Intuition is the wisdom within you: when you know who’s’ calling before you pick up the phone; when you take an immediate liking to someone after only briefly seeing them in a picture and when you feel excited at the thought of a meeting that has not yet happened. When you listen to and trust your intuition, you begin to notice that it gently and beautifully points the way and offers you the truth in every situation...more
Spirita I really like people who try to uncover the hidden realms of our mind, your articles are very interesting. I liked the one about nightmares, fear and anxiety... I'm 22. I`m Chilean so I'm sorry for my english :) I would
like you to try to interpret the next dreams... I think they're similar...
"I'm with my family in our house watching the news on tv, the news are about a war... the images are very strong...soldiers killing each other etc...(In the dream I thought how is it possible that some people want to be soldiers if they have to kill?) I got scared because I thought that that was the beginig of the world war III and they could use nuclear weapons now (bombs)...then I began to walk downstairs where I could see about three torture devices with some blood on them as if they were used recently...after that in the news began to show the posible places whre the nuclear rockets will fall, they were satelite images with the topography of the continents...In my country I live in the sixth region and it was one of the places of the images... I was very worried so I went up to my bedroom in the second story to see outside because there is a window and you can see all the city really well... one of those times that I went up I could see an enormous mass of fire approaching so I went downstairs to take my sister because I know we were going to die so I decided that her last memmory or momento was one of love and affection... in that momment I started to feel the radiation entering my body so I took my sister,who was sleeping, to the patio where we waited hugged on the ground the end."
That is the first dream the other that I found similar is shorter:
"It was an earthquake and my sister and I were going downstairs from the second story but the house fell down upon us"
Spirita I really like people who try to uncover the hidden realms of our mind, your articles are very interesting. I liked the one about nightmares, fear and anxiety...
I'm 22. I`m Chilean so I'm sorry for my english :) I would
like you to try to interpret the next dreams... I think they're similar...
"I'm with my family in our house watching the news on tv, the news are about a war... the images are very strong...soldiers killing each other etc...(In the dream I thought how is it possible that some people want to be soldiers if they have to kill?) I got scared because I thought that that was the beginig of the world war III and they could use nuclear weapons now (bombs)...then I began to walk downstairs where I could see about three torture devices with some blood on them as if they were used recently...after that in the news began to show the posible places whre the nuclear rockets will fall, they were satelite images with the topography of the continents...In my country I live in the sixth region and it was one of the places of the images... I was very worried so I went up to my bedroom in the second story to see outside because there is a window and you can see all the city really well... one of those times that I went up I could see an enormous mass of fire approaching so I went downstairs to take my sister because I know we were going to die so I decided that her last memmory or momento was one of love and affection... in that momment I started to feel the radiation entering my body so I took my sister,who was sleeping, to the patio where we waited hugged on the ground the end."
That is the first dream the other that I found similar is shorter:
"It was an earthquake and my sister and I were going downstairs from the second story but the house fell down upon us"
Thanks :)
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