Pregnancy and Babies in Dreams

To dream of giving birth or see someone else giving birth, suggests that you are giving birth to a new idea or project. It also represents a new attitude, fresh beginnings or a major upcoming event. A more direct interpretation of this dream may represent your desires/ anxieties of giving birth or the anticipation for such an event to occur.
To see a baby in your dream signifies innocence, warmth and new beginnings. Babies may symbolize something in your own inner nature which is pure, vulnerable, and/or uncorrupted. Babies may represent an aspect of your self that is vulnerable and helpless. To dream of a crying baby, is indicative of a part of yourself that is deprived of attention and needs some nurturing. Alternatively, it represents your unfulfilled goals and a sense of lacking in your life.
During the middle of my pregnancy,(Im now 7 months)I had a dream that i kept looking for my baby until I came upon an old woman feeding a child. They child was in a highchair so I could only see the back of him. When I got closer the woman said the baby was mine. So i walked in front of the baby and this is when i saw that the baby's arms were cripled and his face was all twisted. He looked like he was mutated and burnt up..I wouldnt accept it and i kept repeating that he wasnt mine... It was a horrible dream...i woke up and thought about it all day.
Anonymous, since you are PREGNANT your dream baby is reflection of your fears and worries about pregnancy. Many pregnant women have very anxious or strange dreams about their baby. So do not feel that such dreams are predictions ! They are ways of releasing anxiety.
However, if the baby in your dream appear odd, and if your interactions with it are bizarre or unusual, you need to consider your own well-being (psychologically) and think about what personal experiences and psychological hang-ups make you feel anxious.
what if I dreamed that I was 9 months pregnant and had hid it from every one?
Latrell, you may be hiding from feeling, or avoiding awareness of something you don't want to see. Your dream was telling you that you aren't facing difficult feelings connected with your body
I am 9 weeks pregnant and I had a dream that I was holding my baby and feeding it. In my dream I had a boy.
I believe your dream was a wish fulfillment.
pregnant keep dreaming or baby boys i would rather a girl but i dont care what the gender is
What if your 44yrs old and dream of having a baby or being pregnant, your body isn't capable anymore to reproduce, and you already have two teenage children and an adolesent?
Karen, as you see in my post about pregnancy in dreams, you could also be pregnant with ideas! Old dream interpretation books say that a dream about pregnancy is a good omen for women, and an improvement in her intimate relationship is forthcoming.
I am almost 11 weeks pregnant and just last night I had two dreams. First i woke up terrified in the middle of the night after havin a dream about losing my baby, it just FELL OUT!!!! I was us probably for about 45 mins. before I fell back to sleep. Then I woke up in the morning and i had had another dream about having a baby girl. What could these dreams be? Maybe Im just worried, Or maybe Im thinking about it too hard???
Sam, since you are pregnant, don't be too worried by anxiety dreams about the baby. Virtually all pregnant women have them. Only get worried if they persist. A scan can quickly see if you are just anxious or intuitive.
I recently had a dream that I was walking through a paddock at night and found a tiny baby girl. Her stomach had been torn open by what I sensed to be a skunk. I took her back to a house which I sensed to be mine. She recovered really quickly. By the end of the dream, I knew that I would keep her as my own.
Anonymous, your dream is telling you that there is something new and vulnerable that has come to life - come to your life. The important question is, what is it that is new and growing in your love, in your work, or in yourself? Or perhaps it is about vulnerability.
Whatever the condition of the baby is, this is a description of what is happening with the newly emerging or vulnerable part of yourself. What you feel and think about the baby gives an indication of how you are relating to the new part of yourself, or what worries you are discharging.
I think your dream also presents you with opportunities to change or to grow. It is dealing with an emerging part of your nature, or a new love or project.
I frequently dream that I am pregnant (I am not pregnant, I never have been) - I don't know who the father is in these dreams, but I don't really seem to be worried about it. I've been having dreams like this for almost 4 years now, and in each one I can feel the baby moving inside me, but I don't give birth to the child. In some of them, I will go into labor, but I never deliver the child. Strange!
I am 19 weeks pregnant, and twice i have dreamt that i have a baby girl, the first looked just like a baby that i know, and the second was of me having this confirmed by an ultrasound and me buying all pink right down to the babys changing bag, and then the baby being in the pushchair, this is my sixth pregnancy and i have 5 boys already.
Tracy, your dream is wish-fulfilling
Dream expert???
hi everyone i have a friend but only chatting well sometimes we talk on the phone but rarely anyways she said she had a dream of me she said ...
( i was holding a baby and i was looking for you to tell you to know that he is our son and i was happy i did my best to let u know but i couldn't )
end of dream.
she said that I am like a brother to her and she has no best friends at her city...
so what do you think does the dream mean??
I had a dream that I was in a dark bedroom with my friend and my son. My son is 4 years old but in my dream he was a baby, about a month old.
I was holding him in my arms when he stopped breathing for no reason whatsoever. My friend calmly told me he was dead. I was crying, devestated, as you would be if your child died, but i didn't call for help, I didnt try to resusitate him or save him. I just held him for a bit longer but it got too much for me so I put him on the bed and walked out of the house with my friend. 9 hours later (in my dream!) I plucked up the courage to go back to him. I picked him up, he was cold, I rocked him in my arms when suddenly he started breathing again and opened his eyes. He stared at me, making baby noises. I was worried that he might be brain damaged due to lack of oxygen. I was saying "I should have come back sooner, I could have saved you sooner". I felt awful. I woke up crying, it really scared me. Any idea what this could mean?
Sweet boy, the baby in your friend’s dream represents her. She is the baby and the dream is telling her something about her development in a particular area of her life (in this case it is relationship with you). Baby may also represent your friend’s potential and a new beginning.
Anonymous, this is very upsetting dream. Some dreams of dead people are expressive of attempts to deal with feelings, guilt or anger in connection with the person who died; or your own feelings about death. Your dream represents feelings or worries concerning a son and hopes or worries about the future or your parental responsibility.
At the other hand your son in the dream represents your marriage. The child is the produce of the relationship, so he represents the state (ups and downs) of your relationship, the anxiety you are facing due to some issues you might experiencing currenty.
i had about 10 or 11 dreams of this girl who i added as a freind on a very famous netwroking page. I have had several dreams about her but one that stands out is that i go to her page and i see her and she is dating a really fat guy. then when i scroll down on her page i see the leters IN A RELATIONSHIP and then i woked up immediately after that. Other dreams about her include me talking in the grass with her and her directing me to a school in which i know very recently she started to work in.What does all this mean?
Anonymous, your dream doesn’t have deeper meaning. It occurs naturally from your daytime experiences. Your unconscious mind incorporated your experiences with the girl you’ve mentioned.
Hi Spirita,pls could you help me with the interpretations of these recurring dreams;
1;Always being/interacting/working busily among strangers.
2;Always seeing my self in situations whereby I have to render help:financial&otherwise to my boyfriend who is not yet fully committed for almost 2 yrs now.Seeing myself in a cordial friendship with an aunt who doesn't seem to like me too well.
3;Always seeing myself in the midst of strange&helpless kid,even adults,rendering them all kinds of support,when in real life I don't have much.Thanks in anticipation of your sincere answers.
Ujunwa ,
1. Always being/interacting/working busily among strangers can depict how you meet the pressure of social norms and public opinion. It also signifies enormous involvement of self in issue; or your relationship or feelings about the social environment you live in.
2. This relates to your own problem solving abilities or your strength and skill to deal with or heal what confronts you. Sometimes this embodies feelings such as security or love that have, in the past, enabled you to meet difficulties or situations.
Aunt in dreams: Whatever feelings you have about her, whatever you think of her, the dream will use this to illustrate something for you. So consider how you would describe your aunt, what sort of person she is, and how you feel about her. The dream will be using her image to illustrate the role you see her in. If she is a success, ask yourself what in yourself you are facing regarding success. If you feel she is a failure, ask yourself what of your own feelings about failure you are facing.
3. To dream that you are giving or receiving charity is analogous to your ability to give and receive love and care about others. It is symbolic to your compassion.
lately I've been dreaming of having sex with people that I've done it with in the past.Though in my dreams I'm in love(something that i desperatly avoid) with the guy that i had no feelings for and I do evil things to girls with boyfriends.(like make the boyfriend cheat on the girl and once they are broken up i leave the guy)
Anonymous, regarding your sexual dreams I’m referring you to my posts Dream Symbols -Romantic Sex, Dream Symbols-Kiss, Kissing, and Sexual Dreams. Please use the search box to reach above mentioned posts easily
Hello.. About a week ago I had the first nightmare in ly life: I dreamt I was possessed by the devil, I was paralyzed and thus, I couldn't even pray nor reach my bible. After I oculd escape (I reached my Bible) mi little brother appeared and told me " don't get wet". I go to my balcony, there's snow upto the the 6th floor (i live on the 8th floor). A women from my building tries to calm everyone but as she tried to speak, her nose started bleeding. My parents call me telling me they are back to France (my home) and tell me to meet at this little town. I get out of my apartment and it's raining. I get to the town, meet my parents and we go to church. I didn't tell them about the possession, but then, I saw my grandpa, and I told him all about it, he said "keep praying'. As we were in the church, people began singing and dancing. it didn't actually felt as a church. A man, who was supposed to be the preacher, gave me a saxophon I tried to played it but I couldn't. We gor out of the church and my parents tell me they are getting divorce. My mom presents me her new boyfriend, he happens to be the guy I made love with a couple a weeks before that. I as the boy where he met my mom, and he tells me "at your grandparents funeral". I woke up.
WHat does it mean? I was very scared (and still get goosobumps when I think about it) I woke up at 2:15am frozen with fear.
Tell me what you think about it please.
Anonymous, dreaming about DEVILS and demons is usually very frightening. The devil does not generally represent something outside of you. It usually symbolizes the most negative and least developed part of you. It may be that part of you that is ignorant and destructive. Or it may be all those desires, ideas, habits that have come into your life, that go against the promptings of your deepest nature. In one word, all the aspects of life of which you are not master and which can therefore influence you against your will. While the results of these tendencies may seem devilish, at the same time they offer the opportunity of wrestling with them and developing strength and awareness.
Dreams about demons possession have a person who has terrible feelings of guilt about sexual urges. Feeling of guilt may represent them as a demon threatening to possess them. Therefore a demon may represent guilt, hatred, feelings of uncleanness, aggressiveness or desire for love, and so on.
Reaching a Bible in your dream represents reaching your moral feelings, collective social wisdom and your feelings or ideas about religion. Church in your dream may show your religious beliefs, or feelings about religion.
When you see bleeding in your dream, it means the distressing situation in your life which is at the root of your dream has come to an end, and the worst is over.
When you dream about your family members it signifies the values, attitudes and emotional or social responses you have absorbed from your family; the acceptance or tensions you feel in relationship with family contact; the support or pain you feel from parents and siblings. Because there is such variety here, you will need to define just what your relationship was, and feelings still are, about the member of the family in the dream.
Twist on the Baby Dream....?
My cousin had a dream that I had a baby girl. Now I know for a fact that whenever she has dreamed about fish, someone was pregnant. but am not sure about her dreaming about a baby. Any help on what this could mean?
Hi! A nice fellow at yahoo answers directed me to your site after I posted a question to the board. I found your blog insightful and very helpful to me. For many years, I would have the same reoccuring dream. Of a woman rocking a baby in a chair. I felt sad everytime I would have it. My mother has blonde hair, so it couldn't be her. This woman had auburn hair, red lipstick, an off white suit and patten leather shoes. She would hum. She would rock the baby. She would cry. I even remember one time feeling what seemed like a tear on my cheek when I awoke once. It was weird. It haunted me to a degree over the years. Until, I had an epiphany! I came to the conclusion that I must have been dreaming about my birth mother. I even wrote a poem about her and the dream.
A Poem for My Biological Mother
You touched my heart.
Like the words of a song I can never forget.
You touched my soul.
Like the smell of the air,
The first day of spring.
When you held me close…
I felt safe.
I wonder in my heart.
I wonder what I could do.
I wanted to love you.
You touched my heart
with your loving kindness.
Thank you for giving me life.
I heard music in the air.
Was it your voice?
I dreamed of you rocking me in the chair.
You were crying.
I am OK.
I am safe.
I have been loved deeply.
I feel your beauty in the rain.
I feel you with every step I make.
Please rest in peace now. (I added this part after I had found her)
Two hearts separated.
Souls forever connected
because you touched my heart.
I believe she was trying to communicate with me, somehow. Maybe it was a primal memory? Or as you have stated time/space connection? Anyway, I just wanted to share my experience with you. And thank you for your blog and your kindness.
I dreamt twice I was kissin' this guy. The thing is that I like him, and some months ago we kiss, like if we were together, but we were not. So then, obviously he broke my heart. I just want to get over him, but he kind of doesn't let this feelings go. Do my dreams mean something? Help please urgent! :( Kisses n' Hugs!
Wow! What a beautiful poem! Thanks for sharing. As a bm, I cried. U give me hope.
DreamerGurl, sorry to disappoint you. Your dream doesn’t have deeper meaning. It is just a reflection and extension of your daytime experiences and thoughts. Your unconscious mind incorporates these topics into dreams because it wants to consider them further in the form of symbolic drama.
Dream about kissing are mostly compensatory and wish fulfiling.
I have a question. Do you still dream the same dream? Now that you have found her? Just wondering? I am adopted. I have had some dreams too around my birthday. So, do you have a relationship with your bm now? I am happy for you. You must have alot of unanswered questions, answered. I wish I could find my bm. The dreams that I have aren't as loving as yours were. In mine, I am screaming bloody murder, as a baby, holding onto her for dear life. And the women is laughing. So, I suppose its a nightmare. Which may have stopped me from searching over the years. What do you think?
My boyfriend and i broke up a while a back. We had a really bitter break up and now we are at a point where we do not even speak to each other regularly.
A few weeks ago i had a dream that has left me wondering.
He is a medium in the spiritual world.
Now, i dreamt that he came to me and held my hand (in shaking position) and proceeded to pour honey over our hands. He looked and me and laughed and said that he knew that i liked him but it didn't sound like him. Anyway after that he took the bottle of honey, stuck it in my mouth and gave me more than a mouth full of honey to drink.
I loved him deraly and still do.
I know that honey has a strong connection with the Yoruba goddess of love Osun but what bothers me most is him in the dream giving me this honey. Why him.
Am i makinng a fuse over nothing?
Hi, I felt a need to reply. I found my birth mother. But she died of breast cancer on 8/2/87, I found her sister on 8/2/04 via I was heartbroken. But some of my questions were answered. I still dream of her. But ironically, the dreams aren't so sad anymore. I wouldn't know what to say about your dream. I am sure Spirita could probably explain it better than myself. I can tell you, though. Finding her helped me to understand myself far better. Not knowing who she was over a lifetime was painful to a degree. Maybe your dream is a manifestation of the pain you have felt, from not knowing? If I were you, I would try to find out. Because for me, even though it was a painful process in the end- I wouldn't have traded not knowing about my first mother for anything. Hope this helps. I can now look into the mirror and know who I look like, for example.
I keep dreaming that I am pregnant and I can actually feel the baby moving in my stomach. My son was born 4 months ago and I haven't had a period yet.
Anonymous, as you can see in my post about pregnancy in dreams, your dream can symbolize the development of some new approaches to life, new opening of expression, or new capacity, ability and talent. Since you gave birth recently, your dream occurs naturally from your experience.
I am young and had a dream of having a baby. I have wanted a baby for a long time now and I wasnt sure what this all was.
At first I saw me and I was very visably pregnant and then next thing I knew I was in the hospital. Now I dont remember the birth at all but I remember wanting to see my baby. Then I went to see him and he was in a room but not like a hospital baby room it was like a room in a house hard wood floors and very warm and cozy and I went from crib to crib and there were babies of all different ages and then finally I found mine... there were no signs that said he was mine I just knew and I also had a sence that his name was Ean. But I never saw his face... or his body at all but I knew he was beautiful and I woke up crying because he was so beautiful. What does all that mean...
Anonymous, many people from time to time will have BABIES or small children in their dreams. If these newborns are strangers to you, you can assume that they represent you. You are the baby and the dream is telling you something about your development in a particular area of your life. At times of great change and renewal, a baby may appear in a dream and represent your potential and a new beginning. Generally, babies represent innocence and are symbols of the purest form of a human. Besides the above interpretation I would rather stressed that your dream is wish-fulfilling since you’ve mentioned you have wanted a baby for a long time. And your dream is also an extension of your daily thoughts and desires.
I often dream that I am pregnant and every time I feel ashamed and disgusted by my pregnancy. The last time I had this dream, my stomach looked awfully grotesque - it swung downward as if I had a round rock in my stomach. Can I make these dreams go away, I always hate it when I dream I am pregnant...
Anonymous, if you are afraid of being PREGNANT, you may dream of it often. Any distortions of the body image in your dreams suggest similar effects in your personality or the way you feel about yourself. Stomach in dreams symbolizes acceptance and your ability to deal with events, situations, ideas and people. According to your dream it seems you have some hard time to approve something or someone. This dream uncovers lack of skill to face changes and acknowledge anything new that comes on your way.
Negative feelings you are experiencing while having dreams of being pregnant signifies hidden weaknesses and fears. You may feel that your self-confidence has been undermined. This dream also suggests of insecurities about your sexuality.
Hi spirita.
I had a dream last night where my boyfriend was pregnant. I have a feeling the baby was in my belly at one point, but then it got transferred to him. The most vivid image I have is being on the telephone with my boyfriend (which showed we were apart) and I was walking with my entire family to what seemed like a church. I think the dream was somewhat sad too. Any thoughts?
Caitlyn, this dream about going to church may represent your childhood associations with religion. This dream may be a muddled childhood memory. The church could represent a need for greater spirituality in your life. It may express religious beliefs, everyday occurrences, and issues of safety, security and strength through religious expression.
Talking on the phone portrays your need to communicate with yourself and others. Ask yourself are there some issues that are bothering you and you want to see them resolved?
You say in your dream you felt sad. That feeling of sadness is significant because it indicates acknowledgement of your feelings. It is far better to express your emotions then to suppress them.
Your and then your boyfriend’s pregnant belly represents emotions that are due to come to the surface. They can no longer remain suppressed.
I dreamt that i had a fling with a guy i like and got pregnant. But i know if i told him, he wouldn't want the baby. So i finally gave birth to a baby boy and heard my friends saying how much it looked like him. I was overjoyed and while picking out a name for the baby, i decided was going to raise the child myself. In real life - this guy i like is not aware of how i feel towards him - we're just good friends. What does this dream mean?
hi, i dreamt that i was pregnant and then gave birth to quadtuplets(2 boys, 2 girls). there was no man/father figure but that didn't seem to be an issue?i was so happy, and so were my parents.
later in the dream, there was a bank robbery where a friend of mine was held hostage.but she was unharmed in the end?
now there is absolutelty NO chance of me being pregnant at the moment, nor would i want there to be!can you help me understand what this means?
thanks a million!
Anonymous, this dream could symbolize new beginnings (i.e. giving birth to new ideas, new ways of living, or a new stage in life). Superstition-based dream interpretations say that giving birth in a dream is a sign of good luck, while multiple births are omens of forthcoming material wealth.
Robbery in your dream signifies that you may be feeling there is a threat to your friend’s security.
I had a dream that I was looking for a little boy. I had an entire minor league baseball team trying to help me. We were looking at what felt like my house. What could that mean?
Then the next night I dreamed I found a jacket my daughter was missing.
ps~ I want to have a third child but my husband does not.
Anonymous, your dream about looking for a boy is just another manifestation of your wish to have another child.
Jacket in your other dream means you are discovering in yourself some youthful feelings or ways of thinking and doing things.
One night last week I had a dream that I was pregnant. In my dream I was about 7 months pregnant. All of a sudden I went into labor and the dream ended. I never told my boyfriend but two days later he had a dream that we had a little girl together. He said in the dream we were at the park with our 3 year old child. What could this mean? We have been trying to get pregnant. We both want to start a family.
I often have dreams that I am pregnant(i am not and have never been). My most recent dream, I have twins and I throw them out...3 days later I return to them and they are hungry, I only take one of them and return with it to a living room couch where I let the baby nurse from me.. I then go back and retrieve the second child... my twins were half black, but in reality i am white and my boyfriend is chinese....
does the race issue mean anything? and what does my dream mean.. twins, throwing them away, feeding
Anonymous, many baby dreams have this theme of neglecting, or even starving the baby. This is usually because we need to take care of, or be more aware of, how much personal need we have for things like care, appreciation and love being given to us. If as a baby our need for being held and given attention were met, then we can move into the next phase of our growth. But if these needs were never met, one is often stuck emotionally at this level of development.
Feeding your babies means caring for your own infant needs which still exist in your adult life; it also means giving care and love to someone who is relating to you in a baby way; wanting a baby, or needing to express the depth of your own ability to give and love.
This dream doesn’t have connection with the racial issue. In general it represents something that was developing, a new face of yourself, or a new opportunity that has now been lost or rejected.
I keep having dreams of having a boy. Never that I'm pregnant or giving birth, but that he is already born. In the dream I know he is mine and I am content with it, but for some reason I can never keep track of him and I'm always concerned for his safety. I do want children at this point in my life, but I don't want to jump to conclusions. I was pregnant once before and had dreams of a baby girl and I was pregnant with a little girl, could this be a premonition?
I have had four dreams recently that all had a baby in them. The dream I had from last night: I had a baby with blonde hair, porcelian skin, and who i remember smiling at. I would put the baby in my bed and would be there when the baby found its way out of the covers. I remember not wanting to be known as a teenager who had a baby but I knew I did not give birth to it. I never wondered where it came from though...I also remeber a dream from a little while ago: I had to bury this little gray baby made of clay into the ground, I placed its little bundled body down and remember light shinning through after I buried it... Another dream: I was on the road after I saw a baby disappear and I a read the license plate of the car that was driving away and I thought that it had stolen it... There are many changes that are about to occur in my life such as college, possibly getting a job this summer, does having baby dreams mean Im not ready? - Lorena
when i 5 months i dreamed that i was having a c-section and they handed the baby to me and i had to ask what is it? they said its a girl i was suprised because they had told me it was going to be a boy! so in my dream i had to uncover the baby to check the baby and yes it was a girl.
Hello- Over the past week or so, I keep dreaming I have children. This has happened three times. I am 22 and have never been pregnant. Te first dream, my son was about 10 or 11; the second time I had 2 daughters, about 8 and 6; and the third time I had a son as well, about 9. I don't remember much about the dreams, just the presnce of my children.
I am not trying to conceive or anything. I do often feel like I want to have a child, but my relationship with my boyfriend is not ready for it. Why would I keep having these dreams and what do they mean?
Thanks a bunch!!
Ive been having a reacurring dream every night for about 3 days. Its the same thing in every dream. I am 9 months pregnant with my boyfriends (who ive been dating for a yr) baby. I start going into labor and we go to the hospital. Then i have a beautiful little baby girl. I remember every detail of her. My boyfriend let my name her and so i named her Audrey. Its bugging me and i cant stop thinking about it! what does this mean for me?
I dreamt about my boss. His wife is expecting their first child and is bed ridden because of her pregnancy (in real life).
in the dream, i went to a meeting with him and fellow co-workers. when I got there they all began telling me how his baby died before his wife gave birth. they are all whispering amongst eachother about it, with my boss in the room, but he doesn't seem to notice. suddenly they all leave the room with him and i a m left with teenagers which i have never met before. they want to know what happened and why i was l;eft behind. throughout all this i feel confused, sad and empty inside. i woke up feeling very sad. what does this mean?
Chally,dreams depict your fears, they are seldom predictions. So learn from the dream to sort out what is troubling you. Don't use them to trouble yourself.
What does this mean; I just woke up in the middle of the night having dreamt I gave birth and it seems so real. It was an easy pregnancy and when I gave birth I thought I had just peed. I am not and never have been pregnant. The baby was a boy with beautiful green eyes.
Was it "just" a dream?
A bit of history: I ended a 6 year relationship in November because my partner, age 53 doesn't want to have children. Recently turning 33 I've decided I do. With that I moved out and started a new job around that time also.
The relationship had no major problems outside of our agreeing to disagree on this matter. He ask me many time that first month to come back and now that the smoke had settled...........I want back what I life with him.
He has not changed his mind and now I'm struggling with my decision.
Dream: I had a dream that I was pregnant, the birth a bit painful and then I had a beautiful baby boy. For some reason I took the time to check out the babies sex. When I woke up I had a peaceful feeling....maybe like confirmation I'll have a child?
I'm now thinking about taking a fertility test. I'd hate to loose the love of my life because I decided I want a baby and then later in life I find that I can't have children.
A little desperate for direction.
I am 16 weeks pregnant and friday night i had a dream that i was about 27 weeks pregnant and felt my baby kick.. then all of a sudden, it just kicked its self out of my stomach and it was a boy. I woke up crying & feeling my belly.
I'm a 25 year old male and I had a dream that my recent ex-girlfriend (whom I'm still in love with) had my baby. The baby had blue eyes and was gorgeous and happy. However, in my dream she had the baby and left me with him. My family loved the baby and I even called him my son.
I cant get this dream out of my head...
Hi Spirita. I am a 36 yr old woman, not pregnant but I do hope to have children. I had a strange dream last night that I had a baby boy. I was at the hospital by myself, waiting on my boyfriend who never arrived. After I had the baby, when they handed him to me he was a toddler (maybe like 2 yrs) smiling at me and really cute. Technically he was supposed to be a newborn. The doctors took him to get cleaned up, so while I was waiting I started wandering the hospital, very disoriented. At the end of my dream I recall seeing my sister and brother-in-law in the lobby. I felt happy through out the dream, minus being annoyed at the hospital for not treating me better, as a first time mother having a baby.
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