House in Dreams

Each part of the house may deal with a different part of you.
The BASEMENT is built first. Dreaming about a basement and understanding the dream may provide you with valuable information which may lead to greater self-awareness. A recurring dream about basements (i.e. being in a basement, cleaning a basement, furnishing a basement, etc.) should not be ignored. These dreams may be symbolic of your unconscious, instincts and intuition, and degree of awareness of a current situation or a problem. The look of the basement may provide you with clues about your current feelings and state of contentment. If the basement is a mess, and you see great disorder and clutter, it suggests that you may be experiencing confusion and that it is a very good time to "sort" things out emotionally and psychologically. At times, the activities which are going on in the basement of your dream may be based on past experiences or childhood memories.
The KITCHEN is the heart of the house. For most families, the kitchen is a place of warmth and nourishment (emotional as well as physical). Examine the conditions of your dream kitchen and you may become aware of some emotional needs and feelings toward yourself and others.
BATHROOM in dreams is equally valuable symbol. It suggests that there is a need for emotional and psychological cleansing. You may need to get rid of emotional and psychological baggage.
The ATTIC is the last thing built. Consider the details of the dream and try to figure out what your unconscious is trying to tell you. The attic symbolizes the higher self or the best self. Some think that the attic symbolizes the sum total of your life's work or it may predict how well you will do in old age. If the attic is full of "neat" stuff, it may imply that you are accomplishing wonderful things and are living up to your potential in this lifetime.
I had this dream once where I was in a underground book store which was part of a town. I was chased out of there by ninjas and I went above ground and I found myself in a bedroom filled with a family who were sleeping there. Their son however was in another room and he later married me. I left that place and then found myself in a maze/warehouse filled with red blocks. I later came to an area filled with action figures of Slash and then a bathroom with glass door.
these few days, i've been dreaming about sex or just things about sex...why is it like this...and i dont want these sex dreams too..
Anonymous, SEXUAL dreams usually express hidden desires; the way we would like to express sexually, or problems in this area. What is important is to attempt an understanding of what setting or drama the sexual element occur in. It is very difficult to name just a few possible interpretations for sexual dreams. It is so complex that interpretations vary with each dream and situation in the dream. A sexual dream may be about physical pleasure, but it may also be about power, control, manipulation, virility, and effectiveness. It may be a form of wish fulfillment or a memory, or compensation for a lack in daily life. In most cases, it is not a prediction of things to come in the near future. Freud believed that experiencing sexual pleasure in your dreams is always desire or wish-fulfillment. If you are watching other people having sex it may be a reflection on your emotional and mental concerns about sexual performance or interaction.
Anonymous, UNDERGROUND in dreams usually symbolizes inner feelings, unconscious direction and tendencies, things that influence you that act below the level of your everyday awareness. This could include childhood feelings or painful memories that are suppressed; instinctive or intuitive responses; family or personal attitudes that are deeply habitual. Maze in dreams often portrays the confusion of ideas and feelings, the conflicting urges and opinions, the difficulty in finding your way through the mass of apparently irrational emotions and images arising from within, or the variety of opinions and authoritative sources of information outside. This area of self is sometimes an area of seeming chaos. It needs some other level of you than the balanced mind, the intuitive ability, to guide you through.
Your dream is telling that sometimes you need to admit you are lost and need help.
What about 2 people sharing the same, but different, dream? It was between my babysitter and I. (She used to stay with my sisters and I over night while my parents worked the night shift. At the time, my sitter lived 2 houses away.)
Long story short, when I was a child I had a dream that my parents were arguing and in turn, I was shot in the head and felt myself die. I was in the 'black room' and woke up. It was approximately 2AM.
At the same time, my sitter had a dream that her family heard a gunshot at my home. She then also woke up approximately 2AM.
We both went back to sleep not knowing that each other woke up at the same time. We slept on different floors in the house (I was on the second floor, she is on the 1st floor. The bed she was sleeping in was directly below mine.)
When we went back to sleep,she had a dream that she was at my funeral. At the same time I dreamt that I was at my funeral. One of the people that I did notice at my funeral was my sitter.
The next morning, we both shared our dreams with each other finding out that we had very similar dreams about the same thing. We both were amazed.
I was just wondering if you have heard of people sharing dreams like that and what it means. Also, since I know that it has been done once, could I do it again if I tried. I am now just about 39 years old and that dream has always facinated me since I was a child. But noone has been able to give me any answers.
Anne, you and your sitter had a mutual dream. It is a phenomenon in which two people experience a dream together. The dream might have comparable elements (such as the same setting or activity) or they might be identical in virtually every aspect. A mutual dream is also called a "reciprocal dream" or "shared dream.
Mutual dreams imply an objective dreamscape. We generally believe that dreams occur within an individual's mind, in a fabricated dreamscape, but mutual dreams apparently happen in an actual "location" in a different world where the two dreamers can meet
We can incubate a mutual dream. During wakefulness, we can talk to the person to agree on a dreamscape scenario which we would like to experience together. Then we incubate that dreamscape and an image of the other person. Some people have reported success in this technique; the achievement was verified when they met during wakefulness and discovered that their dreams had indeed occurred in an identical location and that the activities in both people's dreams were similar
Hi Spirita,
It's me again, I had this dream last night, ironically it was about a house that was on fire. It was a big mansion style. Everyone got out except my 4 year old son. I was the one who ran back in barefoot to get him. I searched every room, flames were everywhere and my feet were burning. I found him up in the third floor playing. I grabbed him up and said, Bug we are going on an adventure and we went through the flames with me carrying him and my feet were bloody and burnt. We made it out ok, but when I looked down my feet were fine and I was hugging my son. I seen the dream analysis about the house, but not a house on fire. Any ideas? Thanks.
i had a dream i was shopping with my cousin when i purchased some shoes that i thought would fit me, to find out they were a half size too big and my foot was sliding in and out of it and there was like an inch or two of space in the back by the heel?? I have no clue what this means, please help. Thank You.
what about a friend who recently dreamt that me and my girlfriend broke up? whats the interpretation of this dream?
I dreamed that I went to visit my ex boyfriend (we live quite far away from each other and that was a reason for our breakup). In my dream we were driving by the ocean. He pulls the car over and starts swimming in the water. I don't want to get in, so I sit by the side and watch him, fully clothed. After swimming for a while he comes up to me and asks me why I don't move to be with him (to the city where he lives)...he said that he thinks I am unhappy where I am and that I could have a good life if I came to be with him...that he would take care of me, basically. I was apprehensive in the dream, but I really wanted to be with him. The dialogue was all quite vivid and the dream felt real. What do you think that this dream means?
I had a dream that my sister died. I felt part of me die and I was there in the room but only saw her toes and saw that the nail polish was fading and chipped and asked the person in the room if I could paint her nails before they buried her. In another segment of the dream during the same night, I had a dream that my mother died. My sister and brother were there with me and it felt very real. I was crying and crying in my dream and felt so devastated. I woke up and saw a picture of my mom in a family picture by my bed and I started crying, thinking she had died. What does all this mean? I have been disturbed by it all day.
Anonymous, your FRIEND'S dream about your break-up doesn’t carry significant meaning. It is not prediction or sign, just simple dream without meaning.
Anonymous, in your dream about the SHOES, you may be expressing unconscious feelings of insecurity and lack of confidence. Shoes in dreams very often link with your standing in life, your role, or situation.
Anonymous, it is very common for people to dream about EX-partners. Individuals that have been an important part of our lives continue to take up a part of our mind and heart. Just because the relationship ends does not mean that all is finished. You will continue to dream about your ex- boyfriend until you "let go" of him on a very important level, or until you learned your lessons from that relationship. Either way, dreaming about your ex-romance does not predict future involvement. It may be wish-fulfillment, reliving memories, or working out old issues.
Anonymous, seeing someone DEAD in your dream suggests you are realizing that some part of yourself, or your feelings, are no longer expressing fully. This dream also could portray some feelings or actions you have denied. For instance you might kill your love for someone if they hurt you. This could be shown as a dead body in your dreams. Dream could also uncover your fear of death and your fear about losing the people you love.
Shelly, your dream has a deeply spiritual symbolism representing transformation and enlightenment. At the same time this dream is encouraging you to alter those things in your life that may be hurtful and dangerous. Dream of being in flames, can suggest either purification, the burning out of old attitudes or experiences, or deep personal suffering. Your dream signifies purification.
Generally speaking this dream portrays an action you take to preserve something important inside yourself from being destroyed by common held attitudes or ways of life.
I keep having a dream (for many years) about moving to a different house, for a while the house was yellow in a small town, quainte etc., but more recently it is different houses, different locations etc. One thing in common is that I need to renovate all of these houses, some are large homes, some are smaller, some spooky, some homey, but always, always about moving to a different house.
Devilishdeeee, the quality of your movement in the dream shows the message. Your dreams mean you are coping well with situation. Dream portrays your flexibility, adaptability and mental quickness. It could also signifies self acceptance and thus easy expression of yourself; feeling in harmony with emotions and sexuality.
I keep having a reoccuring dream, that I find a new door in my house. I open the door and find another room and sometimes a whole house. Sometimes there is a new familly. I see the rooms in complete detail, bedroom, kitchen, balcony, garage, hallways. The kitchen was extrodinary, it had a soda fountain and a pickle machine.
Once I became a black person (I am white) and didn't know how to comb my hair. I was in front of the mirror in a bed room. Although the dream doesn't bother me, I wonder about it. Thanks
Anonymous, discovering new spaces is a fairly unusual theme. This dream typically occurs when you feel that a new aspect of your personality is opening up, a potential you had not anticipated. This type of dreams usually means that you feel as you've found something wonderful and amazing that you didn't know was there before. This may be just what you want, or something that you want to explore. You may feel as though things are opening up, that you feel free.
Questions to ask yourself to better understand this reoccurring dream are: Have you met a new love interest? Are you unlocking an emotional area that you have kept tightly closed in the past? Is your health improving dramatically? Are you feeling more open to spirituality?
thanks spirita.. i had another dream about him, to do with making out with him, some shit wherein we planned to, but could not cause of ppl or something..
i guess i am obsessed with him.
is my mind asking me to see a shrink or take this more seriously, or take this less seriously..
Anamika, there is no need to see a shrink. It is very common for people to dream about ex-partners. Individuals that have been an important part of our lives continue to take up a part of our mind and heart. It is impossible to very dramatically shut the person out of thoughts and feelings. Just because the relationship ends does not mean that all is finished. As we go through relationships we learn and at times pick up "battle wounds." You will continue to dream about your ex boyfriend until you "let go" of him on a very important level, or until you learned your lessons from that relationship. Either way, dreaming about your ex-romance does not predict future involvement. It may be wish-fulfillment, reliving memories, or working out old issues.
Hi, I wanted your opinion on certain elements in my dreams. The one that stands out the most to me has certain recurring elements in common with other dreams. Darkness, and wolves. In one dream I was going to the basement to obtain something I wanted to share with someone I was teaching (sharing with) I crossed the dark basement to stairs that went to a lower basement under the first. I stopped at the foot of the stairs and peered through the half lit basement. And I knew what I needed was in the unlit corner. I was too scared of what I might find. I returned to the first basement as a cat jumped into the ceiling crawlspace of that basement. I looked into the darkness and many eyes peered back at me. Then a pack of wolves jumped down and went out a side door into the night outside. One looked at me as they went. What do you think the significance is of me dreaming about wolves living in my basement coming and going as they please?
Anonymous, you may consider your recurring dreams about DARKNESS and WOLVES as a sign from your unconscious. Basement is often used in dreams and represents hidden motives, unconscious, unknown feelings, memories or past experiences, your biological past, and the place where your conscious mind contacts hidden powers, universal wisdom, and even other minds. Fears and terrors often come from downstairs. This is because it is the place you hide your old memories and hurts - in the unconscious.
Darkness in dreams signifies the lack of understanding; difficult to grasp, obscure feelings emanating from unconscious sources; depressed or unhappy feelings.
Although the wolf can depict a feeling that 'things' are out to get you, the wolves in your dream often signify just your fears. Fear is one of your instinctive reactions to situations, so is shown by an animal. You may find yourself a prisoner of such feelings. Also your dreams could represent the fear of powerful sexuality; repressed sexuality or anger.
I had a very vivid dream that I don't understand the meaning of. Could you help?
I live in an enormous 3 story home with an amazing front yard & back yard. My home is made entirely of wood. I'm not sure what kind but it's the beautiful I've ever seen & it made you feel warm & at home. My neighborhood is pretty quiet. It's actually quiet boring. That's why I decided to leave my home during the summer to go to a sort of summer camp. Before I left, I threw a party with some of my closest friends cause they wanted to see my home. They all thought it was amazing. I still do. I share a room with my sister. Our room is on the second & third floor. We have a small set of stairs at our door & in our room. Outside my door, we have an empty bookcase closest & next to it is an old grandfather clock closest. We never bothered to see if we could make it work again. My brothers lived on the second floor next to the small kitchen near my room. The older one slept on the side closer to my room while the younger one slept closer to my parents room. Their room door it's one you turn with a knob. It's actually like wooden panels you see from windows except they're bigger. We partied till around midnight before everyone left. Some helped us clean up. When we finally got to camp, it wasn't that grand. I met a lot of new people but none who interested me so much. So I left. Rather, I made myself a loner. It went by so fast, I can't remember a thing. On the dusk that we came home, I saw two girls looking out the huge window we have on the second floor. Then I noticed, my neighborhood changed. I now live in a small city. Everything was starting to light up. It was starting to rain so we all went inside. My sister was the first to greet the girls. I guess they were childhood friends I forgot about. My brothers said hi & went on their way to their room. I just stood there feeling dumbstruck when my mom came down the stairs from her room. She said they were cousins or friends.
Then I woke up. This happened a while ago but I still remember it very well.
I had a dream a few nights ago about being in a house with an old lady. i followed her into a small room and in this room on shelves were jars of candy all lined up. i am not sure what the dream is trying to tell me. can you help?
SJ, the woman in your dream could be your mother. Candies represent childhood pleasures or rewards. So they may relate to something you want desperately or hunger for in a childlike or dependent way.
last night i had a dream that when i drove to my parents house the whole neighborhood had been torn down and new houses and apartments has been put up in their place in a week's time! Everything was was so weird. Also there was a skunk that kept getting in the house and I was trying to get him out. Everytime I would get him out, i'd turn around and he'd be back in and if i got too close he'd try to spray me.
Sweet-n-sassy,the skunk in your dream symbolizes reputation and it is up to you to determine whether yours "smells" or not. You can engender respect in others if you mean what you say and say what you mean. The skunk moves about, minds its own business and only sprays when it is challenged. the skunk tells you to learn the best way to assert yourself without causing others to "spray" you. prepare to be noticed by others if the skunk appears in your dream
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