Body in Dreams

Any part of your body you dream about has two possible associations. One is a link with the actual body organ or part, and the other is its psychological meaning. The condition you see your body in often represents what you fear or feel about yourself, maybe unconsciously.
HEAD in dreams usually relates to your mental cleverness or intellect, your thoughts. But it is also often to do with attitudes and decision making.
HEAD in dreams usually relates to your mental cleverness or intellect, your thoughts. But it is also often to do with attitudes and decision making.
ARMS represent the power to express emotions, desires and ideas, to construct or destroy. Arms might also be referring to ability to love, give, take, create, defend, or reach out.
LEGS in dreams point to the things that support you in life. This support may depend upon parents, job, money, religion, friends or your own confidence.
ABDOMEN in dream may be directly about your physical health or diet needs. If so it will in some way be connected with food or activities bringing illness or health. When, in your dream, you are feeling pain or discomfort in this area or any other area of the body, consider how well that part of your body is functioning in real life.
If you are ILL in your dream, you should pay attention to your health. At times our unconscious gives us warnings before we are consciously aware of any symptoms. At the other hand, dreaming of illness is often a way of showing you that you have painful feelings that need to be attended to. Often these feelings were experienced and not fully felt at an earlier period of your life, and now need to be healed or released.
When considering the interpretation of feeling PAIN in your dream, first look at you physical health. If you are feeling pain in your daily life, it may carry over into your dream state. Additionally, if the pain is emotional in nature, question the painful feelings and attempt to identify their source. The dream state is usually a safe way to experience negative feelings with which you may not want to deal.
It's so nice of you to help people understand their dreams on this blog! I was wondering if you could tell me about one that is bothering me... I walked into a bedroom in a house next door to find my husband, a rough looking man, and a shadowy figure woman standing around the bed talking. The man had just hit my husband in the nose with a hammer. He did it as some sort of punishment/lesson/payback. There was no blood but his right nostril was red & blue. I got very upset and told my husband he needed to call 911 and have him arrested for assault! He didn't seem too concerned or upset and hadn't even considered doing anything about it. The man seemed proud of himself for what he had done. (If it matters, in waking life, my husband works in construction, his bosses are a married couple, he really dislikes his job & is looking for another one.) Is this one where every character is me? It blows my mind when I try to think of it that way. Thanks for your time!
I had this one nightmare last night, where I was in my mom's van and as she was inside a store I opened the door and left only to find I was now in a house. I looked around and heard noises coming from a closet and when I asked a little girl about it she said her parents locked her brother in there one day and that was where he stayed. When I opened the door to let him out I found that at night he became a monster. I was chased around the house and finally got rid of him by throwing a chicken at him. I left the house and the property by going under a bridge that he couldn't pass but when I tried to get away I found that the woods I was in always led back to the house, where he was waiting for me. An infinite loop.
SHAE, most often this type of dream expresses feelings of anger you may have been holding back during waking. But it can also point to an area of conflicting feelings or anxiety. Your dream express feelings not so much of aggression, but of struggle for what is right for your husband; a fight for his 'space', a fight against urges in himself, or influence from other people. This could be a fight for his independence.
Anonymous, locked or closed door may represent an obstacle or opportunity that is not currently available to you. The MONSTER in your dream represents negative forces inside of yourself and in your life. It portrays your own negative characteristics and tendencies. The monster in your dreams could be your fear, bad temper, negativity, smoking habit, or anything else that is hurtful and needs to be changed. The way that you deal with the monster in your dream is generally symbolic of the way you are dealing with the corresponding negativity in your daily life. This dream could also be symbolic of your lack of ability to rise above your emotional difficulties or unconscious drives.
The other night I had a dream that I was running some kind of marathon, and in the marathon I was towards the end of the line of runners, just half heartedly running the race like I was just there because I had to be, not because I wanted to, but then out of nowhere I catch this second wind and end up running past everyone and winning the race. The only thing was that there was no reward and no one seemed to care that I had accomplished this really great thing.
The second "part" of my dream starts with my grandparents giving my mother a brand new car. They sit in the back and they want me to drive, so I start driving down our street and it turns out we're driving towards this bridge/dam looking thing and out of nowhere it busts. I turn the car around quickly and drive back up the hill with the water rushing after me, and I'm so scared. I end up getting everyone away from the gush of water, but once again no one seems to pay any attention and I feel so shook up and scared.
They both seem to make a little bit of sense to me, but I was just wondering if there was maybe something deeper that I could be missing. Thank you in advance, I really enjoy reading all of your interpretations and like learning new things about dreams.
SARAH, regarding the race in your dream, the first question you need to ask yourself - Are you competing or running from or to something? In order to have a good understanding of this dream you should consider those factors. If you are simply running, it may be an indication that you need to slow down in your everyday life. If you are competing, you need to consider your competitive drive and realistically look at the current challenges. If you are running in a race and win, your unconscious may be expressing confidence that you may or may not feel in the wakened state. Running in your dreams may also symbolize the energy levels, the strength, or the force that you have to get through life.
The second part of your dream portrays how well (or unwell?) you are navigating from one stage of your life to another. If you are driving in your dream it suggests you are deciding your own direction in life but since there are some obstacles on your way, you are still unsure whether your decisions are right or wrong. That’s why you felt scared in your dream, because you are still doubtful regarding some changes that are happening in your life.
Overall, your dream uncovers you need for a greater support, acknowledgment and recognition. At the other hand, you seem like mature, smart and strong person and there is no reason not to believe in your strengths. Regards
This is a dream that I had only once, but I woke up terrified and it has always scared me.
I'm in a car driving down a road, and I stop at a red light. In the middle of a road is this creature. It's like a stuffed animal, only it's alive, and it's been patched together and mutilated and missing parts. The thing frightens me, but I get out of the car and go get it out of the street and bring it back in the car with me and I tell it that I'll take care of it. Even though its appearance horrifies me, I try not to show it. Then all of a sudden, we've arrived at my grandmother's driveway, which is a dirt road out in the country, and the thing is out in the middle of the road again, and this time it looks at me and says "Murder" in French.
I woke up then, more scared than I ever have from any other dream. Thanks in advance for your thoughts!
hi spirta,
my girlfriend has already dreamt 2 times that she got pregnant. is there any meanings to her dreams?
Anonymous, to understand your girlfriend’s dreams better, check out my post “Pregnancy and Babies in Dreams”
A few days ago I dreamt I was following US President Bush and another man through a building. The men were having a heated discussion about something. Eventually I lost them and tried to catch up on a lower floor. When I exited the elevator, which had a large back wall mirror in which I made note of my hair color (lighter than it is in real life), I did not see them. But suddenly I saw two men struggling with each other around furniture display areas. I think I'd dreamt about them before. Well this time I didn't stay as an observer and grabbed the longer haired one and pulled him away and asked what was going on. Someone else held back the man with short hair. It turned out that the one I grabbed had given a necklace to his sister 17 years ago and wanted it back, and the other guy appeared to be her boyfriend and was trying to take it back for her. I sided against the brother, essentially saying he was being ridiculous, but ultimately tossed the necklace on the floor, which came to my possession sometime earlier, and let them resume their fight. The fight was short and unmemorable, but the short haired boy friend won it.
JENNY, your dream was like a horror movie indeed, no doubt you were scared. The creature in your dream may represent negative forces inside of yourself and in your life. Most of the monsters-like creatures are representing your own negative characteristics and tendencies. It could be your fear, bad temper, negativity, some bad habit, or anything else that is hurtful and needs to be changed. The way that you deal with the creature in your dream is generally symbolic of the way you are dealing with the corresponding negativity in your daily life. If you wake up from this dream and are very frightened, just remember that your mind created those images and that their purpose is to teach you something about yourself.
I had a dream of my grandparents recently, with whom I was very close to, and they passed away years ago. At my grandpa's funeral, my grandma and I spent the entire day in front of the casket holding hands, crying on the sofa. At my grandma's I didnt have anyone to do that with, so I did it alone. In my dream, I returned to the funeral home, and there was no one there. I walked to the sofa, and looked at my grandma there, and cried. I looked to the right, and in a white fog, sat my grandpa (who passed away before her)and he walked over and touched my hand. He gave me a message,saying that i know had someone to mourn with and then sat next to me. I then woke up, crying.
i have dreams where I speak with my boyfriend's mother, who passed. she tells me things as though she is trying to go through me to apologize to my boyfriend for her actions and I have ran things by him that I had no idea about, (she mentioned a note she wrote to him) and he is shocked and doesnt know how I could know about it, he hid it before she died. When I would fall asleep at his house or his sisters, I would hear my name, and fall asleep to see her in a dream, but anywhere else, I dont see her.
Anonymous, HAIR as a dream symbol is used a great deal in dreams. It usually represents the character you present yourself as. The style, length, and the colour suggest the different mental attitudes, characteristics, strengths or weaknesses being portrayed. The lighter hair in your dream represents changing attitudes and a change of mind. Also, the fight in your dream symbolizes anger and confusion that comes about in times of change. If nothing is changing in your life, it may be a clue that a change is needed or that you want to change internally. Fighting with strangers usually represents an internal struggle. NECKLACE in your dream portrays some things you hang round your neck, as a millstone round the neck. That could be some obligations or difficulties.
I had a dream that my boyfriend, one of his brothers, and I were inside my old house sitting in the living room. We heard a loud noise and looked out the window to see smoke billowing above the trees quite a ways away. My boyfriend's youngest brother was outside shoveling snow and I looked down to see him. He was looking in the same direction we were and then he turned around and looked at me. I opened the window and he was yelling about the smoke being from a gunshot. The rest of the dream was spent on us trying to figure out who shot who. We were even in the car with someone that I thought was the killer and we were looking at obituaries to see who had passed away recently.
In real life, I see a lot of myself in the brother who was outside. Just in his actions and characteristics (he is very easily offended but very prideful and will not try to make peace with someone until they have apologized for wronging him. Even if he was being too sensitive and the other person doesn't really need to apologize). So maybe I'm actually seeing some part of myself outside? What does this dream mean?
Anonymous, although I believe in more rational dream interpretation and explanation I cannot omit that the spirit (deceased boyfriend's mom) in your dream may be a contact with the dead.
Erin, in your dream you were reliving the painful experience of losing your grandparents. At times we dream about deceased relatives or friends simply because we miss them. These dreams may be disturbing but most likely are a form of wish-fulfillment or are based on memory through which we relive old experiences. Some people believe that in dreams they meet up with the deceased on the inner planes and engage in "real" interactions with them. It is normal to miss and long for the people that we loved and that have left the physical body. Therefore, it is not surprising that they will pop up in our dreams from time to time.
Katie, you are doing great with dream interpretation. You are right; you were actually seeing some part of yourself outside.
If you are looking through the window in your dream, pay close attention to what you are looking at. If you are seeing something familiar, you may be able to perceive the situation in a new way and gain some insight. Windows allow us to see the world on the out side, so the window in your dream may encourage you to better see the world within yourself, as well as the world outside. When you open a window it could represent your desire for new adventure in life.
Seeing your boyfriend’s brother (that’s yourself in the dream as we concluded) shoveling snow means that you are digging in to your unconscious, to uncover what your unconscious has buried. Trees are symbolic of your whole physical, psychological and social growth as a person. Smoke in your dream may suggest an intuition of danger, or intuitions about something - something in the wind. It can also suggest passions that are ready to burst into flame.
It is a great and mature thing being aware of ours strengths and weaknesses thus we can put some effort to make us a better person. At the other hand, try to analyze your feelings regarding your boyfriend’s brother. We tend to develop attraction toward the others we have a lot in common with. That could be an important message, too.
Hi, I keep having dreams that one of my teeth falls out, but the twist is that there is another tooth growing in its place. I usually take a look at the tooth that fell out too and realize it looks very healthy. I freak out in my dream until I realize that there is a tooth underneath it (although not fully grown out yet). And then I just get confused... I am an adult, so my teeth have been done with falling out and coming in for years. Why would I have a recurring dream like this?
Anonymous, TEETH in your dream can represent your effectiveness or power in life. Your dream is positive; the healthy teeth that you held in your hand may mean that the power is still in your hand. It seems that sometimes you may have a tendency to doubt and second-guess yourself. This dream serves as a reassurance to always believe in yourself.
Hi! What does HAIR signifies in a dream?
Anonymous, HAIR is a valuable dream symbol. It represents physical and spiritual strength. In dreams hair can represent our thoughts, knowledge, and reasoning. The style, length, even the color suggest the different mental attitudes, characteristics, strengths or weaknesses being portrayed. For e.g., white or gray hair represents age and wisdom while body hair may symbolize protection and warmth. When interpreting this dream make attempts to identify a primary issue and connect it to a situation in your daily life.
I had a dream last night where I was in a hospital and was laying on a bed and had my closest friends next to me however, the father of my child was there too. Him and I did not work things out and have had a really rough breakup. He was there but was really nice to me and I began to question why he was like that in my dream. Well, the doctor's applied the anesthesia and I began falling asleep and right before I feel asleep, I had to place a long rectangular sticker on my neck with red boxes on it to indicate where the doctor should drill. I closed my eyes and fell asleep but was aware of my surroundings. The minute I closed my eyes the doctor grabbed my neck violently and heard a drill and drilled holes into my neck. Then I heard some type of metal touching my neck bone to supposedly release the extra amount of blood that I had accumalated that put my health at risk. After that was done, they inserted a tube inside and wrapped a gauze around it. I woke up to find my friends still around me with a few others that had supposedly just arrived. I couldn't talk or do anything except just stare at people. I was told that this was only the first of several surgeries to come by the doctor.
What could this mean?
First, I like to say you have a very nice site and it seem to be full of info on dreams! I was wondering if you could help me understand a dream I had...
I and my kids' Dad, went to visit my daughter's school and I went to the office to ask to see her teacher,(but my daughter didn't even attend the school anymore!) everything seemed white all around, even the clothes the 2 staff memebers were wearing in the office. I told a lady I need to see my daughter's teacher and she said, hold on, the school nurse came out and looked at my hands and said wait I tell her to come see you, she been out with a virus and you're a carrier and I don't want you to go into the class, I call her up here. My niece attending the school as well and I asked if I could see her and she came out of a classroom right next door to the office, I asked her how was she doing and she said fine, we didn't talk much so I let her get back to class.
IDreamDreams2, thanks for the compliment.
Dreaming about your child often relates to how you feel about her. This dream is either about your own urges to withdraw, or your feelings of concern for her.
At the other hand, any child is an expression of the marriage or relationship from which she sprang. So she can represent what is happening, or what is being felt, about the relationship. So your dream could portray some problems in the relationship.
Your dream could also represent some latent fears or feelings that are unfavorable to your well-being. A hidden attack, perhaps verbally by someone you know, but you have not been aware of how deeply the influence went. It may also show feelings of uncleanness about something you have done or are involved in. It might also refer to actual bodily infection.
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