Dreams of Traveling

Dreaming about anything that transports us is a reflection of our ability to get somewhere in life, to motivate ourselves and other people. They also portray the ambitions, attitudes and care, or lack of it that drive us in life. The manner in which we make our way through life involves us in countless relationships of various sorts. The CAR is a symbol of such meetings and partings. But car dreams may also relate to the business of driving our actual vehicle in everyday life and the manner in which we do so. Therefore some car dreams may warn us of attitudes we have that are dangerous, not just in relationships, but actually on the road.
The BOAT often depicts how we are dealing with the ups and downs of life, with its tides, currents and changing weather. Or perhaps the boat is showing how life is dealing with us, rather than we with it. Many boat dreams are actually about a relationship, what we face, what our involvement is with one or more other people. Therefore in some dreams it would represent sexual adventures. Sometimes the boat portrays the journey of our own self-discovery as we begin to investigate the contents of our unconscious. The journey we take on it then stands for our adventure into the unknown, and our means of coping with what is experienced.
The BUS in dreams usually signify our waiting for events to take us somewhere or being involved with strangers or other people in a direction we are taking or depending on social events to get us to where we want to go. It could also mean we are trying to get somewhere in life or trying to leave something or someone behind.
The PLANE, or flying in one, may indicate swift changes, perhaps only temporary. It can also mean a jump into the unknown, getting away from our ordinary life, a business endeavor or opportunity. Sometimes it even suggests a search for or moves to romance.
The TRAIN could be symbolic of our need to move on and to do things in an orderly and chronological manner. Sigmund Freud said that the train is usually a phallic symbol and that a train going through a tunnel represents intercourse. Freud also said that there are other possibilities to this symbol. For example if we missed the train in our dream, we may be fearful of missing important opportunities. Jung thought that the train ride represented the way a person moves and behaves just like everyone else and that the dreamer may be striving for completeness.
there was once i had to swim to get on the boat leaving for home..i was having vacation on an island...we flew there by plane..we had a nice vacation and didnt want to leave...so the boat went and suddenly we just jump into the water and swam to the boat...
lost and lonely
there's this dream where i dream about YP
repeatedly...in most of the dream YP and i were kissing. i remembered the first where we had an accident(something like an earthquake).we fell backwards on a chair to the ground down(from standing position), my hand on his hands. when i try to get up he didnt let go my hand and when i look at him he smiled...and the rest...kissing..
is it normal that i always dream that the place is somewhere i know but the place is a little funny like for examples;
*my secondary school - in my dream its a resort where im having a retreat(vacation)
*school has a quadtrangle(area of grass surrounding by classes and corridor)but in my dream, outside the classroom is a close road for an event.
that's all i can think of...
Morag Duvessa, hi how are you?
The relationship with the stranger in your dream is showing how you relate to the many and varied attitudes and abilities you have. So the affair is therefore the play in which you meet your own masculine self. The surrounding in you dream-junkyard- signifies that your unconscious mind may be hinting to you that the time for "throwing out" unnecessary things is at hand. It could also represent those things from your past or in your life today that are not worth keeping or are literally rubbish.
If you are currently experiencing sadness this dream may be an attempt to compensate and to comfort you. Traditionally this dream you had may be called a dream of the contrary. Happiness in a dream calls for an evaluation of daily reality in an attempt to identify those things that are difficult.
Anonymous, when trying to decode the significance of your dream places, ask yourself what the landscape looks like. If it is a place you have never been to or seen, then ask yourself if you have ever been anywhere which brings about the same feelings or if it reminds you of another place and time in your life. Sometimes the places in your dream may also represent an idea or a person
Anonymous, your dream about KISSING is compensatory or wish-fulfilling. Check out my post about kissing in dreams at http://spirita.blogspot.com/2006/09/dream-symbols-kiss-kissing.html
Lost and Lonely, if you are swimming in your dream you are most likely swimming through the ocean of your unconscious and through the “sea “of your emotions. The ease with which you are doing this activity will give you clues as to how well you are navigating through those very complex parts of yourself. To swim easily is to have confidence in yourself, and a trust in life to support your activities and efforts.
sorry for posting this here, but i had a dream that:
me and this guy from my class were at my house for some reason (we're not like good friends or anything), and we went upstairs to get something from a closet. and i had really strong feelings for him in the dream and couldn't resist it any longer, so it was like i was about to kiss him, but instead hugged him really tight and put my head to his chest. and it was like the best feeling in the world, i just felt so good. and its like when i did that i showed how i felt about him and he finally got that i liked him.
ive had a few dreams with him in it where its like im sneaking out and going to make out with him or something.
now i dont really have a huge crush on him in real life or anything, but do find him somewhat attractive. so is this dream self-explanatory or does it mean something else?
I had a dream about a flying bus. It was there to fetch me and there was a conductress who is very grumpy and we went to my dad's house but it was a different house in real life. When we came to fetch him he was cutting the grass and then he just disappeared and I tried to call him in my cellphone but I can reach him. Then we went to this school and everyone was afraid of the conductress.
Anonymous, your dream filled with images of passion with a GUY from YOUR CLASS is all about acceptance and belonging. Your dream may be wish-fulfilling or compensatory in nature. Occasionally this type of dream may simply represent an intuition about your relationship.
Anonymous, your dream about the CONDUCTRESS uncovers how you relate to an authority figure. Your dream might also decode feeling you have left something too late or you have missed out on something.
Your dream basically uncovers withdrawn aggression and dominance by fear of other people’s authority.
Hi Spirita,
I had a dream last night that my teeth crumbled after someone gave me "mouthwash". The front tooth was so soft that I could reshape it. After about a minute or so it would harden again. The others were a lost cause. My mouth looked absolutly horrid. I take care of my teeth. Some one did mention that they have these dreams, do you think it's the power of suggestion? Thanks.
Hi Spirita,
I had a dream that an elderly woman was washing her hair with ketchup (bottle was on the table set beside her) I asked her did she know and she replied yes baby and that was it?
Does this mean anything
I have had two dreams about being on a train but having to get off because the train is not going to my destination. I always manage to get on another train which enables me to get closer to my destination but I have to walk a bit to get there. Altho I do get there in the end.
What does this mean?
Shelly, TEETH can represent your bite, effectiveness or power in life. They may represent biting remarks, hurtful words. They are your ability to 'chew' over things, meaning to consider and think about, almost to get a taste or try to experience what you are considering. Your dream uncovers some painful or rotten part of your feelings, life or relationships; angry or regretful words. At the other hand auto-suggestion is very powerful thing. Dreams occurs naturally from our daytime experiences. The unconscious mind incorporates these topics into dreams because it wants to consider them further in the form of symbolic drama.
Also I'm inviting you to check out the post "Dreams about Teeth"
Mis Understood, the old woman represents your feelings about ageing in general. In your dream hair can represent your thoughts, knowledge, and reasoning. When you see someone is washing hair in your dream (with ketchup or shampoo) signifies changing your attitude or the way you present yourself to others and altering the way you think about something or your viewpoint. Other than above mentioned, your dream doesn’t have deeper additional meaning.
Hello spirita,
Ive had a dream that i was in a plane and the , plane kept ascending and descending , and then it went down.
Anonymous (with dream about the train), regarding a DESTINATION you’re trying to reach in your dream, your unconscious is able to summaries your abilities and desires, and present them as a destination you are moving toward, or hoping for. Traveling in your dream is your movement through life and your search for meaning and new experience. Your dream signifies you are having aim in life but you are still confused about direction and your abilities. It is possible also there are some obstacles on your way that are beyond your power and influences. Since you get to your destination at the end, it means you will overcome the obstacles and you’ll find the way to reach your goals. Maybe your dream is a little bit frustrating but it is positive since it uncovers your strong will and perseverance.
Anonymous, ascending and descending PLAIN may indicate swift changes, perhaps only temporary. Plain going down can point to problems ahead causing a difficult end to plans, projects or hopes.
I think this count as traveling.
I dreamt that I was a part of an amphibious invasion force.
And i was in some weird amphibious landing craft. I remeber we were apraoching the beach and that was about it.
I don't remember feeling any emotion.
thank you
Last night, I had a dream where I heard news that a female classmate swam to a small, rocky island in the San Francisco Bay and back to the mainland, and, in the dream, I had known that the same thing happened to me, my little sister, and nanny (all at the same time) earlier (but it didn’t actually happen in the dream). Me, my little sister, and my nanny were all standing at a dock with two or three empty wooden boats, (except one of them had an uninflated life jacket in it), and the water was very calm. What does this mean?
Anonymous, the BOATS in your dream represent your unconscious, your emotions and your accumulated soul experiences and the manner you navigate through your emotions. Water usually denotes your flowing feelings or ability to responds. It can thus be emotions, desires, moods, depending how the water appears in the dream. Water with small ripples suggests that you may be gathering energy and recharging emotionally. It also symbolizes faith, fearlessness, and purity of feeling, hope and happiness. Generally your dream portrays relaxation, or a journey into yourself.
i had a dream that i had these boots and wore them to school. so i was in the cafeteria and i got my lunch in the line and was about to walk over to my table, when i realized that i cant walk. i thought it was the new boots so i sat down in front of everyone (i was wearing a skirt too and my underwear showed, and this one girl saw it and when i tried to cover it up she just kinda smiled to herself and rolled her eyes, dont know if it means anything), and tried to fix my boots so that i could walk. but every time i got up, my feet just wouldn't move. my feet didn't feel uncomfortable either, i just could not move, like i was a baby that didn't learn to walk yet.
what does this mean?
Anonymous, your dream is telling you may have issues concerning your self-identify and self-confidence. Wearing a BOOTS or any other shoes in dreams very often link with your standing in life, your role, or situation. They might particularly point to the life skills you use to deal with the rough situations and places of life. The quality of your movement in the dream shows the message. If you are unable to move signifies you are often being held back by anxiety or fears, such as fear of failure.
Anonymous (dream about amphibious invasion force), all vehicles symbolize the way that we maneuver, or get through, a segment of our life's journey. Waters in dreams represent your emotions and your unconscious. Your dream could portray the way in which you are navigating through your emotional waters and deal with the materials that are coming up from your unconscious. On the other hand, it could be suggesting that you are overly guarded and defensive and are currently not open to airing of personal issues.
Last night, I had a dream where me and a few classmates traveled in some kind of white submarinelike thing, through the air, to a world that looked like giant white book shelves (with some books on it) of some sort, with english ivy leaves that seem to have been painted on. I vaguely remember what else happened, so, based on what I remember, that does this dream mean?
Anonymous, all vehicles (and SUBMARINELIKE, too) symbolize the way that you maneuver, or get through, a segment of your life's journey. Carl Jung would probably interpret your dream as an expression of your desire to break free of restrictions and limitations and to be free and above all difficulties.
Last night I had a dream that the guy I am dating came to my grandpa's house for Thanksgiving with his mom. Well, for a good portion of the dream he was on my grandparent's back porch organizing all of the clutter they have back there (Like putting socks into boxes and organizing them, for instance). I think my grandpa or uncle had told him to do it or something, put he didn't argue, he just did it.
I had another dream a couple of weeks ago that he went to my grandparent's house with me and went on the same back porch and went into a closet and put on a nightgown that had belonged to my deceased grandmother. I told him to take it off because I was close to my grandma and didn't want anyone touching her things. Then we went through a photo album of all of my extended family (aunts and uncles) together.
What do you think these dreams mean? He has never even met my family before, although I have met his. We are also going through a difficult time now in our relationship.
Anonymous, both of your dreams about grandmother’s PORCH may have emotional, psychological, or physical connotations. Dreams portray your memories, secrets, precious emotions and valuable thoughts. First dream uncovers need to clean out the thoughts or “come out of the closet”, or share the things that you have stored deep inside you. Second dream about grandma’s nightgown suggests you have taken on a lot from her: her ideas and ways of living.
I never thought I dreamed at all much however today I remembered something - and it seems that I do dream but just don't remember I dreamt.
I have had this dream many times...string stuck between my teeth but when I go to pull it out there is more and more and more...I even now can recall the sensation of the string coming out and yanking against my gums.
The other dream I had which frightened me was I dreamt that my ex was by water and were hopeless and sad. I contacted him and he said he was good.
Anonymous, your dream about STRINGS between your teeth might represent feelings of anger and hostility or you may be reflecting on hard work and honorable happenings. Additionally dreams may have some sexual connotations. You may be expressing your unconscious abhorrence of sex. And another meaning of this dream could be that you are trying to clear emotions or attitudes not properly expressed.
Second dream with your ex in it, shows you’re feeling very anxious about him. This type of dream usually links with strong and difficult emotions, that you feel you do not know how to find a way through
What does it mean to see a plane take off from runway and crash and next seeing another plane fall from the sky ?
Anonymous, the AIRPLANE is symbolic of an event, individuals, or emotions that are either in the past, physically apart from you, or deep in the unconscious and far from conscious thought. Disturbing dreams where you see a crash scene may be trying to bring up issues and feelings that have been buried in the unconscious mind (from the past or the present) but are still powerful and disturbing to you.
i had a dream teh other night that has bugged me about the meaning.
this is what happened in my dream.
m y dream started out in a strip club. but i wasnt there for enjoyment. apparently i was filming a scene for a movie (ive never been in a movie). when the scen was finished shooting i found myself in the sky. apperently i had jumped from a planewith ppl who i do not know. the exception was a woman who do know as a celebirty named "elisha cuthbert" (a blond actress/model), but there was no airplane. as i was free falling in the sky everyone pulled for thier parachutes. i went to pull for mine but my parchute was released from my back and i went for a free fall without a parchute. i could see the ground below me coming at me faster and faster. i was able to reach for "elisha" and grabed ahold of her shoulders and shared her parachute while holding on to her. along the way i lost my grip and began to freefall again. only as i fell i found that what was once the ground beneith me was just a mere painting of the ground. i stood up walking amongst a painting of the grund below me. i stood there for a minute and could see clouds and blue sky all around me and ppl in parachutes pretty much suspended around me.
as i stood there "elisha" released her parachute and grabbed my hand. when she grabbed my hand it was like a teleportation. we found ourselves as dates walking the red carpet to a movie premier. i had my arm around her waste as we walked down the red carpet and into a theater, where we sat in the 5th row in front of a movie screen.
apparently in this dream i had stared in this movie with her, and it was a very big deal.
when the reels to the movie started rolling and the opening credits began to show on the screen i woke up.
ive been realy puzzled as to what this dream means.
Anonymous, although your dream seems complex it doesn’t carry deeper and significant meaning. Sometimes dreaming about a famous actor or actress may be a wish-fulfilling dream.
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