I dream that he calls me on the phone, and we begin speaking. Then we are standing in a black darkness, just he and I face to face. He practically begs me for help and tells me he is incredibly unhappy and wants me to share my light with him. I am still frightened of him, but now when I look at him I feel different, like I should reach out to him. What could these dreams possibly mean?
What does it mean when you have a dream about making out with your boyfriend's (or girlfriend's for the guys) friend?? i had a dream that i was making out with my boyfriend's friend...what does this mean??? me and my bf have been going through some issues lately, but still! what does it mean? i was informed that i could post my dream here as a comment and would receive an interpretation. thanks!
Anonymous, your dream about PROFESSOR denotes how you relate to an authority figure. It also means that an important lesson you are meeting in life and need to learn. If it is a teacher you know, then it would depict what you feel about that teacher, what feelings they provoke.
Speaking on the phone means communication or contact with self or him. This also may suggest that you should listen your inner feelings or intuitive advice regarding him.
Being a face to face with someone mean that you are faced with some problem and that you are willing to confront it.To dream that you are in a darkroom, suggests that you are waiting for something to happen or to see what might develop in a situation.
Always trust your sixth sense!
Anonymous, your dream about your boyfriend's friend is just symbolism. It is very common to dream about friends. These dreams are very rarely prophetic, thus whether your dream was good or bad, don't expect it to come true. This dream is more than likely attempting to bring up uncomfortable feelings that you have about yourself or others. Your dream also could be just reflection of those unresolved relationship issues that you have in your waking life.
I'm in high school and the bell rings but I forgot my scheduled classes. Then I don't know where to go so I just wander around.
Spirita, as you can see from your answers, there's not much of criteria to be applied in interpreting dreams.
check for example the first two anonymous; they've both had sexual dreams, and your answers to them are completely different.
Now, you have posted Freud's ideology about dreams; - if it's only some unconscious, or subconscience playing us off, what'd be the point to remember dreams and why would anyone bother to interpret them? As a matter of fact, subconscience is considered as connected to our superego, which means, that getting in closer contact with our dreams and their meanings, we only try to better our superego within our inner subconscience that obvoiusly is unseen. It is a fact, and you can witness that yourself, that only unnatural things to the human body, such as disease, sickness, alcohol, drugs, distress and stuff like that can trigger dreams that may mean something connected to our superego. You may take it to the bank when i say that trying to help someone's superego doesn't convice that person that he is improving himself. Improving himself is more a matter of contest, a form of competition where the dreamer is the alumni and the society with those restricting rules is the judge. and there comes the conviction of improvement; the self-content.
Were you trying to interpret the dreams (as they are seen with the physical eyes shut) or was this a kind of psychoanalysis?
they're both good as you've helped somebody feel better.
Anonymous, when you dream you're LOST, this links with feelings of confusion, lack of direction or conflict, of not understanding what is involved in the present situation you are in. The dream environment (high school )you are lost in will define what the confusion or conflict connects with. Sometimes this lost feeling arises because there are issues or changes in your life you have not acknowledged or do not want to acknowledge.
There's a dream I've had for more than one year now. It comes when I least expect it to, and only occasionally.
In my dream, and suddenly feel myself being lifted up. I can't move at all or see at all. I just feel and know what's happening. It's like a lucid dream almost, where I can control what I think, unlike dreams where it happens. (does that make sense?)
I can't control my dream though. So I'm in air, and I'm constricted. I try to ignore it, but I can't and I for some reason just HAVE to wake up. (My mom claims to have these dreams too, and says moving the feet first is the easiest, but it's not for me.)
So I keep trying to move my struggling against my constrictions, and eventually I'll get free. I'll be lowered down then I'll wake up, remembering me dream perfectly, and slightly hot.
Could it be related to the fact that my mother comes from a greatly religious Catholic family? In more than one room, they always have religious items, and pray when they wake up and before they sleep.
Saki-chan, your dream suggests the desire to rise above things, to attain greater heights, to break free of limiting viewpoints or cultural norms. It also represents ambition, abstract thought, and rising above your fears. Lift dreams sometimes include strong feelings of rising sexual desires. So the lift can depict the rise or fall of such feelings.
Your dream could be related to the fact that your mother comes from a greatly religious family; probably your unconscious is full of boundaries and limitations.
The night before last night, I had a dream where me and a few classmates from my school went on a field trip to Mars. When we arrived, there were NO trees at all, and it looked desertlike (but in my dream, people recently began to build civilizations there); I was even surprised to see water! We checked into a hotel that looked like a big pueblo from Arizona. When we got inside, we started talking. Then, we all came to a park that looked sort of like an amphitheater, with hills and cars nearby. I spotted my crush in the distance, so I ran up to him, and said hi to him. Suddenly, everyone (except my crush, he wasn’t part of our trip) was back at the hotel, and we were all talking. A girl asked me what my name was, so I said my name. But, she said something like, “No, that’s not your name, we all have different names on Mars; yours is Noni." "Ok, then what's your name?" I asked. "Mine is WolfHeart." she said. Suddenly, we were all on a special space ship headed towards Earth. Then I woke up.
You may use a planet in a dream to suggest a subtle influence touching your life. A planet might also suggest a different life style, a new world of experience, perhaps thorough relationship or change.
MARS, the "fiery" planet is named after the Greek god Ares and Roman god Mars. He was the god of war, spring and youth. Seeing this planet in your dreams may be symbolic of your own frustrations that lead to aggressive thoughts and feelings. Mars is a symbol of male energy. This energy, when used in positive ways, creates permanent change and transformation. The dream maybe encouraging you to get in touch with raw emotions and desires, to ponder upon them, and then to use them to overcome difficulties.
Your dream might suggest you to express your energy through positive activities.
Ok ever since I was 5 years old (i am 15 currently) until the age of 13 I been having thses dreams where this person is telling me and "showing" me my past life. All I can remember is that person keep telling me that I am a witch and a princess from a long time ago. And I always get Deja vu a lot like everyday and even my plam readinds say I have a physic powers so what are these dreams telling me?Am I really a witch? Or is it a dream of wanting it which I doubt it because half the thigns in my dreams are extremly freaky. Also everytime am i alonme something freaky happends either the lights turn off or somethings falls even though it is stable and it cannot fall. Lastly my weridiest anf freakiest encounter. I was home alone and i went ot the bathroom the lights were off and i looked in my mirror and i saw 2 pairs of red eyes that weren't mine looking at me evily and i could remembering hearing someone or soemthing saying "I will get you princess Victoria no matter what it takes"
I have been having recurrent dreams about being followed by a big tiger. It scares me, i run home, and it is always in my house, snarling at me, i flee, petrified. I once dreamt it was snarling at my little girl, sniffing around her, in my house, i always run, scared to death, then wake up. Last night, i dreamt of a large wolf, which chased me, i ran home, and like the tiger, it was in my house, only this time, it pounced, knocked me down, and took my throat in its teeth, i "felt" its hot breath on my neck, i awoke again, in a panic. I have woken numerous times, feeling paralysed, unable to move or scream, and sensing a presence overpoweing me, what is going on here, my tiger dreams are frequent, the wolf dream was the first time it was not a tiger, although the dream is the same.
Anonymous, your dream might decode your relationship with your mother as you feel about her in a negative way. It looks like your inner forces of the unconscious are being misdirected and that you feel strong desire to influence others via their unconscious fears, weaknesses, superstitions.
I don't think you are a WITCH but it seems you are unconsciously or consciously fascinated with witchcraft.
Regarding your "weirdest and freakiest encounter" I would say that your mind created those images. They may represent negative forces inside of yourself and in your life. your own negative characteristics and tendencies, your fear, bad temper, negativity, bad habit, or anything else that is hurtful and needs to be changed.
Shalama, Carl Jung said that all wild animals indicate latent affects (feelings and emotions that we do not readily deal with). They are also symbolic of dangers (hurtful and negative things) being "swallowed" by the unconscious.
The tiger in your dream decodes your fear of another person’s anger or forcefulness and the power of a mother's protectiveness. To dream that you are attacked by a tiger, symbolizes repressed feelings or emotions that frighten you.
The wolf in your dream is just your fear, your instinctive reactions to particular situation you are concerned about. Wolf could also represents hostility or aggression.
My post Dream Paralysis might give you some answers regarding your inability to move or scream.
I've been having dreams lately about an ex that i never really got over but know it wouldn't ever work. the dream isn't exactly the same all the time, its always just that he's there as my main love interest and my boyfriend who i am currently with in real life who i love very much isnt there (only once, and in the dream he saw me with my ex). i havent talked to my ex in a long time even as friends because im scared ill fall for him and cheat on my boyfriend (it's happened before with a different boyfriend) and i really, really dont want that to happen. but i keep dreaming about him and it makes me want to start talking to him again when i know it would only be trouble. is there any way to get the dreams to stop? i want to just be happy with my boyfriend.
if im dreaming about Y(guy) for a few times in a row kissing him, does it mean anything?
Dreamer gurl, in your dream you may be expressing feelings that are difficult to express during the day. Kissing in dreams is usually an indication of warmth and affection. If you don't receive enough love and affection in your daily life, then this could be a compensatory dream, where you are comforting yourself. If you are kissing the object of your affection, the dream could be a form of wish fulfillment.
Also check out my post Dream Symbols - Kiss, Kissing at
Kate, when you dream about your ex-boyfriend that means you still have certain feelings for him. He will continue to appear in your dreams until the issues with him are resolved
I keep having recurring dreams about an ex-boyfriend. We haven't spoken in years when he went active with the Army and I found out he was sent to Korea. I keep dreaming that he comes back and shows up at my work (his former work too) to visit and then last nite I dreamt that i saw him and he looked nothing like himself and I was not attracted to him at all but I still wanted him because I knew it was him. What does this mean?
Anonymous, recurring dreams about an ex-boyfriend always mean that you still have some feelings for him.
If I constantly have dreams about an ex who I already know I am still in love with, could it mean that he is thinking of me, or that he is in some sort of trouble? What else could it mean other than the fact that I miss and love him still?
Anonymous, you already know the answer; you have a dreams about your ex because you still miss him and love him. I don't think your dreams mean that he is thinking of you, or that he is in some sort of trouble. As long as you feel you have some unfinished communication with him or some unresolved issues with him, he will continue to appear in your dreams.
my ex and i have a daughter that he has never acknowledge, won't see and doesn't even care about. we've bee apart now for almost 3 yrs, i have since moved on, have a loving boyfriend and a great dad to my daughter. my ex is now w/ a family member and hear about them frequently, he still is in contact w/ me through email but she doesn't know. I dream about him alot and think about him, i have his name tattooed on my back, and think i'm over him, but these thoughts and dreams are tearing me apart, how can i stop all this... he is mean and i just want to get over him already
If he has never acknowledge, won't see and doesn't even care about his daughter, isn't that enough to get over him?!
I used to have these dreams about transport (bus, plane, car, boat, raft...), particularly trains. (Most of my dreams contain some sort of transport anyway.) Sometimes it was not even the main subject of the dream (sometimes there would be a train passing by in the background. Sometimes I would be running to catch the train and miss it.
J, dreaming about anything that transports you is an image of your ability to get somewhere in life, to motivate yourself and other people. They also portray the ambitions, attitudes and care, or lack of it that drive you in life. The manner in which you make your way through life involves you in countless relationships of various sorts. So the CAR is a symbol of such meetings and partings. But car dreams may also relate to the business of driving your actual vehicle in everyday life, and the manner in which you do so. Therefore some car dreams may warn you of attitudes you have that are dangerous, not just in relationships, but actually on the road.
BOAT often depicts how you are dealing with the ups and downs of life, with its tides, currents and changing weather. Or perhaps the boat is showing how life is dealing with you, rather than you with it.
Many boat dreams are actually about a relationship, what you face, what your involvement is with one or more other people. Therefore in some dreams it would represent sexual adventures.
Sometimes the boat portrays the journey of your own self-discovery as you begin to investigate the contents of your unconscious. The journey you take on it then stands for your adventure into the unknown, and your means of coping with what is experienced.
BUS in dreams usually signify your waiting for events to take you somewhere or being involved with strangers or other people in a direction you are taking or depending on social events to get you to where you want to go. It could also mean you are trying to get somewhere in life or trying to leave something or someone behind.
The PLANE, or flying in one, may indicate swift changes, perhaps only temporary. It can also mean a jump into the unknown, getting away from your ordinary life, a business endeavor or opportunity. Sometimes it even suggests a search for or moves to romance.
Going on a TRAIN ride may be symbolic of your life's journey. The train could also be symbolic of your need to move on and to do things in an orderly and chronological manner. Sigmund Freud said that the train is usually a phallic symbol and that a train going through a tunnel represents intercourse. Freud also said that there are other possibilities to this symbol. For example if you missed the train in your dream, you may be fearful of missing important opportunities. Jung thought that the train ride represented the way a person moves and behaves just like everyone else and that the dreamer may be striving for completeness.
Spirita, I appreciated that.
Thanks again.
It is so strange because when I had this dream it seemed so familiar. I knew I have had it before.
At some parts of the Dream I am going through it watching myself - and other parts I am Seeing it through my eyes.
I am at my grandparents house. My mom and grandma are working in an outfit. The Television is going and it is talking about how more and more people are dying because of the Wolf/Dog attacks. I am kinda physcic in my dream so i kno what will happen. And that night I knew my Grandfather would die killing a wolf (my grandparents live out in the woods). When I get home and fall asleep that night, I have a dream that my dad will be killed next. The police are at my neigbors house and they find a dead animal, I am in my moms car so she can take me to my dads. The police take the car and I ask them to drop me of at my church. They do so, and most people are leaving but some are coming. They are talking about how someone was found killed in the church and I see the body with a large gash mark. I see it and it is bloody. The head is no more than a skull. Then I see my dad. I talk to him and he falls alseep. So do I. I wake up and everyone gone or asleep. There is a pounding on the door and I kno at once what happened.
I walk up to another door, where the piano and where the preacher was, and the door had been busted down, and sat back up. I look inside using the crack, and I see blood, and dead bodies, a busted up piano, then something catches my eye. A wolf and cubs. One of the dogs that was with it comes to the door. Even though the crack is small I know it saw me. I stay still. It is silent. Then I wake up
What's going on?
I always have dreams of rabbits escaping the cage and running around all over the place. Just this morning I also had a dream that I was late for school and they won't let me in so I snuck out and when I get inside it is always a different place. I've had this dream twice. In my first dream a teacher confiscated my assignment because I was defending myself that I should get to my classroom. Now in my dream I was going to school and was about to make it to the door but then it closes so I reach to stop it from closing and I did reach it in time but the people inside wont let me in because I'm late so I went to another door but then one of my teachers stopped me so I went to find a place where I can sneak inside and when I got inside it was a totally different place. I can remember what the place was. In the first dream I was in a hospital when I entered the school. In the second dream I can't remember. all I remember was there where rabbits running all around the place.
Anonymous, RABBITS in your dream can symbolize your lack of consciousness or awareness. They might suggest you that sometimes you react too quickly to life's situations and that more thought and planning may be needed. Your dream also may portray some element of self or others being criticized, attacked, 'hunted down' or hounded. Also it could portray your instinctive urge to dominate or quiet attack on your resources or personal growth
Ameagari-Chan, try to understand the fears and the events in your dream. It suggests that you might be holding on to upsetting or guilt based conflicts. You may have a lot of powerful negative feelings that require understanding.
Early Novemeber last year, while i'm on my way to work, I saw a husky running across the road n was knock down my a vehical. The husky still manage to stand up, and i believe he's in shock. At the very moment, i did not think of my safety, i run into the middle of the road trying to stop all the on coming vehical, hoping to catch the do before he got into another bang... anyway he's fine.
But not me, since than i've been having recurring dreams of seeing someone knock down my car at different place, sometimes adults sometimes kids?
Everything fades to white.Girl in jeans,short white t-shirt, barefoot, floats in.Her body would be attractive, but is in a contorted pose like she's Palsy-ated.Her head is like an atom, or a bright light with bugs buzzing all around it. The silence is deafening.I try to wake up, but cant.Eventually i do wake up,soaked in sweat,sometimes screaming, always totally freaked. I cant get back to sleep, and sometimes cant sleep the following night.I had this dream 2 or 3 nights a week for four years. Then it just stopped.
I'm a big guy, USMC, firefighter/EMT, more than able to protect myself in any situation when awake,and not scared of much. This scared the crap outa me.
Michaelsmaniacal, this is very disturbing dream indeed. I believe you were very scared. This is common type of anxiety dream, which can be triggered by the worry of not coping well with life generally, or specific concerns such as failure in a relationship or dismissal from a valued job etc.
In addition to the bad dreams provoked by primal feelings, basic drives and past traumas, it is known that everyday threats and dangers can also trigger the nightmare experience. It may be that when we suffer periods of low-self-esteem, with the increased vulnerability to anxiety and fear this brings, that we are more susceptible to this type of nightmare. Occasionally nightmares can relate to a low sense of confidence generally, with the dreamer feeling they do not measure up to other people, perhaps in terms of looks or achievement. While a period of feeling low will often pass for most people, for those afflicted with depression or an anxiety disorder, these anxiety dreams may be more frequent and become a problem.
Generally speaking, a girl in your dream may represent guilt, abhorrence, and feelings of uncleanness, aggressiveness or even desire for love.
Anonymous, your dreams about your CAR may suggest feelings of being out of control, or not being able to control events occurring around you, perhaps heightened stress.
Your dreams simply suggest the feelings as shock or fear. Definitely your experience with the Husky has shocked and hurt you.
I have had the same dream about three or four times a week since I was 16 (I am now 23). I am driving in my first car, a Jeep with a large hatchback (which I no longer drive) and I am on a gravel road. I am alone in the car, and just taking in the area. On the left side of the road is a downward slope full of green trees and all kinds of foliage; on the right side is just dry, cracked earth.
I am comfortable in my journey, it's mildly warm outside, very gray and cloudy. And suddenly I stop in the middle of the road, look over the hill and realize I'm lost. I immediately get out of the car and go to the hatchback and lift it up.
Sitting in the back of my car is a boy I don't know. He is crying quietly, and he looks up at me in utter despair, and asks me "Will you stop?"
I reply, "For you, I will."
And I wake up.
At this point, 7 years later, repeatedly every week... it's starting to bother me. I'm desperate to discover its meaning.
Thank you for your time and for putting together such a wonderful site.
Hi..i had this dream that i went shopping and end up forgetting to get something or left something behind at the shop at the last minute. By the time i went back, the shop is closed and there's a guard there who tells me i need to get permission to enter now, as it is closed. I had the exact same dream 3 times, n never get to the part if i manage to get wat i hv forgotten..after telling this dream to my frens..they told me i mite have feel dat its got something to do with my current present life..something that i probably am experiencing. AFter telling them, i stopped dreaming of it...till now, im still unsure y i dream of dat...
And last 2 days i dream of d ghost,with long hair n white gown, wanting to attack me or going after was frightening...i told my mum after d 2nd time i dream, n i dun dream of it anymore...
Is there any significant meaning to all dis dreams..please help me...
Anonymous, the GHOST in your dream represents an old memory, an old fear, or the past, that haunts you or comes back to you. May represent a guilt, fear of death, intuitive knowledge, dread of the unknown, or things you have done that you have tried to bury and forget. It may also be your karma, the accumulated results of actions and thoughts.
Dreams about LEAVING SOMETHING BEHIND suggest either that you feel rejected, or have a sense of not being the same as other people, or perhaps that you want to go your own way. It might also mean you are still not ready for change of some kind. You are not ready to let go of something or someone that may have been important at some time.
Anonymous, your dream (JEEP and the BOY) suggests you are deciding your own direction in life. Since dream reoccurs for so many years may indicate there are some obstacles that prevent you to feel comfortable and secure regarding your choices. A ROAD is your destiny, much of it self created by your decisions and predispositions. A road can symbolize any direction you have taken, or are thinking of taking.
Being LOST in dream links with feelings of confusion, lack of direction or conflict, of not understanding what is involved in the present situation you are in. The dream environment you are lost in defines what the confusion or conflict connects with-in this case it’s your life since you are lost in the middle of the road. Sometimes this lost feeling arises because there are issues or changes in your life you have not acknowledged or do not want to acknowledge.
The child in your dream could represent your inner self. The dream could be based on childhood memories, and it may carry a specific message or bring up long-buried issues. At the other hand this despaired boy could represent your inability to express yourself productively in the world.
I have been having a reacurring dream that I am back in highschool and I have to take 12th grade over again. I am always the age I am now instead of a normal highschool age. In the dream I take a few classes and then I go to my locker to put my books in but sometimes I cant remember where it is or I do not remember the combination. that is how it usualy ends except this last time I went to a freinds house who I havent seen for a few years and I tried to tell her that I wanted to quite but befor I could my husband showed up and I kept trying to tell her but everytime my husband would come into the room. I would really apriciate any idea of what this dream means. thank you.
Anonymous, going to SCHOOL or attending class in a dream is your unconscious reminder that there is a need for new learning and that you may have not learned an important lesson.
i really dont give much weight to what i see in my dreams but this particular recurring dream has me kinda disturbed. if u can help out in someway i'll appreciate it a lot...
i keep dreaming that i have to go to the loo and i try to seek out the most private of places but someone always ends up watching me... and m not able to go anymore coz they are watchin me...
everytime the place, people and situation is different but the end result is always the same...
really appreciate it. cheers.
Once every few weeks I keep having the same dream. When I was younger, I was best friends with this girl(GIRL 1). Eventually we stopped talking to one another. Within time, this dream would come into my head: I am in different random places when I see her. In the dream, I know that we are no longer friends but then we'll just give a look or a gesture to one another and then we both know that things are fine again. I always woke up happy and then sad because I realized it was ONLY a dream. Years have passed and every once in a while I will have this dream. Now years later, I am having the same dream again, only this time its with someone who I was closer to than the last ex friend. Me and my ex friend (GIRL 2) were incredibly close and had a "sister hood" friendship for about 8 years. We have stopped talking due to hear say and other peoples wrong doings. The dream I had last night for example is this. I was in a crowded hallway of a highschool (we went to school together) and I look up as I am walking and I see her. I shrug it off and walk foward. When I get closer to her, I remember speaking softly saying excuse me or something like that. Then she looks at me and gives a gesture to make me feel as if everything will soon be okay, as if we can pick up right where we left off because we were that close. Same feelings apply, I feel happy in the dream that we are friends again and I feel happy when I wake up only to get saddened when I realize its only a dream. It has been months since I have seen or spoken to this girl, and at this point of my life, I really dont want her in it, just because if we were as close as we told people we were, we would have talked and not ignore eachother like we did earlier. PLEASE HELP!!!
KEEN, your dream is symbolic and brings up issues regarding persisting problems or prevailing difficulties. It could represent one side of your personality attempting to catch up with the other. For example, if you are doing something hurtful to yourself or have a bad habit or addiction of some kind, the stalker in the dream may represent that negative part of your personality or life. The dream stalker could represent your conscious, an existing problem, or a goal that you have been putting off and unable to pursue.
Anonymous, your dreams are wishful, compensatory. It means you get in your dreams what you lack in waking life. Anyway, your dreams are trying to emphasize unresolved issues in your relationships and there is a need for clearing things up. Dream also suggests that you might be holding on to guilt based conflicts that should be understood and resolved.
Sometimes is wise to talk about the problem openly and that’s the one of the most effective ways to acquire a peace of mind.
I've had this dream more then once that there was 7 dinosaurs on the earth. And they came out one at a time and I had to run away from them all, like I was hopping over fences or hiding. I forgot how they "disapeared" but I never got hurt or anything and when the 7 were gone the dream was just..over. Ahh its really wierd. I haven't had it recently but it was recurring.
Anonymous, dinosaurs in your dream may represent old issues that have not been properly addressed and that continue to have the power to affect your life in the present.
hey..... i alwasy have this dream that im flying and in a certain way to. but i alwasy fly this way. i have this dream alot
And another dream i have many many times is my house being robbed i always see this can you please tell me what this means
Spike, regarding your dreams of flying please check out my posts “Flying Dreams” and “Flying Dreams Dictionary”.
Dreams about your house being robbed may particularly occur when you feel some threat to your body or emotional well-being. Dream house often personify yourself. You may feel damaged or that things are deteriorating. Dream may signify that your identity is threatened or something valuable (including time) has been lost.
Hello Spirita, Can you hep me out with these dreams? For the last few months, I have been having dreams involving the world's fate, tornadoes that barely miss me or my house, visiting 2 past homes where I was abused before I went to live with my aunt, and friend's dying? It never fails! I know the one dream that has me concerned is that ww3 will be started by Russia when they try to invade surrounding areas. Do these have meaning? Am I some sort of future seer? Or am I just nutty with weird dreams?
Codey, your dreams might suggest that you have internal conflicts. One part of personality or psyche may be battling with another for control and the dream reflects this internal war.
Many dreams deal with the subject of destruction and cataclysm. These usually occur when the dreamer is going through great doubts, cynicisms and heart searching. Events in life may question religious or moral beliefs; break down self confidence, destroy the concepts one has of the world and life. Also, anxiety regarding external world, political forces etc, that the dreamer feels at the mercy of. Usually this is about fears for the future and what might develop in the external world through the huge forces of politics and national conflict.
In addition, your dreams could mean that you have not yet developed abilities to cope with what is symbolized as causing the fears. One of the wonderful things about dreams if you work with them, is that they gradually show you how to deal with the parts of your nature that need to grow or to be healed. They show how to meet the parts of yourself that need release, or to be understood or healed. If it takes courage to meet these buried or painful parts of yourself, then your dreams will gradually take you on a journey that helps you to unfold your resources of courage. You will be enabled to face your fears, and in fact gain power and instruction from them.
hello again spirita..
when I was a kid maybe 4 to 7 years old, i used to have this reoccurring dream wherein i was in our province and i was inside a car.. and this car is moving fast on its own.. i did not know what to do. and because i was still 4 or 7 at that time, i did not know how to drive and so what i did in my dream is that i tried to step on the pedals and steered the wheels.. and i was so afraid and then i just woke up..
I had this dream two days ago and I had it multiple times before a few months ago. Basically, I wake up in my dream but think I am really awake. I go to fall asleep, and right before I do, my TV that I keep on at night makes a low odd sound, and then parts of my TV start showing odd colors. I then know this is a dream and anticipate something scary will happen and I hit my head off my pillow in my dream as an effort to wake up, because for some reason I can barely move. My dream ends and resets itself basically, and each time I believe I am really awake. After it happened a few times, I wake up in my dream, go downstairs in the middle of the night and go to look up the word Pantomininine. I recently learned the word Pantomime(Im 15). Now right before I google that non existent word the dream ends,and I wake up in my bed and have the same dream with my TV and I notice my clock said 3:12 AM. I wake up(this time for real) and it is 3:18 AM. I go back to bed and have no odd dreams. I have had this dream a few times before, a few months after eachother, and it happened when I lived at my old house. The dreams did not include my computer or my clock either. Also, about a year ago, I had a dream similar to these at my old house. I faced my wall in my sleep for once, and I fell asleep for about 10 seconds. It showed a skull, and it screamed, and I tried to wake up because I knew it was a dream with no effect. It happened as soon as I fell asleep and I was unable to move during my dream. It was basically darkness, like my eyes were closed, then a skull screaming. I fell asleep again, same exact thing happened, except I knew it was a dream, I tried to wake up, no effect, so I dealt with it and waited for it to end. Please tell me why I have these dreams, what they mean, and how to stop them. Shaking rapidly in most nightmares I had once woke me up, but it didn't for this. Please give me an answer. Thank you.
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