Frequently Asked Questions About Dreams

Yes. Laboratory studies have shown that we experience our most vivid dreams during a type of sleep called Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep. During REM sleep the brain is very active, the eyes move back and forth rapidly under the lids, and the large muscles of the body are relaxed. REM sleep occurs every 90 - 100 minutes, 3 to 4 times a night, and lasts longer as the night progresses. The final REM period may last as long as 45 minutes. Less vivid dreams occur at other times during the night.
Why do people have trouble remembering their dreams?
Some people have no difficulty in remembering several dreams nightly, whereas others recall dreams only occasionally or not at all. Nearly everything that happens during sleep— including dreams, the thoughts which occur throughout the night and memories of brief awakenings—is forgotten by morning. There is something about the phenomenon of sleep itself which makes it difficult to remember what has occurred and most dreams are forgotten unless they are written down. Sometimes a dream is suddenly remembered later in the day or on another day, suggesting that the memory is not totally lost but for some reason is very hard to retrieve. Sleep and dreams also are affected by a great variety of drugs and medications, including alcohol. Further, stopping certain medications suddenly may cause nightmares. It is advisable to discuss with your physician the effect of any drugs or medications you are taking.
How can I improve my dream memory?
Before you fall asleep, remind yourself that you want to remember your dreams. Keep a paper and pen or tape-recorder by your bedside. As you awaken, try to move as little as possible and try not to think right away about your upcoming day. Write down all of your dreams and images, as they can fade quickly if not recorded. Any distractions will cause the memory of your dream to fade. If you can't remember a full dream, record the last thing that was on your mind before awakening, even if you have only a vague memory of it.
Are dreams in color?
Most dreams are in color, although people may not be aware of it, either because they have difficulty remembering their dreams or because color is such a natural part of visual experience. People who are very aware of color while awake probably notice color more often in their dreams.
Do dreams have meaning?
Although scientists continue to debate this issue, most people who work with their dreams, either by themselves or with others, find that their dreams are very meaningful for them. Dreams are useful in learning more about the dreamer's feelings, thoughts, behavior, motives, and values. Many find that dreams can help them solve problems. Further, artists, writers, and scientists often get creative ideas from dreams.
How can I learn to interpret my dreams?
The most important thing to keep in mind is that your dreams reflect your own underlying thoughts and feelings, and that the people, actions, settings and emotions in your dreams are personal to you. Some dream experts theorize that there are typical or archetypal dreams and dream elements that persist across different persons, cultures, and times. By thinking about what each dream element means to you or reminds you of, by looking for parallels between these associations and what is happening in your waking life, and by being patient and persistent, you can learn to understand your dreams. It can be helpful to keep a dream diary and reflect on many dreams over a long period of time to get the truest picture of your unique dream life.
What does it mean when I have the same dream over and over?
Recurrent dreams, which can continue for years, may be treated as any other dream. That is, one may look for parallels between the dream and the thoughts, feelings, behavior, and motives of the dreamer. Understanding the meaning of the recurrent dream sometimes can help the dreamer resolve an issue that he or she has been struggling with for years.
Is it normal to have nightmares?
Nightmares are very common among children and fairly common among adults. Often nightmares are caused by stress, traumatic experiences, emotional difficulties, drugs or medication, or illness. However, some people have frequent nightmares that seem unrelated to their waking lives. Recent studies suggest that these people tend to be more open, sensitive, trusting, and emotional than average.
Is it true that if you dream that you die or that you hit bottom in a falling dream, you will in fact die in your sleep?
No, these beliefs are not true. Many people have dreamed that they died or hit bottom in a fall and they have lived to tell the tale! You can explore the meaning of these kinds of images just as you would explore any others that might occur in your dreams. However, if any aspect of your dreams worries or distresses you, talk to a professional mental health practitioner about your concerns.
Can dreams predict the future?
There are many examples of dreams that seemed to predict future events. Some may have been due to coincidence, faulty memory, or an unconscious tying together of known information. A few laboratory studies have been conducted of predictive dreams, as well as clairvoyant and telepathic dreams, but the results were varied, as these kinds of dreams are difficult to study in a laboratory setting.
Is it possible to control dreams?
You often can influence your dreams by giving yourself pre-sleep suggestions. Another method of influencing dreams is called lucid dreaming, in which you are aware you are dreaming while still asleep and in the dream. Sometimes people experience this type of dreaming spontaneously. It is often possible to learn how to increase lucid dreaming, and thereby increase your capacity to affect the course of the dream events as they unfold. Some things are easier than others to control, and indeed complete control is probably never possible.
Do “challenged" people have dreams?
Some of deaf people have dreams in which the characters communicate via sign language.
If the people were born blind, they have no visual imagery; the dreams consist of impressions from the other senses - touch, hearing, smell, and taste. If the people were sighted and then became blind, their dreams contain visual imagery - but these visual dreams might cease to occur eventually.
i dont know if this is the right place to ask u..
i get this dream about my ex boyfriend slitting my throat..
well, he ditched me n stuff. it doesnt bother me, but i was just wondering what it meant..
nice blog too.... isnt it fantastic to be able to believe in this..
Anamika, the throat in your dream represents your ability to speak or express your own needs and opinions. Your dream portrays feelings of being unable to express easily or say what you really feel. Since your ex-boyfriend cut your throat it means you were subconsciously or consciously aware of his urge to literally cut every word or thought of you. Your dream could also signify you have thinking removed from feeling.
nice blog, i remember having this dream 2 years ago, it was in a time i was getting very spiritual, it was a very lucid dream, this one entity came to me after i call it ( i called for a master ), and toked me to a forest where there was this tiger, licking is claws. And this entity said to me: Look into the eyes of the tiger, and as i looked closely, the tiger looked at me and attacked me with his claws, but i didn't move and is claws went right trough me. At this moment, i realize the tiger couldn't do anything to me and i felt this feeling of safety, but just right after, right after i hear a giant BULL running, and looked at it, crossing the forest trees like a spirit also and towards me, getting bigger and bigger and closely to me, it was furious BULL, GIANT, and when it was right on me and was going to run over me, i thought i was going to die, but then it just passed trough me again, i had this feeling again of safety, and this entity that toked me to this forest started laughing, and i suddenly realize i was being sent away to my body again, but i wanted to stay there a little bit longer to try and talk to this entitie, but i was helpless and suddenly i awaked very calm... what do you think this means? i have never had a dream like this afterwards....hope i asked at the right place
This dream started indoors in a nice pleasant, window lit, open room with light colored wooden walls. I think that I was a small child. Other children were there and someone suggested we should "float". I wasn't sure I could but someone showed me that you start by moving your feet as though treading water and when I tried I found it easy (also very pleasant, I've dreamt of levitating before). An older person came in and told us we were not supposed to be doing that and that we would get in trouble. I thought that coming down would be painful, but it wasn't. We then went outside and I found myself in a very lush, green landscape, I think it was a farm. I looked at a row of trees and saw what I thought was the black irridescent breast feathers of a bird and I wondered if it was a woodpecker. It moved and I saw that it was actually a very large black horse that was in the pasture behind the trees. This horse was very magnificant but strange looking. His coat was shiny and irridescent all over. His head had what looked like a crest, or large ridge centered on the front of his brow with a ring shape between the eyes. It is hard to describe. Imagine a heavy ring about 8 or 9 inches in diameter stuck on edge between the eyes of a horse. When you see the horse in profile you are looking through the ring. After I had noticed the horse a woman came over to where I was sitting on the grass and proceeded to wipe my bare legs that had spots of mud spattered all over them. She smiled at me and as her head came close to my face I was looking into her hair which was such a pure and intense yellow color that it gave me a strange feeling and prompted me to either think or say "You are so beautiful it is going to make me cry!" I may have actually started to get tears in my eyes. By this time she had worked her way up to the top of my legs and then wiped my bottom (I don't remember being nude, maybe I just had a shirt on?) This made me feel infantile and slightly embarassed. She asked me where my shoes were and I indicated that somehow they had been left in the middle of the pasture. As she went to retrieve them I followed over to a wooden rail fence surrounding the pasture. I saw her warily go to the middle of the pasture and pick up the shoes. As she was walking back the horse noticed her and started running at her. She started to run for the fence and I started to back away. She made it out of the pasture but now the horse was running at me. I turned and ran but the horse jumped the fence and came at me. When the horse reached me he stumbled and fell and I found myself partially under him with his legs around me. I wasn't injured but as the horse flailed his legs around to get back up I heard the woman shout to me "Roll to the left!" That's when I woke up.
I occasionally have dreams like this that are vivid with intense colors and strong feelings. The story lines are sometimes fairly coherent and I usually enjoy them very much. This one stuck with me primarily because of the intense feeling that the smiling woman's yellow hair gave me. (She must have been my mother but my real mom was a brunette.) I can't imagine what it means. I jokingly told myself that it was a "memory" from a previous life in another "alien" world. Or perhaps it is just my imagination trying to lighten up the boring life of a middle aged man. I'll bookmark and come back to see if you have comments.
Serenity, just as the imagery in dreams can originate out of various states of consciousness, the appearance of spiritual entities or divine beings in dreams can have many origins. At one extreme, they can appear as part of a true vision or higher state of consciousness achieved in the dream state. At the other extreme they may simply be a metaphor or representation of the dreamer’s association with the concept of the celestial and spiritual. Often, the celestial entity appears as a representation of what Jung referred to as the Self.
Also, the spirit in your dream may be a contact with the dead, or those about to be born.
Your dream suggests something emerging from the unconscious, being forgotten, or relating to the unconscious; hidden influences - as when touching dimensions of experience states of consciousness usually unknown. The bull in your dream connects with your powerful sexual, protective and family feelings. The bull also denotes bodily, mental or spiritual strength.
Forest in your dream portrays your natural feelings; the magical world of the unconscious, full as it is of strange forces, primeval creatures and miraculous people and spirits. Forest represents your "mental space."
Aquariid, first I need to say, from the psychological point of view, this dream uncovers very creative and comprehensive personality. It would be great if you could write novels inspired by your dreams. Think about that.
This type of dream is called Epic Dream. Epic dreams are so huge, so compelling, and so vivid that you cannot ignore them. The details of such dreams remain with you for years, as if your dreamt it last night. These dreams possess much beauty and contain many archetypal symbolisms. When you wake up from such a dream, you feel that you have discovered something profound or amazing about yourself or about the world. It feels like a life-changing experience.
This dream is so complex and consists of many memories and experiences. It shows your need to rise above limits and limitations set by authority (levitation and old person), fear of facing freedom, power, and sexual energy (horse), achievement and wholeness (the ring), the down to earth side of yourself (farm and landscape) etc.
The beautiful woman could be the representation of your mother. Yellow hair represents age and wisdom. In your unconscious mind your mother is a divine creature that’s why she appears so beautiful in your dream. But at the other hand she could portray your highest potential; what you are capable of but may not yet have lived; you intuition and wisdom transcending you own personality.
I had a strange dream last night. My friend persuaded me to take £10 from this guy to sleep with him. I did agree reluctantly but did think it was very close to being prostitution. When it came to it, his Mum was pulling down the very white clean bedsheets, she helped me lie down on the bed and I was wearing very beautiful pale purple underwear. When the time came, I got the guys name very clearly, he wasn't someone I know at all but through the rest of the dream I was hearing this name. He climbed on top of me and everything went black and white and fuzzy, it was like I was watching a movie of myself and I was just lying there letting him do his thing and crying, trying to block out what was happening. The next thing I know I snapped and was biting his chest, I kept biting and biting until we were both covered in blood and he was dead. As I left the room I cleaned myself up and put on sparkly talc. I left via the window and ended up in a mahogany covered living room with a deep red carpet. My Mum and Dad were there, Mum was commenting on the sparkly talc and I knew that would be the clue that would lead the police to me.....
I had a dream the other night that I had 3 lions as pets. One was male and the other two were female. The male would lie on my bed like a cat and then he would sleep under my bed at night (when I needed my bed). I would call the two females to sleep up next to me but when they were on their way up, the male would grab them by the leg and drag them under the bed with him to whisper something that I couldn't hear. This happened all the time and I finally got angry with the male and would play tug o' war with him. We would just grab one end of the female and pull, trying to get them to like one of us better than the other. That's all I really remember. What does it mean??
I'm usually good with helping friends with their dream interpretations but this dream, in my opinion, is a contradiction from a religious and subconscious standpoint. So, I need some insight from someone more knowledgeable. In the dream: deceased mother tells daughter not to be scared she will protect her. Mother then tells daughter to
go to her new lover (who appears in dream) because this lover will not let anything happen to her. End of dream. My friend sees this dream as a "sign" yet I have my reservations based on the subtle abusive patterns I've witnessed from this new lover. Hence, contradiction. FYI: It was 1st anniversary of her dying at the time of the dream and the new lover is a close family friend. Any thoughts?
L, your dream may depict the misdirection of love and affection for financial ends, or selfish motives. It could also decode feelings of sexual inadequacy. This dream could mean you are overcome by events, by other people dominating your, or by your own internal unwanted emotions.
Anonymous, LIONS in your dream represent the power of your physical strength, of your temper, of your emotions or sexuality; love that has become anger through jealousy or pain.
Anonymous, I would rather believe that your friend’s dream portrays insecurity and fear of being abandoned. Receiving a MESSAGE in dream is a way our unconscious manages to give us information, or suggest that something is important to think about. It can also suggest intuitive insight into whatever the message is about.
what does a dream about bottles of soda mean? I had one a few days ago inwhich I was confused over who had drank from which 2 litre bottles, 4 in all.
Anonymous, your dream of BOTTLES connects with your feelings of thirsting or longing. It also shows you absorbing something, taking something into yourself, emotions, words or substances. Most things have some effect on how you feel, so it points to a change in some way.
i have had two dreams about my husband for the past month the one that repeated is my husband cheated on me i trust him so why would i dream of him cheating on me and the other one was i was kidnapped by 3 men and when my hubby did find me he tried to help me at first then all of a sudden he switched sides and took the kidnappers side and he shot me in the head....please help me understand this
Anonymous (dream about cheating), many dreams come from the private unconscious and are a reflection on thoughts, fears, desires, issues or are a response to stressful or anxiety provoking situations. At times people have dreams about their partners cheating on them as a response to a long and monogamous relationship. The dream may be a compensation for boredom, monotony or unhappiness. On rare occasions a person may suspect, or feel on some level, that their partner is not faithful but is not willing to admit this consciously. Thus, in the dream state the individual confronts his fears and from there may begin to deal with the situation on a conscious level.
The part of your dream with kidnapping and shooting portrays some feelings of betrayal and hurt.
what does it mean when I have multiple dreams mixed up with the dreams I had long ago?
There's this girl at school whom I like but I have never met her personally.
I had a dream where i was walking to school and I saw the girl that I like. She was sitting on a bench and when I entered the school gate she jumped up and had a smile on her face and was happy to see me.
what can this mean?
Anonymous, your dream about the GIRL you like is just a compensatory, wishful dream with no deeper meaning. If you are currently experiencing sadness this dream may be an attempt to compensate and to comfort you.
Azn-sk8, your multiple dreams address multiple issues on multiple topics. They may indicate that there is a pattern in your life decisions or actions that needs attention and corrective action. Attitude or thought adjustment is necessary. This usually is a message that you need to pay attention
i had this strange dream about my ex. again.
he has taken to smoking now, and is supposed to like someone else.
in the dream he was saying that the other girl was on drugs, he referred to it as 'trapped'. and that everytime he saw her taking it, he would smoke. i was crying because i felt so horribly bad for him and liked him though he was screaming at me.
can u tell me what this means?
Ummm..I had a pretty vivid dream a few days ago...
So I was in a house with 2 bedrooms...and I was pretty tired, so I decided to sleep...I entered the first room, laying down and relaxed when I realised there's some kind of cobra looking white snake beside me...I couldnt be bothered to get up...and was actually decided to sleep with the snake beside me! I closed my eyes, tried to dozed off when the snake start to walk in my body....At the end, because I couldnt feel convinient, I decided to wake up.
I went to the second room to sleep there but I saw there's another white cobra looking snake laying there...I was so annoyed that I couldnt take a rest that I picked up the snake and throw it to the chair...I left the room angrily.
Then I met our housekeeper...I told her about the snakes and told her to get rid of it. she then asked me what should she do with it because she usually get rid of snakes by stabbing it with a fork (???). Then i said I didnt want her to kill the snake, I just want her to get rid of it...snake is a living thing....and I told her to catch it and throw it from the balcony.
She went to the first room, then grab the snake by its tail....The snake was trying to bite her as she hurried upstair...Before she reaches upstair, the snake's mouth was already in front of her face...but then I realised something was moving on my neck and it does feel like I reached around my neck but I couldnt find anything? It just feel like the snake was held by the housekeeper while it's actually in my neck.....
I woke up but I couldnt get rid of the "feeling" for half a day....
Hey Spirita,
I was wondering if you could interpret a dream for me. I wrote it down before I completely forgot it, but some details may be missing.
Anyways, a man and a woman were walking (in a train station) and the man is giving the woman a weird look, and she interprets it as evil. So she wants to ask him why he is looking at her that way. Then, the woman realizes that there is a train coming behind her, and the man tries to push her out of the way into a hole in the ground (sewage?). But it's too late and they both die.
So then afterwards, me and my little brother are somehow relocated to heaven (so supposedly, we're dead?). It doesn't look like real heaven, it's just our house, only I feel pretty peaceful and everything is okay.
Then, there is a button on the stove or something, where you can switch to hell, and my brother presses it and I yell at him. So hell was excactly like heaven, only I looked out the window and it was windier, and I felt as if something bad was about to happen. Nothing did, it was just a fear. I don't remember the rest.
Anamika, since you dream about your ex-boyfriend often it means you have certainly carried feeling with you from the relationship, and your dreams about your ex will try to work out some way of feeling at ease within yourself about the break. This dream points that you may be experiencing some confusion and anxiety in daily life or in regard to a particular situation. Also this dream could signify depleted energy and hampered ability to think clearly and act directly with the issues at hand.
Crying in the dream state generally has the same meaning as crying in daily life. It is a release of negative emotion, frustration, or fear. Due to repression or denial, sometimes people are unable to express their feelings. In the dream state some of our defense mechanisms may relax and an emotional release occurs. At the other hand some emotional dreams may be compensatory in nature. Thus, if you never cry in daily life, you may cry in your dreams.
Daphne, snakes represent your very basic instinctive responses to life, such as the fear reaction, flight or fight response, the sexual drive etc. Snakes in your dream also show how you are dealing with such enormous flows of emotional or nervous energy. For instance fear is a great protector, but in human life, because we can keep stimulating the response by imagination, by words, it can become overactive to the point of illness. Your dream simply portrays your blocked emotional energy that tends to attack your sense of well-being and body if it is stopped from external expression.
me and my boyfriend of 10 months recently broke up. we are still friends though. I recently dreamt that he came to pick me up with his car and we were driving somewhere. I wasnt sure where we were going. We were just talking in the car and all of the sudden he swirls. We were like by some kinda river. The river was very clear. You could see everything through it and it seemed to have been long. Im sitting there in the car and just looking down at this river while he is driving what seems to be a path along side this river. What does all of this mean? does the river mean tears or soemthing like that? haha that was the first thing that came to my mind lol
thank you
A. <3, if you are a witness to a killing in your dream, you may be reflecting on changes going on around you that you don't particularly like. This dream may also represent feelings of faultiness or deprivation or denial. You may be bringing your attention to the fact that there is something missing or in need of repair in your life.
Evil is 'live' spelt backwards. In dreams the sense or presence of evil is often depicting those things you have so repressed that they are no longer properly alive and healthy. They therefore need meeting and being brought into proper recognition and expression.
Hello Spirita!
I woke up crying after my dream last night. In the dream i was talking to my bf online (we are in a long distance relationship)and i accidently switched my computer off. I was trying to turn it on as quick as possible because I was scared he would have signed off already, and even though my computer was off, I could see him through webcam with his brother and he was getting dressed to go out. I didnt believe he was leaving so i went over there and i asked him why he left. He said he couldnt wait forever (we live like 17hrs by plane from eachother).There was a paradox in this dream because my bf always tells me he will wait for me forever and he isnt the type of guy who would ever cheat. Although in the dream I then saw him with a blonde girl and he was taking her to the movies and he ended up telling me he didnt need a relationship he just needed a friend right now. I got so upset=( He is the love of my life. And yesterday we were talking about how he might not be able to visit me until the end of the year and he was scared we would grow apart because he is having problems in his life right now, and im really scared that the dream reflected a part of what he feels in that he doesnt want a relationship? im really upset right now =( does him going off with another girl in my dream mean anything?
Anonymous (with long distance relationship), you need to consider whether you are facing feelings of dependence and trust. Your dream is typical reflection of your fear of being left or losing someone you love. Your dream also expresses your sense of isolation and feelings of loneliness. And please, don’t be upset. Keep in mind dreams often depict your fears, they are seldom predictions. So learn from the dream to sort out what is troubling you. Don't use them to trouble yourself.
Anonymous, DRIVING with your boyfriend means that you are probably being influenced in your direction by him. The river in your dream may represent the flow of your energies, the path of your life, or the passage of time. It also may be symbolic of your emotional well-being. Traditionally, calm and clear water means good times ahead. This is a positive dream.
My husband , a few days ago, dreamt that he is being attacked by the devil, many times.Everytime , he tries to shood the devil away, but it comes again. He then recited a few verses of Holy book n the devil disappeared. Today , surprisingly , i dreamt a devil chasing me ,in the form of a woman. I showed her my hands which had Holy verses written , the woman turned into a devil n was burned.. wht do the two dreams mean and y did we both have same kind of dream
I keep having recurring dreams about terrorists. This started a couple months ago. In my waking life, terrorism is not something that I spend a lot of time thinking about. My dreams are disturbing because of the threat posed by the terrorists and by their recurring nature. One of the dreams was also disturbing because I was on an airplane and the terrorist cut a passenger's head off, which they put in a bag. In every case I am able to somehow outsmart the terrorists and I get away. Speaking of which, I have had many nightmares recently in which I feel helpless to an supernatural these cases, I always find a way to get out of the situation too.
What do you think these recent dreams signify?
Anonymous, your dream about TERRORIST portrays your inability to face or cope with some emotions, fears, ideas or urges represented in the dream. It is important to find where you felt that sort of terror and fear in the past. This releases its hold on you. Supernatural forces in your dream depicting those things you have so repressed that they are no longer properly alive and healthy. They therefore need meeting and being brought into proper recognition and expression.
Anonymous, seeing or interacting with the DEVIL in your dreams may have several different meanings and the interpretation depends on the details of the dream. However, it almost always points to something negative and disturbing in your personality, daily life, or environment. Carl Jung called such dark figures "the shadow" and said that they represent the negative ego personality and qualities which are painful and regrettable. You may have dark thoughts or have engaged in negative actions and now are experiencing guilt, fear, and anxiety. Dream interpretations based on folklore say that seeing the devil in your dreams may be a warning about poor health, and if the dream persists, you should get a physical checkup.
A phenomenon in which two people experience a dream together is a mutual dream, also called a "reciprocal dream" or "shared dream". The dream might have comparable elements (such as the same setting or activity) or they might be identical in virtually every aspect. Mutual dreams involve an objective dreamscape. We generally believe that dreams occur within an individual's mind, in a fictitious dreamscape, but mutual dreams apparently happen in an actual "location" in a different world where the two dreamers can meet.
Hi Spirita. I have been talking to this guy on messenger for quite a while, i got feelings for him and he has got feelings for me, the thing is that i have dreamt about him twice. In the first dream i saw him at an airport and my sister was there too, i usually tell her about him and the conversations we have. In the second dream, it was his personality in someone else's body. The scary thing is that i also dreamt a lot of times about him, about us talking on messenger. In that second dream when he was in someone elses body, i found out that i was pregnant with his child which i found kind of scary. I don't know what to do now, i have heard it symbolises a new beginning, but im still not sure if it's that.. Can you please help me?
hi spirita I really need your help I am sorry for bothering you it may not be the right place but it is important and I am desperate.
my boy friend is about to marry another woman in response to his family wishes..they dont want him to marry me I still love him
I dreamt of him driving me on a bus and no bodyelse was with us on the bus. And the final destination was about to come and I suddenly decided to get off the bus (I forgot why but I think he wanted this cos we had a chat then like a fight ) and an old man on a wheelchair was trying to get on the bus and my Boyfriend went to thi sman may be for help and I said to my self while I was angry that I will not leave the bus till he finished with man and see me getting off and leaving many new nice shoes who gave them to me as a gift and I said I wanted him to see that I left them deliberately and not that I forgot that.also there was a red pretty pair of shoes I gave him as a gift and I wondered why he did not asked me to take them with me ..and the dream ended without me knowing if I finally got off the bus.
thanks so much
Anonymous (with the guy on messenger), your dreams portray you are about to meet a change in your life; something arriving in your opportunities or experience that is out of the normal day to day events or routine. But also dream uncovers anxiety about changes and uneasiness to take a chance. Please keep in mind dreams often depict your fears, they are seldom predictions. So learn from the dream to sort out what is troubling you. Don't use them to trouble yourself.
Einass, your dream generally portrays your struggle to leave something or someone behind. Dream as well suggests your inability to decide your own direction in life. A person in a wheelchair is you and it portrays how you feel about yourself right now (as a disabled person) and a sense of weakness. Shoes in your dream signify that you are feeling that life is hard going at the moment, or are feeling sensitive to the external world. But it might also mean that you are ready to accept the situation and leave all problems behind.
To my personal opinion, no one has a right to interfere in other people’s relationship. But cultures are very different and it is hard for me to understand that your boyfriend’s family wants to separate you two. I totally understand your pain and how you feel but unfortunately I don’t know what else to say except to encourage you to find the way to fight for your love.
recently my dream was that I was all alone in the house and it was time to go to bed so I was turning off all the lights, well I suddenly blacked out. When I came to this horrible thing was shaking me. It had the head of an animal with very long horns. I tried to scream but nothing came out. I blacked out again and I think thats the end. That thing scared me so bad I didn't sleep for a week. any idea's? what does this mean?
Rini, your dream about FAINTING portrays losing a sense of balance, of relationship with others, and the world. Fear of falling, sense of strain, or being on the edge of falling in love, out of love, or into inner consciousness.
For more info please check out my posts about fear-provoking dream symbols and house in dreams.
About 2 yrs ago I had a dream, very weird, but I couldn't get it out of my mind. I was in a jungle, where there was a flooded river, raging with dark waters, and i was given a mission to take message to a distance village, but i had to swim to get there, I was mostly annoyed because i had to do any effort, the aspect of the water didn't bother me, even though it was mud-like, then a bird came for the sky and threw my a rope, so i grabbed it and it dragged me to where i was suppoused to go, as i arrived the waters became like a lake, calm and clear, and this village was in the water,the houses were floating in the water, and water would rise up to people's neck, but the lake was like on top of something because it had and edge and as i looked down I saw a bunch of people they look unhappy and i felt like they wanted to be up there in the "lake-village", in the village there was like a party going on, everybody was in a good mood, there was a bar (underwater) and high chairs, like those in the bars, as i sat in one of those, I ran into my classmate boyfriend, and i was surprise to see him there and i asked how was everything, and what was he doing there and he says, oh I'm the priest of the village! and I asked what about my friend, and he says that she alredy knows (this because they were suppoused to get married and priest cannot do that...)then i notice that everybody was dressed with toxedos and really sparkly clothes, including myself and i turned to my friend's boyfriend and i said, this can't be happening, this must be a dream!, and he says yes, it is a dream, and we kept talking, and that was the end of it.
Hi! I dreamt lastnight that I was inside a classroom full of students.
What does being in a classroom means?
Anonymous, it might be that many impressions are engraved into you at school thus your dream expresses something of these past experiences. So it may relate to study, to relationship with authority, or perhaps to do with feelings about performance. Maybe you need to ask yourself what you actually learned at school or if you feel need for further learning and education.
Spirita, what does it mean to hear sounds and music in my dreams. I experienced it few times and all I can remember is I feel refreshed and light upon awakening. It sounds more like wind chimes and I never heard it before. I try to recall that music repeatedly when I wake up very early in the morning but at the end of the day i forgot all about it. Sometimes I'm upset because I can't reproduce that sound. Thanks, I like your blog.
Marika35, hearing music and pleasant sounds in your dreams has positive connotations. Music is healing to the soul, and as you are listening to it in your dream, you may be connected to the wonderful, creative spirit or flow of life suggesting a degree of inner harmony and emotional expression. Psychologically speaking, you may have heard a variety of sounds during the day and in your dream state you are simply replaying it.
I have one question. Is it true that if you dream of this friend of yours, he or she would dream of you too?
Not true
Spirita .. I've had these strange dream lately ... As I'll dreamed many of my past also .. I'll was standing there to watch myself ... Yet all i can do is watching .. What's the meaning of this dream? I'll really wish to know .. Please kindly reply me .. Thank You .. Via here or my mail ....(
Sincerely ,
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