Sexual Dreams

Dreams are a rich source of fantasy and can be a way to deal with unfulfilled desires from waking life. Also as dreams are messages from the unconscious mind they can reveal our deep feelings and our true motivations. In particular they can bring to light many repressed sexual desires, our guilty feelings or our unexpressed fears about sex.
The person's desire for greater fulfillment may be expressed in erotic dreams. If the sexual repression is severe, the dreams may be filled with sexual situations that the person would find shocking, embarrassing, or confusing. In such cases, there is often a big difference between the person's waking sexuality and the sexuality displayed in dreams.
The person's day-to-day life may be emotionally sterile and sensually barren, but the dream life is full of eroticism and steamy sexual encounters. By paying attention to your dreams you can learn about your needs and desires and perhaps discover ways to make your life more sensual if necessary.
Your sexual dreams may also reveal things about the way you feel about your relationships and your shared sexual behaviour. Erotic dreams usually occur at times when you need a certain amount of release from tension. They are a safety valve that lets out your pent-up frustrations and sexual inhibitions. They may compensate for your unfulfilled sex. People who have balanced and happy sex lives in their waking life do not, as a general rule, dream about sex.
I had a dream awhile back that I lost my virginity to my brother...It was sickening really. When I woke up I spent an hour in the shower trying to make myself feel clean again. My dream doesn't mean I want to have sex with my brother does it? Because I in now ay feel any attraction towards him or any feelings other than sisterly love.
Anonymous, I believe your dream about having intercourse with your brother is extremely disturbing dream, but it does not necessarily have anything to do with sex. It is possible that you may be worried about other aspects of your family life. If this dream persists, you may consider talking to a professional about it. If you are currently making important decisions, don't do anything that is morally questionable because you are already experiencing disturbing dreams associated with taboos that bring up feelings of guilt and shame.
1.)I'm still a virgin but i have had sexual dreams before. and not to sound disgusting but i can actually feel it like i've experienced it. or is this just my imagination
2.)also in my dreams, i've dreamed of people that I know of but i haven't seen them for awhile or even thought about them. so why do they all of a sudden come in my dream
dreams are so weird sometimes. sometimes i wake up thinking of how the dream also happened in real life before deja vu or maybe it had occurred in a past dream..i couldn't tell the differnce if it was deja vu or just an old dream..
but thanks
Anonymous, one of the most common dream themes is about sex. In the unconscious—the origin of all dreams—sexual images and feelings signify a need to be seen or to be noticed as a way to compensate for a deep fear of being abandoned or ignored.
Very often dreams are filled with people. Each dream is very special and carries its own unique message. When interpreting this dream with people in it, consider all of the details and the feelings in the dream. If the person is known to you, think about your relationship with him or her and the issues that the dream has brought up. Strangers in your dreams represent different parts of yourself and are extensions and projections of your own personality.
Okay...I am single. There is a guy I really like, he is really nice to me, he is fun to be around, and can always make me laugh no matter what. He is always bragging about his body (Kind of a turn on) and he is cute...
The thing is, he knows I like him, and he acts goofy around me to get my attention when he isn't talking to we may end up going out soon...
We are both in a martial art, and that is what I mainly dream about...him and I, in martial arts, but in every dream I have about him and I, we end up having sex in the end, whether it is at his house (where I have never been or seen...) or in his car, and he is always in control...what does it mean?
hi Spirita.well.yesterday afternoon.,i had a dream.
i dreamt that it was after my final exams.i was walking down a dark alley when i see a bunch of my friends along with my crush(there was even a guy i don't know personally or never met,but who i've seen in pictures).it took me awhile to realise it was him.when i looked back they had already i turned back & went to look for them.on the way,i met one of my other friends,this girl & together we found the guys.suddenly,it turns to daylight! & me & my friends are crossing a road.i cross over first & then sit down on the bence nearby with my bagpack.suddenly,my crush comes up from behind me,puts a hand right in front of my face & says hi.we talk for awhile(for some reason he's wearing the coat he wore for the prom last year).then he stands up & bends to tie his shoe & at that time he leans so close to my chest,that i can feel his hair brushing aginst me & even smell it(it smelt really good & so real)...then my dad woke me up :)
just for the info,i told my crush abt my feelings last year & asked him if he felt the same.he replied with a !I would have said yes,but i'm not looking for a relationship right i'm getting over this girl".after that both of us never talked to each other,online or in real life.he even stopped coming online.lately he's started coming online plus he's even initiating conversations with me.not in real life though,just online.
i just thought this info might be of connection to the dream somehow.sorry for the long discription,but i think more detail can enable you to give me a more accurate explanation.
thank you very much for taking the time...
UMI, in the unconscious—the origin of all dreams—sexual images and feelings signify a need to be seen or to be noticed as a way to compensate for a deep fear of being abandoned or ignored.
Your dream is not a prediction of things to come in the near future. Freud believed that experiencing sexual pleasure in your dreams is always desire or wish-fulfillment. This type of dream is a symbol of wishes that can't be fulfilled because they've been repressed. Often these erotic wishes can't even be expressed directly in consciousness, because they are forbidden, so they come out in dreams. At the other hand, if you are currently experiencing sadness this dream may be an attempt to compensate and to comfort you.
I'm married ,my husband & I have a great sexual relationship but I keep dreaming of having sex with a guy that I had crush on in high school (It's been 11 years since graduation),and Judge Mathis a celebrity judge on television.I know for a fact that I will not have sex with niether of them but the dreams feel so real that I climax and I remember everyone of them.What do this mean?
Anonymous, at times people have dreams about cheating on their spouses as a response to a long and monogamous relationship. The dream may be a compensation for boredom, monotony or unhappiness. In the unconscious - the origin of all dreams - sexual images and feelings signify a need to be seen or to be noticed as a way to compensate for a deep fear of being abandoned or ignored.
I'm 25 and have all brothers. I have a younger cousin whom is 15. I keep having very deep and emotional feelings for her and always dream about having sex with her. It has happened more than once. What does it mean?
Anonymous, this incestuous dream could be an extremely alarming one, but it does not necessarily have anything to do with sex. It is possible that you may be worried about other aspects of your family life. If this dream persists, you may consider talking to a professional about it.
I am a virgin and every time i have a sex dream, I can feel it everything. And I keep having dreams about my teacher. What does this mean.
Thank you.
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